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Does the G-spot exist? New study fuels debate

The elusive G-spot has been found, a researcher claims in a new report.

"It's a grape-like structure. Nothing else looks similar."

- Dr. Adam Ostrzenski, of the Institute of Gynecology, Inc., in St. Petersburg, Fla

The famed orgasmic spot was identified as a region of tissue, about a third of an inch long and one-tenth of an inch wide, located on the anterior (towards the front of the body) vaginal wall, said Dr. Adam Ostrzenski, of the Institute of Gynecology, Inc., in St. Petersburg, Fla.

"It's a grape-like structure," Ostrzenski said. "Nothing else looks similar."

For his research, Ostrzenski examined the cadaver of an 83-year-old woman who had died from head trauma.

The structure that Ostrzenski found was sitting within a sac of protective tissue. When he removed the tissue from the sac - a careful dissection that took seven hours, he said - the tissue extended greatly in its size.

"When you remove it, it extends like an accordion," he said, likely because the structure is composed of erectile tissue.  

Still, Ostrzenski noted that he did not look at the tissue under a microscope (the permission he had to work with the body did not allow such an examination, he said), and such a microscopic analysis could have led to a stronger conclusion that this tissue was, in fact, the G-spot.

Other experts were skeptical that the findings truly revealed the G-spot.

"This study adds to the debate, but as a whole, it doesn't contribute new information" to what we know about the G-spot, said Dr. Amichai Kilchevsky, a urology resident at Yale-New Haven Hospital in Connecticut.

Kilchevsky recently led an analysis of 60 years of studies that had attempted to identify the G-spot. He concluded that the spot does not exist, and the new findings don't change his opinion, he said.

About a half-dozen of the studies Kilchevsky reviewed were done on corpses - some included 20 to 30 bodies, and the results from those studies were mixed.

In some of those studies, researchers had looked at the tissue on a microscopic level to find nerve enervation of the anterior vaginal wall, he said. "Some studies showed that there are more nerve endings in a specific regions, other studies didn't," he said.

Ostrzenski's study included "one cadaver, where they dissected an unknown structure, did no testing on the actual organ, and had no background information on the patient before her death," he said.

A more detailed analysis could have revealed more about the tissue, including whether certain chemicals associated with female sexual arousal were present, Kilchevsky said. But in any case, researchers are likely to learn more from dynamic studies of living patients - such as functional MRIs, which can show what happens to tissue when it's stimulated, he said.

The tissue that Ostrzenski found could perhaps be the internal portion of the clitoris, Kilchevsky said.

The new findings are published Wednesday in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

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Article from FOXNEWS

Arizona police scale back search for missing girl

  • April 21: Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, whose parents say was missing from her bedroom when they awoke on Saturday.Tucson Police Department

  • April 22: An alley path behind the street where a 6-year-old girl went missing from her home is cut off with police tape in Tucson.AP

  • April 23: Little children with their parents light and hold candles at a vigil in the parking lot near a police command post in Tucson, Ariz., in honor of the missing 6-year-old Isabel Celis.AP Photo/ Benjie Sanders/Arizona Daily Star

Police are scaling back search efforts for a 6-year-old girl who was last seen Friday night when she was getting ready for bed in her Tucson home.

"It still has a search component to it," Tucson Police Chief Roberto Villasenor said at a Wednesday morning press conference. "But mostly, what I would consider this now is just the investigation into a missing child."

Officials expected to wrap up their intensive search for Isabel Mercedes Celis by Wednesday morning.

"Obviously, I'm disappointed that we haven't found her at this point. But that doesn't mean we're giving up hope or that we're not going to continue to use all the resources that we need to try and find her and follow up on these leads," Villasenor said.

The FBI has also brought in specially trained profilers to help in the search.

More than 20 officers had worked through Tuesday night in the neighborhood surrounding Isabel's home, Villasenor said. That's a sharp reduction from the 150 officers from various agencies who first took part in the search.

Villasenor said the drop in personnel doesn't mean authorities have given up hope of finding Isabel alive.

He said police will be shifting from searching to an investigative phase, since investigators have re-visited sites they believe could be relevant.

About 50 officers finished searching a city landfill, but Villasenor would not disclose if any leads were found. Authorities had said the landfill search was conducted because trash had been taken out Saturday before police could secure the home.

Authorities said they were following more than 260 tips in the case.

Investigators have kept Isabel's family away from the home as they search for clues to her disappearance from her bedroom.

On Monday, FBI dogs -- one that can find human remains and the other used for search and rescue -- went through the home and turned up information that required a follow-up, but police declined to say what that was.

Investigators from the FBI were going through the home again Tuesday, and the family had not returned, said Lt. Matt Ronstadt, a Tucson police spokesman.

Since Saturday, investigators and volunteers have fanned across the neighborhood searching for clues. Volunteers posted fliers with a photo of Isabel -- about 4 feet tall with brown hair and hazel eyes -- holding a school award.

Her parents, identified by friends as Becky and Sergio Celis, told investigators they last saw the first-grader at 11 p.m. Friday. Her mother, a nurse, was at work Saturday when her father went to wake her at 8 a.m. and discovered her missing, police said.

Police call the case a "suspicious disappearance/possible abduction."

"We're not ruling anything out of the investigation at this point because we really need to keep our mind open about all the information that's been brought to us," Villasenor has said.

He said at a briefing Tuesday that the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, which has been assisting investigators, now considers Isabel's disappearance the highest-profile case in the nation right now.

The Pima County attorney's office is offering a $6,000 reward, which includes an anonymous donation of $5,000.

The Associated press contributed to this report.

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Article from FOXNEWS

Junior high school students build 358 mpg car- New Jersey adds \'road rage\' kicker to traffic violations- Top ten fastest cars in the world

Is Detroit looking for interns?

A group of junior high school students from Missouri have built a car that gets 358 mpg.

Under the guidance of their industrial technology instructor, Marcus Reynolds, the seventh and eighth graders from Aurora Jr. High School used their creation to win the Missouri SuperMileage Challenge, competing against teams made up of older high school students.

The single-seat car weighs about 100 pounds and is powered by a 1.3 hp 35 cc Robin/Subaru motor that is typically used on motorized bicycles. A custom two-speed gearbox was built for the car and its streamlined corrugated plastic bodywork designed using scale models shaped in a small wind tunnel at the school.

At the event, the car was tested over 10 laps around a .48 mile-long highway patrol training track that incorporated several elevation changes and a 180 degree hairpin turn. The driver used the “pulse and glide” method for fuel efficient driving, which involves short bursts of acceleration followed by long periods of coasting off the power.

Next year Reynolds will be moving with several of his students to Aurora's high school where he hopes to raise enough money to enter a car in prestigious Shell Eco Marathon against college teams from across the country. If they make it, the kids from Aurora will need to step up their game, the current world record for fuel economy is 15,212 mpg, set at an Eco Marathon event in France in 2005.

Read: 10 fuel-sipping classics

Article from FOXNEWS

Top Gingrich Aides Say Campaign Has a Week

  • April 25, 2012: Newt Gingrich speaks in Cramerton, N.C.AP

Newt Gingrich plans to formally leave the Republican presidential race next Tuesday, senior campaign aides told Fox News, after struggling for months to turn around his sagging bid for the White House. 

The former House speaker will "more than likely" endorse Mitt Romney when he makes his announcement to either suspend or end the campaign, a source said. 

The decision comes after Gingrich huddled with senior advisers following the five primaries Romney swept on Tuesday night. Romney's victories made it virtually impossible for Gingrich to secure the 1,144 delegates needed for the Republican nomination. 

Gingrich's exit is a stark turnaround from his public posture just a few months back, when in December he confidently declared following his rise in national polls that he's "going to be the nominee." His campaign then flagged until his blockbuster victory in the South Carolina primary in late January -- Gingrich failed to follow that up with any victories save for a win in his home state of Georgia, as Romney marched steadily toward the nomination.  

Gingrich and Ron Paul were the only Romney rivals remaining after Rick Santorum bowed out earlier this month. Meanwhile, Gingrich continues to receive protection from a scaled-back Secret Service detail, though it's unclear whether that will change before his announcement. Bloomberg/Business Week recently estimated that the detail is costing taxpayers at least $40,000 a day. 

For several weeks, Gingrich staffers have been reviewing accounts and making preparations. Gingrich had been holding out hope for a strong performance at least in Delaware Tuesday night. Absent that, Gingrich decided to plan for his exit next week. 

He will complete his North Carolina schedule this week, making it something of a goodbye tour while supporters, friends and family arrive from across the country for his departure from the race. 

Earlier on the trail, Gingrich signaled Wednesday morning that he was preparing to drop out. Telling a breakfast gathering of county Republicans in North Carolina that it's clear Romney will be the nominee, Gingrich said the campaign is "working out the details of our transition" and will have more information in the coming days. 

"I think you have to be honest at some point about what's happening in the real world as opposed to what you'd have like to have happened," Gingrich said, praising the front-runner's primary performances Tuesday night. 

"This guy has worked for six years, put together a big machine, and has put together a serious campaign," he said. "I think obviously that I would be a better candidate, but the objective fact is that the voters didn't think that." 

Gingrich said he plans to complete his campaign schedule in North Carolina, which runs through Friday, but "I want you to know that I've been coming here a long time as a citizen, I'm going to keep coming as a citizen, I have a schedule through the rest of the week as a citizen." 

Gingrich said that he and Callista are still committed to going to Tampa, but made it clear that they would be attending as Romney supporters and not as spoilers for the nomination. 

"I do think it's pretty clear that Gov. Romney is ultimately going to be the nominee and we're going to do everything we can to make sure that he is, in fact, effective and that we as a team are effective both in winning this fall and then, frankly, in governing," he said. 

Fox News'  Carl Cameron and Joy Lin contributed to this report.

Article from FOXNEWS

Justices cast doubt on government\'s argument in immigration case

Supreme Court justices questioned U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli closely about the government's argument that Arizona cannot require police officers to ask about immigration status during stops at oral arguments Wednesday.

The justices asked Verrilli why the federal government has set up a system for local police officers to ask and answer questions about suspects' immigration statuses if it did not intend for local officers to do so. "It seems to me the federal government just doesn't want to know who's here illegally or not," Chief Justice John Roberts said. Verrilli denied that and said that once immigration checks become mandatory and a state policy, they interfere with the federal government's immigration priorities and could cause problems with other nations if large numbers of illegal immigrants are jailed in Arizona under SB1070's other statutes. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, part of the court's liberal wing, interrupted Verrilli to tell him she was "very confused" by his argument about why the state is not allowed to question people about their status.

Justice Kennedy, generally the Court's swing vote, asked repeatedly about how long someone would be detained while a police officer checked his or her status. Paul Clement, representing Arizona, said it would take an average of 11 minutes. Verrilli countered that it takes 70 minutes, when you take into account the hour wait to get through to the federal government's databases.

The lawyers also sparred over whether the statute's criminalization of illegal immigrants seeking work conflicts with Congress' intent, since the major 1986 immigration law only criminalizes employers, not employees. Verrilli said it would be an "extraordinary" step to jail illegal immigrants for seeking work.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, the bill's author, and Romney adviser Kris Kobach, along with ousted Arizona state senator Russell Pearce were in the audience.

Outside the courthouse, Pearce said he was very "pleased" with how the arguments went. "I think it will be a minimum of 5-3" in favor of Arizona, he told Yahoo News.

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[ [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Rupert Murdoch on phone-hacking: ‘That\'s a lazy way of reporting\'

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal Reserve has given the public increasingly more information about its work and its thinking. More doesn't always mean more revealing.

Investors aren't expected to learn much from the Fed's latest policy statement Wednesday or from its updated economic forecasts or from Chairman Ben Bernanke's quarterly news conference.

Most economists think all that information will confirm a few common beliefs: That the Fed plans to keep short-term interest rates at record lows through 2014. That it isn't going to launch any new program to ease long-term rates unless the economy weakens. But it isn't ruling out such a program, either.

"There is a lot going on in terms of communication, but nothing is going to change in terms of policy responses," predicted Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics.

That expectation marks a change in sentiment from three months ago. After their policy meeting in January, Bernanke and his colleagues hinted that they were edging closer to a third round of bond buying. The Fed's bond purchases have been intended to drive down long-term rates to encourage borrowing and spending.

But since then, signs have suggested that the U.S. economy has strengthened. And the European debt crisis looks less dire than when the year began. Those developments make a further round of Fed bond buying less likely, many economists say.

David Jones, chief economist at DMJ Advisors, predicts that Wednesday will be a "wait-and-watch meeting." He foresees "a very predictable outcome - no change in policy."

The prevailing view is that the Fed will retain its plan to keep its benchmark interest rate, the federal funds rate, at a record low until at least late 2014. The Fed set that target at its January meeting and left it unchanged at its March meeting.

The Fed's benchmark funds rate has been kept near zero since December 2008. That means consumer and business loans tied to that rate have also remained at super-low levels. The lower those loan rates, the more likely people and companies are to borrow and spend and invigorate the economy.

With the federal funds rate as low as the Fed can set it, the central bank has resorted to other unconventional steps to keep long-term rates down. Those rates, such as those for home loans, are set by financial markets.

The Fed has pursued two rounds of purchases of Treasury bonds and mortgage-backed securities. Those efforts have expanded its asset holdings by more than $2 trillion.

At his previous quarterly news conference in January, Bernanke said a third round of bond buying was an option that was "certainly on the table."

But more recently, Bernanke and other Fed officials have sounded less inclined to pursue further bond purchases. Private economists expect the Fed to keep more bond buying as at least an option. They point to the cloudy state of the economy in light of Europe's debt crisis, a potential new spike in oil prices and still-high unemployment.

"The economy is a little bit stronger than January, but there is a lot of uncertainty out there," said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial in Chicago. "Europe is in and out of a crisis, week by week. Oil prices look good now, but are they going to stay low?"

On Friday, the government will issue its first estimate of economic growth for the January-March quarter. Many economists are predicting an annual growth rate of 2.5 percent - better than they had expected when the year began. But analysts are concerned that growth could weaken in the current quarter, reflecting payback from an unusually warm winter that boosted economic activity in the first quarter.

The Fed's updated economic forecasts will be examined to see whether officials stick to their January assessments or have grown more upbeat about growth and hiring. A brighter Fed forecast would be seen as a sign that officials will be less likely to take further steps to support the economy for fear of causing high inflation.

One Fed bond-buying program is still underway: a $400 billion program dubbed Operation Twist. Under this program, the Fed sells shorter-term securities and buys longer-term bonds, to try to push down long-term rates. That program is scheduled to end in June. Many economists think the Fed will let it end on schedule.

If the Fed signals Wednesday that Operation Twist will end, it might disappoint investors, who could react by sending stock prices lower and bond yields higher.

"Any time there is a hint that there will be no more bond buying or no extension of Operation Twist, the markets get the jitters," Jones said. "There is a tendency for Treasury yields to move higher and for the stock market to weaken."

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Election outlook: 100 electoral votes will decide contest

FORT MEADE, Md. (AP) - A military judge refused on Wednesday to throw out the charges against an Army private accused of providing reams of sensitive documents to Wikileaks in the biggest leak of government secrets in U.S. history.

Army Col. Denise Lind denied the defense motion to dismiss all 22 charges during a pretrial hearing in the court-martial of Pfc. Bradley Manning. The ruling means the hearing that's mainly concerned with the exchange of evidence will continue. It's scheduled to run through Thursday.

The defense has filed a separate motion seeking dismissal of the most serious charge, aiding the enemy. That offense carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. Lind tentatively scheduled the trial to run from Sept. 21 through Oct. 12. Manning hasn't entered a plea to the charges.

Manning is accused of sending hundreds of thousands of sensitive documents to Wikileaks, the anti-secrecy website run by Julian Assange.

On Tuesday, the two sides engaged in a sometimes heated courtroom debate over defense claims that prosecutors haven't met their obligation to provide Manning's lawyers with evidence they uncover that could aid the defense, a process called discovery.

In seeking the dismissal, Manning's lawyers had argued that prosecutors were so slow in sharing required information with the defense that the only remedy was to throw out the charges.

Prosecutors said they worked diligently to meet their obligations. They maintained that they needed time to obtain documents from civilian agencies and search the records for relevant material. They also accused the defense of making an overly broad, vague request for information.

Lind asked the prosecutors on Tuesday for several government assessments of potential damage caused by Wikileaks' publication of the documents. She said she would review the assessments and determine whether they must be given to the defense team.

The 24-year-old Oklahoma native was ordered court-martialed after he was accused of downloading the documents, diplomatic cables and video clips, then sending them to WikiLeaks. He was working as an intelligence analyst in Baghdad when authorities say he copied classified material from government computers in late 2009 and early 2010.

The material WikiLeaks published included cockpit video of a 2007 U.S. Apache helicopter attack that killed a number of civilians, including a Reuters news photographer and his driver. The U.S. government says the civilian deaths were accidental.

Manning has been in pretrial confinement since he was charged in May 2010. His treatment at a Marine Corps base caused support for him to swell. The Quantico, Va., brig commander kept Manning confined 23 hours a day in a single-bed cell, citing safety and security concerns. For several days in March 2011, he was forced to sleep naked, purportedly for injury prevention, before he was issued a suicide-prevention smock.

Manning's supporters have raised funds to place posters in the Washington Metro subway system this week portraying him as a whistleblower, patriot and hero.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Napolitano: Secret Service scandal \'inexcusable\'

[ [ [['A picture is worth a thousand words', 5]], '', '[Related: Why Facebook bought Instagram: 4 theories]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 9]], '', '[Did you witness the jet crash? Share your story with Yahoo! News]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Dick Clark', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'Reuters', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Nature\'s Majestic Light Show

Article from FOXNEWS

Top Cities For Cheap Vacations

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has been compared to Arnold Schwarzenegger on the big screen, but would he ever consider following in the former movie action hero's political footsteps?

The WWE superstar and "G.I. Joe" actor is open to it.

"I wouldn't rule it out," Johnson told at the 2012 CinemaCon Convention Tuesday in Las Vegas.

"I think in order for politicians to be successful, you have to be passionate about politics,"  Johnson said. "I care about our country, but right now I can make impact in other ways."

LIST: The richest fictional movie characters.

One of those ways has been through his numerous action movies that has increased the wrestler's fan base outside of the squared circle. So much so that CinemaCon, the largest gathering of movie theatre owners in the world, is honoring him at this year's convention with the "Action Man of The Year" award.

Johnson's emergence as an iconic movie star is something he never expected to achieve during his early days as a wrestler.

"I had no idea that any of this was going to happen because I had no acting experience at all," said Johnson. "My goal is just to become a really great actor and create opportunities and hopefully have longevity in the business.

As far as a potential future campaign slogan, Johnson is keeping his lips sealed.

"I can't tell you that now, I'd have to wait," laughed Johnson.

Johnson's movie, "G.I. Joe," opens in theaters on June 29.

Pete Griffin is part of the Junior Reporter program at Fox News. Get more information on the program here.

Article from FOXNEWS

Al Gore inducted into Internet Hall of Fame

  • Jan. 13, 2012: Former U.S. Vice President and Current TV Chairman and co-founder Al Gore speaks during the panel for Current TV's "Politically Direct" at the Television Critics Association winter press tour in Pasadena, California.REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

Former Vice President Al Gore, who is often chided by comedians and political rivals for claiming to have invented the Internet, was inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame Tuesday.

Gore and 32 other Internet pioneers, innovators and global connectors were announced as part of the hall of fame's inaugural class at the Internet Society's Global INET 2012 conference in Geneva.

'I took the initiative in creating the Internet.'

- Al Gore, in 1999

Among the other inductees were "fathers of the Internet" Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf in the pioneer category; world wide web inventor Tim Berners-Lee in the innovator section; and Nancy Hafkin, who helped spread Internet use in Africa, in the global connector category.

Gore, whose actual quote in 1999 was, "I took the initiative in creating the Internet," was praised by the Internet Society as a global connector for "sponsoring legislation that funded the expansion of and greater public access to the Internet."

"Instrumental in helping to create the 'Information Superhighway,' Gore was one of the first government officials to recognize that the Internet's impact could reach beyond academia to fuel educational and economic growth as well," the group's description of Gore states.

Article from FOXNEWS

Atheist group wants cross taken off war memorial

A national atheist organization is demanding that a Rhode Island city remove a cross from a 91-year-old memorial honoring hometown soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their county.

Although the memorial has stood in the parking lot of the Woonsocket fire station for decades with no complaints, the Freedom from Religion Foundation is now calling for it to be stripped of the cross that sits atop it, claiming it violates the First Amendment's freedom of religion clause. The group also wants the Woonsocket Fire Department to remove “The Firefighter's Prayer” and a picture of an angel from its website.

Atheist group wants firefighter's 91-year-old war memorial and prayer removed:

"We ask that you immediately remove the cross from the Fire Station parking lot and remove the prayer and angel from the Woonsocket Fire Department website," the foundation's senior staff attorney, Rebecca Market, wrote in a letter to Woonsocket officials.

The memorial was erected nearly a century ago to honor the city's war dead, including three brothers killed in World War I. Mayor Leo Fontaine told the Woonsocket Call he will not remove the cross "under any circumstances."

Tom Poole, a disabled veteran, is one of many former soldiers in Woonsocket trying to protect the memorial cross, reports.

Roger Jalette, a longtime Woonsocket City Councilor, told FOX 25 that it could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to fight the group in court. The city is currently facing the possibility of bankruptcy and does not necessarily have the money to fight this battle.

Click for more on this report from

Article from FOXNEWS

Syrian opposition calls on UN to halt regime attacks

Activists said Syrian troops on Wednesday fired mortar shells and machine-guns at a Damascus suburb that was visited repeatedly by U.N. observers, prompting calls for the international mission to stay on in flashpoints to prevent regime attacks.

Activists say government troops have targeted opposition strongholds, such as the suburb of Douma, after monitors leave. They say the regime has halted shelling attacks in other areas where observers are deployed for longer periods.

Currently, 13 monitors are in Syria, but the team is to grow to 100 in a month and eventually to up to 300.

On Wednesday, regime forces pounded Douma for a second day, despite a visit by observers, said local activist Mohammed Saeed. He said regime forces fired before, during and after the visit, their third to Douma in three days.

Persistent bloodshed has tarnished efforts by observers to salvage a Syria truce that started to unravel almost as soon as it began on April 12. Despite the violence, the international community still sees the peace plan as the last chance to prevent the country from falling into civil war -- in part because there are no real alternatives.

Violence in Syria erupted more than 13 months ago, triggered by a brutal regime crackdown on what began as peaceful protests but gradually turned into an armed uprising.

The truce is intended to pave the way for talks between President Bashar Assad and those trying to bring him down on Syria's political future, but so far it appears to have only a limited impact on the violence.

Rebels have also kept up attacks. The state-run Syrian news agency SANA said a suicide bomber detonated a car packed with explosives near an army checkpoint along a highway in northwestern Syria on Wednesday, killing one member of the security forces and wounding two. Elsewhere, a roadside bomb went off in the northern Aleppo province, critically wounding three people, the agency said.

Syria restricts access to foreign journalists, and reports by activists and state media cannot be confirmed independently.

International envoy Kofi Annan told the U.N. Security Council on Tuesday that the situation in Syria is "bleak" and expressed alarm at continued regime attacks on towns where U.N. observers are not present. But he also expressed hoped that a speedy deployment of a 300-strong observer force authorized by the council could potentially "change the political dynamics" in Syria.

Opposition activists have said observers appear to make difference in areas where they stay for longer periods, such as the central city of Homs, where a pair of monitors has been deployed since the weekend. Homs had been hammered by regime artillery for weeks, but shelling stopped after the monitors arrived. Gunfights are still reported in some neighborhoods.

The city of Hama was also quiet Wednesday, a day after the U.N. said two observers were deployed there.

On Monday, after a brief observer visit to the city, more than 30 people were reported killed by regime forces in what activists portrayed as retaliation against those who dared to protest.

Local activist Mousab Alhamadee said a continued observer presence in Hama would embolden more people to demonstrate against the Assad regime.

"We usually go to demonstrations under shelling and fire," said the 30-year-old English teacher and translator. "Now, if we have the U.N. monitors with us, this will encourage us more, and we will go to our demonstrations in bigger numbers and hope the killing will stop."

Saeed, the Douma resident, said U.N. observers should also stay on in his neighborhood. So far, U.N. monitors have visited the suburb three times in three days. The Syrian news agency also reported that the observers were in Douma on Wednesday.

The suburb had come under heavy government attack on Tuesday, with at least eight people reported killed by shelling and heavy machine-gun fire. On Wednesday, government troops resumed their assault in the morning, firing tank cannon and heavy machine-guns, said Saeed. The Local Coordination Committees, a grassroots group of activists, reported bombardment with mortars and machine-guns.

Saeed said much of Douma has been without electricity for a day because of heavy damage caused by Tuesday's attacks. Residents are seeking cover from shelling on the lower floors of apartment buildings, he said. The streets are largely empty for fear of snipers on rooftops, he said. Among those killed Tuesday was a medical doctor killed by sniper fire while riding in an ambulance, he said.

An amateur video posted online from Douma Wednesday showed about 10 soldiers carring assault rifles and other weapons climbing out of the back of an armored vehicle while gunfire and explosions are heard in the background.

On Tuesday evening, rebel fighters firing rocket-propelled grenades in Douma killed a Syrian army officer and wounded three other troops, the Syrian news agency reported.

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Army Pfc. Bradley Manning, in handcuffs, is escorted out of a courthouse in Fort Meade, MarylandA military judge refused on Wednesday to dismiss the charges against an Army private accused in the biggest leak of government secrets in U.S. history.

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Ex-Edwards aide describes mistress as demanding- PHOTOS: Key players Edwards in trial

  • April 23, 2012: John Edwards arrives at federal court in Greensboro, N.C.AP

The John Edwards trial is quickly taking on the feel of a soap opera, as the prosecution's star witness returns to the stand Wednesday and continues to narrate the almost unbelievable drama that played out while Edwards tried to hide his affair. 

Former aide Andrew Young, on the stand Tuesday, painted an unflattering portrait of both Edwards and mistress Rielle Hunter -- whom he described as demanding even as she was being amply provided for. 

He described an elaborate scheme where heiress Rachel "Bunny" Mellon would funnel money to her interior decorator, who would then issue checks to Young and his wife. The Youngs provided Hunter with luxury accommodations, travel and even a BMW, according to the testimony. 

Young also described lavish accommodations provided by a second wealthy donor, Fred Baron. He said Hunter was often unsatisfied and demanded upgrades. At one Fort Lauderdale hotel, she criticized her room because it lacked "good energy," Young said. 

Mike Rich, a law professor at Elon University, said the latest testimony doesn't "impact any of the elements that the government has to prove." 

The government is trying to prove Edwards knew that the nearly $1 million in donations was being used to hide the affair -- and that it was being hid in order to protect his 2008 presidential bid, making those donations tantamount to an illegal campaign contribution. 

Still, Rich suggested the character attacks could have an impact. 

"The government has to convince the jury to be mad enough at John Edwards to want to convict him and name him as a criminal. And to do that, they need salacious details like this," he said. 

According to Young, when Edwards first learned his mistress was pregnant during his bid for the White House, "he said that she was a crazy slut and it was a 1-in-3 chance that it was his child." 

Young said Edwards later asked him to claim paternity of Hunter's daughter to shield his affair from the media spotlight. Young said he reluctantly agreed. 

"I wanted my friend to be president," he explained. "Being friends with the most powerful person on earth, there are benefits to that." 

Prosecutors claim the donations were "campaign contributions" in excess of the individual donor limit of $2,300 per election cycle. The defense team argues the funds were private gifts, and that Young used much of the money to build his own house in Chapel Hill, N.C. 

Edwards' lawyers on Wednesday may get their first opportunity to cross-examine Young. 

"They need to attack Andrew Young's credibility as much as possible," Rich said. 

According to the law professor, the attorneys will try to point out inconsistencies between Young's testimony in court and statements he's made before the trial and in his 2010 tell-all book, "The Politician." 

"Anything they can do to say not only that he's an untrustworthy guy, but point to things where he might have been lying right here in court," Rich said. 

Article from FOXNEWS

Dad reportedly admits locking daughter in dog cage

  • James Tapke pleaded guilty to the unlawful restraint of his daughter during an incident in January.Hamilton County Sheriff's Office

A Cincinnati dad was jailed for 30 days after admitting to tying up his 12-year-old daughter, locking her in a dog cage and threatening to electrify it, WKRC reported Wednesday.

James Tapke, from Springfield Township, pleaded guilty Tuesday to the unlawful restraint of his daughter during an incident in January.

Relatives raised the alarm after seeing pictures of the girl, bound with duct tape and caged, on Facebook.

The 41-year-old said he locked the girl in the dog cage as punishment because she was misbehaving.

The incident only lasted a few minutes, and the girl was not harmed, prosecutors said.

The girl is now in the custody of other family members.

Article from FOXNEWS

S. Africa airline: Free ticket for flying with several wives

A South African airline came up with a novel promotion this week for male passengers traveling with multiple wives.

Kulula Airlines, based in Johannesburg, is offering a free ticket for a man's fourth wife if the entire family flies together between the city and Cape Town.

The ad reads, "Not only will you get a great deal on flights for your first three wives, but your fourth wife will fly free, mahala, on the house."

The stunt, which runs until April 30, coincides with South African president Jacob Zuma's marriage to his fourth wife over the weekend. Zuma has been married six times in total, but one of his wives committed suicide in 2000, and he divorced his second in 1998.

Men looking to take advantage of the conjugal offer simply have to present a pre-bought ticket, proof of marriage and ID at the Kulula counter, and the fourth wife's ticket will be refunded.

The promotion reads, "Inspired by regular VIP travelers with sizable spousal entourages, the offer is open to all fourth wives when the family travels together on the Jo'burg to Cape Town route."

In 2010, the airline used one of its planes -- dubbed "Flying 101" -- and painted the exterior to show where various parts, such as the black box, were located.

Article from FOXNEWS

Report: Newt Gingrich to officially drop out of race

Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich speaks in Cramerton, N.C., Wednesday, April 25, 2012. (AP Photo/Chuck Burton)Newt Gingrich is likely to officially suspend his bid for the presidency on Tuesday, May 1, Fox News reports. Gingrich, who was considered Romney's chief rival at the start of the official Republican primary season in January, won two states, South Carolina and Georgia. (He represented Georgia in Congress for two decades.) The former House [...]

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Lawmaker: Colombian prostitutes or Russian spies?- 3 more agents ousted in Secret Service scandal- Panetta: Marines punished for prostitute attack

  • Sept. 7, 2011: Sen. Charles Grassley speaks on Capitol Hill.AP

Colombian prostitutes or Russian spies? 

GOP Sen. Charles Grassley posed the seemingly hypothetical question Tuesday as he continued to press for more details about the Colombia prostitution scandal that has rocked the Secret Service and U.S. military. 

Grassley, ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, again raised the concern that U.S. agents could have exposed themselves to a spy-world honeypot scheme -- though there is no indication that the women involved in Colombia were working for any foreign government. 

"We're looking at something that is very, very serious when national security might not be protected properly," Grassley told RadioIowa. "Who knows who might be using prostitutes? The Russians are famous for that to get information out of us. You want to know that the president is protected." 

The Iowa senator has also raised doubts about the internal review at the White House that apparently cleared all White House staff of wrongdoing in the case. 

He told Fox News Tuesday he wants an inspector general or some other third party to retrace that review, questioning the "credibility" of the assessment conducted by the White House counsel. 

"Maybe they had a chance to talk to everybody, but it seems to me they came to that conclusion very quickly," Grassley said. 

On Wednesday morning, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told the Senate committee the alleged April 11-12 incident posed "no risk" to President Obama, who arrived several days later for the Summit of the Americas. She also said she has not been informed about "any evidence that the president's team was involved."

Napolitano also said the Office of Inspector General is overseeing the agency's internal investigation and that she has no knowledge of similar incidents over the past 2 and 1/2 years.

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney has said there is no "credible" or "specific" allegation of misconduct by anyone on the White House advance team or staff. 

The Secret Service announced more disciplinary measures Tuesday evening, forcing out two more employees and permanently revoking the security clearance of a third. 

In addition, two other Secret Service employees were cleared of serious misconduct, which concludes the investigation of the agency employees so far identified in the scandal. 

In total, nine have been forced out or had their clearances stripped and three have been cleared of serious misconduct.

Article from FOXNEWS

Ted Williams memorabilia to be auctioned in Boston

Ted Williams memorabilia to be auctioned in BostonHe was a skilled fisherman, a veteran of two wars and an accomplished hunter. Oh, and Ted Williams also played baseball.Fans seeking to buy items once owned by the legendary Red Sox slugger will flock ...

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Reports: Newt Gingrich to drop out of race next week

U.S. Republican presidential candidate and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich speaks at a rally in ConcordNewt Gingrich is expected to withdraw next week from the U.S. Republican presidential contest, CNN said on Wednesday, a day after Mitt Romney added to his commanding lead in the Republican race with primary wins in five states.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Mysterious Objects Punching Holes In Weird Saturn Ring

BOSTON (AP) -- He was a skilled fisherman, a veteran of two wars and an accomplished hunter. Oh, and Ted Williams also played baseball.

Fans seeking to buy items once owned by the legendary Red Sox slugger will flock to Boston's Fenway Park beginning Wednesday for a preview of the first major auction of sports, military and personal memorabilia documenting Williams' life.

The preview, open to the public, is set to last through Friday at the world's oldest baseball park and home field of the only team that Williams played for during his 1939-1960 major league career. The auction will be Saturday and some of the proceeds will benefit The Jimmy Fund, a charity affiliated with Boston's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute for which the slugger helped raise money during his lifetime.

Williams, the last major league hitter to bat .400 - posting a .406 average in 1941 - enjoyed a diverse life, including as a U.S. Marine in World War II and the Korean War, a member of the fishing hall of fame and a skilled and accomplished hunter. He flew 39 combat missions in Korea and took enemy fire three times, including during an encounter that forced him to land his stricken jet on its belly.

"There're not many elements of his life that did not exude the same excellence as he did on the baseball field," said David Hunt, whose firm, Hunt Auctions Inc., is selling the memorabilia on behalf of Williams' daughter, Claudia Williams of Hernando, Fla. "And that is really unique ... He's sort of like the John Wayne of baseball and sports of that time period and I think that's evidenced by all these artifacts that documents his life."

Among the nearly 800 items up for auction is a baseball in pristine condition that Babe Ruth autographed for Williams with the inscription "To my pal Ted Williams, From Babe Ruth." That unique ball is expected to go for between $100,000 and $200,000, Hunt said.

The ball, which was stolen from the family's Florida home in the 1970s and not recovered until 2005, had a special place in Ted Williams' heart, his daughter said.

"Of course, the one item in the sale which meant so much to him as a baseball fan was the personalized baseball given to him by Babe Ruth," Claudia Williams said in an email to The Associated Press. "It influenced his personalizations to so many kids in the future, as he always loved the way Mr. Ruth signed the ball, 'Your pal.'"

Others items include Williams' 1949 American League Most Valuable Player award valued between $150,000 and $250,000, a silver bat for winning the American League batting championship in 1957 valued between $100,000 and $200,000, as well as bats and jerseys that the slugger used, Hunt said as workers unpacked the memorabilia for display at a luxury suite at Fenway Park.

"These objects really just chronicle this man's life and, I think, show how great he was, not just as a baseball player," Hunt said.

Claudia Williams says her dad's intent was always to auction the items for charity.

"I'm rather certain, in his last year with the Red Sox, he earned less than $100,000," she said. "So, my dad was always amazed at the sale prices garnered from sales of sports memorabilia.

"It is dearly important to me to include The Jimmy Fund in this event as it was at the center of my father's heart for so many years."

Hunt said the auction caps a process that began nearly six years ago when his firm did some appraisals for her.

Williams' daughter, Hunt said, had discussed selling some of the items with her father and brother, who both supported the idea. That occurred before Williams died in 2002, followed by his son in 2004.

The 10-year anniversary of Williams' death at age 83 and Fenway Park's ongoing 100th anniversary celebrations provided an ideal timing for the auction, Hunt said.

"Claudia kept things that are important to her, donated things to museums ... Why not do this in celebration of his life, benefit the charity that he loved and make it a positive thing for everybody," Hunt said.

Claudia Williams said: "I am incredibly proud of my father. My father lived a wonderful life, and did all he could for his fans, his country, and his family."


Rodrique Ngowi can be reached at

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RT @YahooTicket: WATCH: Romney looks beyond primaries in New Hampshire speech:

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Questions About the Body Odd

Why does my eye twitch, you might ask? Here's the answer - and other questions you have about the somewhat odd things your body does. 

An Eye Twitch or Other Tic
What's happening? The term “tic” in medicine can mean any number of involuntary things your body does. In this case, we're talking about those annoying little muscle twitches you get in your eye or other parts of your body, such as your knee, that bug you for a day or two for seemingly no reason. 

“A muscle is firing under your skin, because you are in a state of excitement or stress,” explains Dr. Jeffrey Cain,  president-elect of the American Academy of Family Physicians and the chief of family medicine at Children's Hospital Colorado in Denver.

Why is your body doing it? “Your body is telling you that it is stressed or tired,” says Cain. “In the case of eye twitches, they can happen from fatigue, such as staring at a computer screen all day.”

What should you do? “For most of us, these twitches are not a serious problem,” says Cain. Generally, the body is just saying that it needs a break (tics can also be caused by anxiety and worsened by caffeine or alcohol). Cain recommends that you take steps to decompress at the sign of one: “Play relaxing music, talk to a friend, or focus on something else”-away from your computer screen, for instance. If those tricks don't help, or if the twitches continue to plague you, speak with your doctor. Tics can be symptoms of such conditions as Parkinson's disease, autism, Bell's palsy, or, in the case of eye twitches, an injury to the cornea.


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A Sneeze
What's happening? Sometimes a harbinger of illness, sometimes just a funny/annoying/necessary fact of life, this tiny interior explosion, like a cough, begins with an intake of air and the shutting of your vocal chords. But this time, when they release, the tongue and the uvula (that dangly thing at the back of your throat) block the air from coming out of the mouth, so it comes out of your nasal passages instead. And with it comes whatever secretions and germs are standing in the way.

Why is your body doing it? Just as a cough keeps the riffraff out of your airway, a sneeze kicks out the would-be invaders of your nose: pollen, bacteria, viruses, and dust. 

“It's your body's way of keeping the nasal passages clear and the sinuses sterile,” says Tylor. But there are other reasons your body may squeak out a sneeze. For instance, though doctors don't entirely know why, you sometimes sneeze when you look at a bright light such as the sun (a response known as a photic sneeze reflex).

What should you do? Well, don't sneeze with abandon into a crowd-you'll be spraying germs. Instead, sneeze into your elbow, sleeve, or a tissue, and then wash your hands or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer directly afterward. Tylor says there is usually no harm in stifling a sneeze, but given that this is your body's way of clearing out something harmful, it is best to let nature take its course. Blowing your nose frequently when you have a cold will cut down on your body's need to release the irritants. If your sneezes are associated with fever, chills, muscle aches, or a cough, you may have a cold or even the flu and might want to give your doc a call. Sneezes that come on seasonally or when there is a change in the climate and are accompanied by itching eyes or clear nasal drainage are more likely due to allergies, in which case your doctor can prescribe a medication to keep them under control.

A Sore Throat
What's happening?
That raw pain that makes you feel as if you've eaten broken glass is a sign that the tissue lining your throat is swollen. You also have a multitude of pain receptors concentrated in the small area that is your throat-each one of which is stimulated with every swallow.

Why is your body doing it? Your throat can become swollen for any number of reasons. You might have a viral infection or a serious bacterial infection such as strep throat, which can cause intense pain. Postnasal drip, in which your nasal passages are draining mucous into the back of your throat, can be an irritant; and even acid reflux, in which acids from the stomach back up into the esophagus, can result in a burning sensation.

What should you do? “If the pain is so bad that you are having a hard time breathing or swallowing your own saliva, it needs to be immediately assessed,” says Tylor. You should also call your doctor if the sore throat is severe and is associated with a high fever or body aches, or if it is your only symptom but persists for more than two weeks. In the latter instance, it is possible (though not statistically likely) that the pain is a sign of something more serious, such as throat cancer.

Pins and Needles
What's happening? When a nerve (or nerves) is being irritated for any number of reasons, and the signal that it typically sends to the brain is being scrambled, you get a numb and tingly feeling-as when your foot “falls asleep” after you've been sitting for a long time. “The doctor word for it is ‘paresthesia,'” says Cain, “and it means you're sensing something that is not a traditional neurological response and doesn't make sense to the brain.”

Why is your body doing it? Cain compares nerve communication to an electrical signal sent from one body part to your brain. Say you lean on your elbow: Those nerves are being compressed and cannot send a signal along the normal pathway. “The nerves can't fire appropriately,” explains Dr. Sandra Fryhofer, a physician in Atlanta and past president of the American College of Physicians. “They can't send the whole signal or the signal they send isn't the proper one, and the body recognizes that as something being wrong.”

What should you do? There are plenty of benign reasons you feel pins and needles, such as crossing your legs for too long, or whacking your funny bone on the counter. They will generally resolve quickly-within minutes, most likely. Others, such as fluid buildup during pregnancy that can cause carpal tunnel syndrome (in which the radial nerve that passes through your wrist to your hand gets compressed) can be more troublesome and painful, but will usually go away on their own in time-say, after you've delivered the baby and your body has gone back to normal. But there are some conditions-such as diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency, or when a bone is pressing on a nerve-that can cause long-term damage if they are not addressed, says Fryhofer.

If you experience pins and needles more than just occasionally and aside from any benign causality or they are accompanied by muscle weakness, talk to your doctor to see whether he or she should be investigating a more serious problem.

Goose Bumps
What's happening? Tiny little muscles at the base of the hairs pull them to attention, which raises the skin around the follicles into little bumps. “The doctor term for it is ‘pilomotor erection,' which is a fancy term for making hair follicles stand up,” says Cain. But the condition's nonclinical name is spot-on: Goose bumps make us resemble a defeathered fowl.

Why is your body doing it? In cold weather, puffed-up hair creates a barrier of insulation to keep heat inside. And though this natural response still works for animals that are covered in fur, with the loss of hair we've experienced over the course of evolution, it's not really doing much for us anymore. This function can also be triggered by the fight-or-flight response we experience when we sense danger: The goal here is to make us look bigger and scarier (think of a porcupine with its needles in full effect or a cat whose fur is raised). But, once again, our modern-day baldness renders the effect less than impressive. Pleasure, sexual arousal, or even hearing a favorite song can net the same primitive response, though experts aren't exactly sure why.

What should you do? Nothing: Goose bumps are a harmless evolutionary holdover. And, hey, if they feel good, like when you hear a haunting melody or your better half tickles your back, then just enjoy them.

What's happening? Blood vessels under the skin have been broken and are leaking blood into the surrounding tissues. Bruises usually start as purple. As we all know from middle-school biology, blood that has not been oxygenated by your lungs is a dark color, which is why bruises first appear with that telltale eggplant tone. They then evolve through a series of colors, finally ending with a faint yellow/brown as the body begins to break down the pooled blood into a series of waste products and clear them away.

Why is your body doing it? A bruise is simply an indication of some kind of bodily trauma-minor or major. “It doesn't serve a purpose,” says Cain. “It's just a sign of your body's ongoing healing attempt.”

What should you do? “The best treatment for a bruise is rest and ‘tincture of time,' ” says Cain. Elevating the injured area and applying compression to it-as you raise your arm and then get it wrapped with a dressing after giving blood-may decrease the size of the bruise if you do it soon after the injury. If you're really sore, Cain recommends trying over-the-counter painkillers such as naproxen or ibuprofen. You should see a doctor if you bruise very easily (from the most minor injuries), your bruises do not go away, or if you have a very large bruise (for instance, it covers a large part of your arm or leg), which can be a sign that you have lost a lot of blood.

Click here to read more on odd body sensations from Real Simple.


Article from FOXNEWS

Celebrity Jeopardy: What is real power in Washington?

Michelle Obama and Ann Romney outscore their husbands in personal popularity in the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, while Hillary Clinton, for her part, has hit a new high in favorability data stretching back to her entry on the national stage 20 years ago.

Clinton and Obama both are far better known than Romney, helping boost them to much higher popularity ratings overall. All three are rated unfavorably by roughly similar numbers, 24 percent for Obama, 27 percent for Clinton and 30 percent for Romney.

All told, Obama is seen favorably by 69 percent of the public, unfavorably by 24 percent - not her best rating (76-16 percent in March 2009) but a broadly positive one. Her favorability rating is 13 points higher than her husband's; her unfavorable score, 16 points lower.

See PDF with full results and tables here

Romney's rating is 40-30 percent favorable-unfavorable in this poll, produced for ABC by Langer Research Associates. While much less positive than Obama's, some of that has to do with Romney's shorter time in the spotlight: Thirty percent are undecided about her, compared with 7 percent undecided about Obama.

Romney, in any case, does better than her husband's 35-47 percent rating last week. She's a scant 5 points higher than Mitt Romney in favorability, but a broader 17 points lower in unfavorable ratings. As noted last week, Mitt Romney's basic popularity ratings are the weakest for any presumptive presidential nominee in ABC/Post polls during primary seasons since 1984.

Clinton's ratings are much like Obama's - 65-27 percent favorable-unfavorable, a numerical high for Clinton by a single point. That reflects a turnaround from the 2008 presidential campaign, in which she lost the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama. At this time four years ago she was seen unfavorably by 54 percent of Americans, favorably by 44 percent.

Clinton likely is boosted by her current position: As secretary of state, she's prominent as a representative of U.S. interests and concerns overseas, without engaging in the controversial to-and-fro of domestic politics. Note too that her husband, also largely outside the fray of domestic politics these days, had an equally positive 67-29 percent favorable-unfavorable rating in a Pew poll last month, much like his wife's, and also Michelle Obama's, today.

There are differences in intensity of sentiment. Michelle Obama is viewed strongly favorably by 38 percent of Americans, strongly unfavorably by 12 percent. Hillary Clinton's ratings are 33 percent strongly positive vs. 13 percent strongly negative - the latter its lowest by 13 points, and a shift from generally much greater negative intensity in past years. Intensity of views on Ann Romney are evenly divided - 11 percent strongly favorable, 13 percent strongly unfavorable.

GROUPS - Being a step away from the main political fray isn't the same as being out of politics; indeed there are sharp partisan differences in views of these three women. Obama and Clinton both are viewed favorably by a near-unanimous 90 percent of Democrats, but by far fewer Republicans - 44 and 39 percent, respectively. Romney, by contrast, is rated favorably by 64 percent of Republicans, but 24 percent of Democrats.

In the political center, roughly two-thirds of independents express positive views of Obama and Clinton alike. Forty-two percent hold favorable opinions of Romney, again with many undecided.

There are ideological differences as well, although notably, all three women are rated favorably by roughly equal numbers - from 51 to 53 percent - of conservatives. Obama and Clinton go much higher in popularity among political moderates and liberals, while Romney heads the other way.

There's a gender gap for Clinton - a 7-point better rating among women than men - but not a significant one for Obama and none at all for Romney - a striking contrast to her husband. Mitt Romney's favorability rating last week was 17 points lower among women than among men.

Among other differences, Obama, the first African-American first lady, soars to a remarkable 95 percent favorability among blacks, and 84 percent among nonwhites overall, compared with 62 percent among whites. Clinton also is broadly popular with blacks, who are disproportionately likely to be Democrats; Romney, by contrast, lags in popularity among blacks particularly and nonwhites more generally.

Romney is notably more popular among adults age 50 and older (48 percent favorable) than among those younger than 40, among whom 31 percent see her favorably.

METHODOLOGY - This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by landline and cell phone April 18-22, 2012, among a random national sample of 1,008 adults. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points. The survey was produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates of New York, N.Y., with sampling, data collection and tabulation by SSRS/Social Science Research Solutions of Media, Pa.

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Napolitano faces questions on Secret Service scandal

This image provided by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children shows Porter Stone, 5, who is missing after police say his father, who does not have custody of the boy, took him from a St. Louis hospital where he is on a heart transplant waiting list. St. Louis police Capt. Jim Moran told the newspaper the boySt. Louis police have issued arrest warrants for the father and paternal grandmother of a 5-year-old boy taken from a hospital where he was on a transplant waiting list.

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NATO general \'cautiously optimistic\' on Afghan war

BRUSSELS (AP) - NATO remains "cautiously optimistic" about progress in the war in Afghanistan despite the tactical challenges it has faced in recent months, the alliance's top military officer said Wednesday.

Danish Gen. Knud Bartels said Afghan security forces were becoming increasingly more effective in their fight against insurgents.

"Despite a number of tactical challenges in recent times, we remain cautiously optimistic that our plan is on track," said Bartels, who heads NATO's Military Committee, the alliance's highest military body.

He did not elaborate on the challenges, but said that this month alone nearly 100 Afghan soldiers and policemen have been killed in action. Thirty NATO service members also have died so far in April, bringing the total for this year to 122.

The general's caution is a more sobering take than NATO's upbeat official pronouncements on the 10-year war against the Taliban.

Since the beginning of the year, insurgents have launched a series of coordinated strikes in Kabul and several eastern cities, underscoring their ability to penetrate heavily guarded areas of the capital.

Relations between NATO and the Afghan government also have been strained by an Internet video of U.S. Marines urinating on the corpses of presumed Taliban fighters, by Quran burning at a U.S. base that sparked days of deadly protests and by the alleged killing spree of Afghan civilians by a U.S. soldier.

Coalition forces, whose numbers reached a peak of over 140,000 troops last year, have already started a draw down. The vast majority are scheduled to leave by the end of 2014, when the Afghan troops are expected to take over all security responsibilities.

The U.S., which had about 100,000 service members in Afghanistan, expects to have a third of its troops out of the country by September.

"What is important now is that we must stay the course in accordance with (the alliance's) strategy," Bartels said.

Meanwhile, the Afghan army and police are being expanded rapidly, and are expected to grow to 352,000 by the middle of this year.

Bartels is chairing the meeting of the chiefs of staff of all 28 allied nations. U.S. Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Gen. John Allen, top commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan, will brief participants.

The two-day gathering of defense chiefs, which also will review progress on the alliance's missile defense program, paves the way for a summit of NATO leaders in Chicago on May 20-21.


Heidi Vogt in Kabul contributed to this report.

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