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Getting to Know You

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Let’s get to know each other better. In a real, analog kind of way.

Come to the First New York Photography Portfolio Review, a free two-day gathering in April sponsored by The New York Times Lens Blog. The event will feature private critiques, discusions and workshops on topics ranging from photo editing to grant writing to business practices to finding a gallery to represent you.

The Review is a chance for a diverse group of 160 photographers to meet with leading photo editors, museum curators, book publishers and gallery owners for one-on-one portfolio reviews. It will also also be an opportunity for people in the photographic community to meet, trade ideas and help each other.For free.

Photographers will be screened, and because we’re sure many people will apply, the quality of the work has to be high - nothing less than your best. The Review begins on Saturday, April 13, and will be open to all photographers age 21 and up. Each participant will have five or six private 20-minute meetings.

Sunday, April 14, is for young photographers, ages 18 to 27, and will include both portfolio reviews and workshops with leading professionals.

We will screen all applicants and choose a total of 100 participants for Saturday and 60! for Sunday. All kinds of photography - from fine art to photojournalism - are encouraged.

How do you apply

Send us no more than 20 photos. Application deadline is 11:59 p.m. Eastern, Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013. Guidelines and instructions are below.

We’ll look at everything, pick 160 photographers to participate and notify you by March 8. Once you have been accepted, you will choose from a list of reviewers you would like to see and we will do our algorithmic best to make everyone reasonably happy.

Space for the event has been generously donated by the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism on West 40th Street in Manhattan.

Oh, and did we mention that it’s free

A partial list of reviewers:

  • Michele McNally, assistant managing editor for photography, The New York Times
  • Kathy Ryan, director of photography, The New York Ties Magazine
  • Meaghan Looram, deputy editor of photography, The New York Times
  • David Furst, Foreign picture editor, The New York Times
  • James Estrin, co-editor, Lens Blog
  • David Gonzalez, co-editor, Lens Blog
  • Josh Haner, co-editor, Lens Blog
  • Paul Moakely, deputy photo editor, Time magazine
  • Patrick Witty, international picture editor, Time magazine
  • Eric Himmel, editor-in-chief, Abrams
  • Denise Wolff, photobook editor, Aperture
  • Verna Posever Curtis, curator of photography, Library of Congress
  • Steven Kasher, Steven Kasher Gallery
  • Pe! ter MacGill, Pace/MacGill Gallery
  • Elizabeth Krist, senior photo editor, National Geographic
  • Jean François Leroy, founder and director, Visa Pour l’image Photo Festival
  • David Walker, executive editor, Photo District News
  • Jean-Jacques Naudet, co-founder and editor, Le Journal de la Photographie
  • Tina Ahrens, co-founder and chief operating officer,
  • Ariel Shanberg, executive director, Center for Photography at Woodstock
  • Miriam Romais, executive director, En Foco
  • Elizabeth Ferrer, director of contemporary art, BRIC Arts Media
  • Emma Raynes, program director, Magnum Foundation
  • Yukiko Yamagat, associate director, Documentary Photography Project, Open Society Institute

This is a partial list, which we will update early next week. There will be more than 50 reviewers from museums, magazines, galleries and book publishers.

Join Us. Let’s do something good, and let’s have some fun.

Details on how to apply.