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Biden: Romney\'s foreign policy is ‘totally out of touch\'


In a matter of days, One World Trade Center could be the tallest building in Manhattan and one of the tallest in the world.

The building is expected to be taller than New York's iconic Empire State Building, which currently rises 1,250 feet to the 102nd floor observation deck.

One World Trade is being built on the site of the original World Trade Center towers - or Twin Towers. They were the tallest buildings in the city, but were destroyed in the Sept. 11 terror attacks, in which an estimated 3,000 people were killed.

The progression of construction on One World Trade can be seen in a two-minute, time-lapse video from EarthCam, the international webcam technology company.

Construction is estimated to be finished in 2013 or 2014. One World Trade Center will stand 1,776 feet tall.

The construction began six years ago. One hundred floors have been built so far, and four more remain before the tower is completed.

The site also is home to 4 World Trade Center and the 9/11 Memorial Plaza.

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3 Ways to Slim Down

Salmon, lentils and nut butters might not be among your favorite foods, but eating them can have a huge payoff―especially if you're trying to lose weight. Work these nutritional stars into your weekly menu with some tasty serving ideas.

1. Salmon

Superpower: The omega-3 fatty acids in this fish will ward off the hunger pangs that often accompany a diet, according to a study published in the journal Appetite.

How to get more: Try frozen salmon burgers or use canned salmon in place of tuna in salad.

2. Lentils

Superpower:  These legumes keep your energy levels steady, which can be key in keeping hunger at bay, found a review published by The Cochrane Library.

How to get more: Stir some cooked lentils into pasta sauce for a hearty dish.

3. Nut butters

Superpower: Peanut, almond and cashew butters are a good source of satisfying protein, which can keep you from overindulging in other foods. In fact, dieters who snacked on peanut butter reduced their cravings for starchy and sweet foods for up to two and a half hours, reports The International Journal of Obesity.

How to get more: Make a smoothie with a spoonful of your favorite nut butter― bananas and peanut butter make one particularly tasty combination.


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26 Low Calorie Recipe Swaps
Lighten Up Your Sunday Supper

Drop Weight-Without Dieting

Article from FOXNEWS

Man who received parents\' postcard 55 years later to visit acquarium depicted on it

A senior at a Tennessee high school got turned away from her prom when she showed up in a custom-made Confederate flag dress.

Texanna Edwards, 18, of Trenton, Tenn., said she wasn't allowed inside Gibson County High School's prom on Saturday because officials deemed the knee-length red dress trimmed with the stars and bars was "offensive and inappropriate," she told the Tennessean.

The controversial flag is seen as a symbol of slavery-era racism by many, though others believe it stands for the heritage of the South.

"We asked why they thought that, but they kept saying the same thing over and over," Edwards said. "We kept asking people walking inside -- black and white -- and everyone said they loved it. Two black women even went off on the principal. They were upset with the principal. No one was upset with me."

School officials, however, said a teacher warned Edwards two months ago that the dress might be problematic. The teacher, who served as prom sponsor, suggested to Edwards in February that she should clear the idea with the principal, but Edwards did not do so, according to Eddie Pruett, director of schools for the Gibson County School System.

Race-related issues have occurred at Gibson County High School in recent years, Pruett said, and Principal James Hughes thought Edwards' dress could have caused a problem.

"She was told because of the dress and what it would look like, it would be considered inappropriate,” Pruett told the newspaper. "She had talked with the prom sponsor and they told her it would be inappropriate. ... I feel like Hughes followed legal precedents set by other court cases. Students have legal rights, and we don't infringe upon those. But we have to follow legal precedents, and if there is a reason to believe something could happen, we don't wait until after the fact to do something."

Attempts by to reach Edwards Wednesday were not successful.

Click to read more from The Tennessean.

Article from FOXNEWS

EPA official apologizes for call to \'crucify\' oil companies Roman-style, as senator investigates - POWER PLAY: EPA could hurt Obama campaign

A suicide bomber detonated a car loaded with explosives Thursday at the office of a major Nigerian newspaper in the country's capital and another man threw a bomb near another newspaper office in Kaduna, killing at least six people in the attacks, witnesses said.

The attack in Abuja struck the offices of ThisDay, an influential daily newspaper. The bombing in Kaduna struck a building housing offices for ThisDay, The Moment and The Daily Sun newspapers, witnesses said.

No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attacks, though they mirrored others previously carried out by a radical Islamist sect responsible for hundreds of deaths in Nigeria this year alone.

In Abuja, the suicide bomber rammed his car through the gates of the ThisDay office and drove into the reception area before the explosion, said Nwakpa O. Nwakpa, a spokesman for the Nigerian Red Cross. The blast killed at least three people and wounded others, Nwakpa said.

Soldiers and police officers quickly surrounded the building, which had part of its roof torn away and all its windows blown out by the force of the explosion. The blast focused on the end of the building with the newspaper's printing press, while the newsroom sat far away from the blast.

However, the force of the explosion overturned tables and scattered debris through the journalists' workroom.

A large gate bearing the newspaper's logo sustained damage, with fire and smoke seen billowing in the distance underneath it after the blast.

Officers at the blast collected debris from the explosion for analysis, said Adenrele Shinaba, the capital's police commissioner.

The attack in Kaduna also included a car loaded with explosives, though people at the newspaper office quickly surrounded the car, witnesses said. The driver then began shouting that there was a bomb inside the car, witness Jemilu Abdullahi said.

Those there allowed the man to open the trunk of the car and he pulled out an object and threw it at the crowd, which exploded, Abdullahi said. Abdullahi said at least three people died in that blast.

It is unclear why bombers targeted ThisDay, a newspaper owned by the politically connected media mogul Nduka Obaigbena. In 2002, rioting over an article published by ThisDay suggesting the Prophet Muhammad would have married a Miss World pageant contestant killed dozens in Kaduna.

Gbayode Somuyiwa, an official with the newspaper, said he was not aware of any specific threats against the publication. However, he said the publication had increased its security amid the spate of bombings and violence now striking Nigeria.

In a statement, President Goodluck Jonathan condemned the attack as "ignoble, misguided, horrendous and wicked."

The government will "continue to uphold the constitutional right to freedom of express in general and press freedom in particular," the statement read. "Criminal elements bent on instilling fear in the minds of Nigerians and foreigners will not succeed."

The attack comes as the radical Islamist sect known as Boko Haram continues its violent campaign against Nigeria's weak central government. The sect is blamed for killed more than 440 people this year alone, according to an Associated Press count.

Boko Haram previously claimed an August suicide car bomb attack on the United Nations' headquarters in Abuja that killed 25 people and wounded more than 100 others. On April 18, the U.S. Embassy issued a warning that Boko Haram could attack Abuja, including hotels frequented by foreigners.

Attacks against journalists are common in Nigeria, a country of more than 160 million where corruption pervades government and business. Reporters found themselves routinely targeted during military rule of Africa's most populous nation as well, though 12 years of democracy in the nation have enshrined a belief, if not an absolute right, to free speech.

Journalism itself can be a dangerous and corrupt profession in the country. Local journalists often accept so-called "brown envelope" bribes slipped into briefing documents at news conferences or cash from interview subjects.

In January, Boko Haram gunmen shot and killed a journalist with private network Channels Television during an attack on the northern city of Kano that killed at least 185 people.

"It confirms our fears the media is not safe," said Mohammed Garba, president of the Nigeria Union of Journalists. "Journalists are not safe.

Article from FOXNEWS

Edwards\' defense questions credibility of ex-aide

Catch her if you can!

This is the savvy prostitute who allegedly swiped half a million dollars worth of uncut diamonds from a hapless gem trader - caught on surveillance video as she made her barefoot getaway from a Manhattan hotel, police say.

Erika Cooper, 34 - a k a Bianca Williams - is now the target of an NYPD manhunt for allegedly pulling off the April 17 heist at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, where she waited until her john Kurt Kaiser fell asleep before she fled with his loot.

Her big mistake was giving Kaiser her real phone number, which cops have used to identify her and dig up mug shots from an earlier prostitution bust, a police source said.

When reached yesterday, Kaiser still sounded enamored of the woman who cleaned him out. He confirmed that she's the one in the NYPD photos and said, “She was young, hot, beautiful face, but flat-chested.”

The 5-foot-9, 120-pound Cooper, who has brown eyes, jet-black hair and pouty lips, first met Kaiser at the Whiskey Park bar on Central Park South.

Click here for more on this report from the New York Post.

Article from FOXNEWS

Where \'90210\' Stars Are Now

Back in the 1990s, they were the pretty and popular students roaming the halls of West Beverly High. Today, 15 years after “graduating” from teen stars to adult actors, the cast of the original “Beverly Hills, 90210” are being celebrated as part of FOX network's look back at it s first quarter decade.

Our friends at have opened up West Beverly's old yearbook to see the stars of “90210” back then and update you with what they are doing (and look like) today.

Globe Photos Inc. / Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for KCA

THEN: Jennie Garth as Kelly Taylor

Kelly Taylor started out as blond and bubbly, your stereotypical California girl, but as the series went on, we saw more of her serious and sensitive side. She wasn't just the girl who flitted between flirtation with Brandon and Dylan-and Steve and Jake and Matt. She stood up to her drug-addled mother, her own substance abuse issues, a girl who was planning to accuse her good friend of sexual assault, and being in cults. But we'll always remember her most fondly for her worries over being “too pretty.” [eyeroll]

NOW: Garth in Transition

Though Garth has been making the most headlines for her split with longtime hubby Peter Facinelli, she has recently reteamed with her post-”90210″ family (ABC, which aired her sitcom “What I Like About You” for many years) for a new project entitled “Village People,” in which her character takes in a pregnant teenager. She currently also stars in a reality show for CMT that follows her and her three daughters making the move from the big city to a California farm.

See the entire gallery and cast of your favorite “90210” stars then and now at

Everett Collection / Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

THEN: Carol Potter as mom Cindy Walsh

Cindy Walsh was the Carol Brady of Generation X. She always had a sympathetic ear for her kids - or her kids' even more troubled friends - and her willingness to play hostess to no shortage of elaborate occasions never failed to make us envious. But she was a bit passive as parent (perhaps why kids saw her as ideal?), and she gradually faded into the background until she and her on-screen husband moved overseas.

See all 30 photos of the “90210” stars then and now at, including Donna Martin, Brenda Walsh, and more!

NOW: Potter Dispenses Real-Life Advice

Though Potter is best known for her time on “90210”, she followed the run with a stint on then-NBC soap opera “Sunset Beach”, dialing the melodrama up yet another notch. She also had guest appearances on series like “JAG”, “NYPD Blue”, and “Medium”, in addition to appearing on-and winning!-a celebrity edition of game show “The Weakest Link” in 2002. Partially inspired by her time on “90210”, Potter went back to school in the middle of her time on the series to get her therapist's license. Though she has been spotted in a couple of commercials, she also actively owns and operates a therapy practice in Los Angeles.

Aaron Spelling Prod./Courtesy: Everett Collection: Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images

THEN: Jason Priestley as Brandon Walsh

Brandon Walsh was the moral compass of the teen show and one of its heartthrobs, no mean feat. It was hard not to fall for his charming smile and hard working ways, and he set the bar completely out of reach for most “real” high school guys who girls just wanted to be able to go to and unload upon the way so many in West Beverly did to Brandon.

NOW: Priestly Directs

Priestley broke away from the teen pinup role in order to work on more mature projects after his time at “90210” came to an end, utilizing his talents both in front of and behind the camera. Priestley has recently appeared on Syfy's “Haven“ as well as Channel 101's “Call Me Fitz”, which he also produces and directs. Priestley also directed his “90210” costar Luke Perry in the Hallmark original movie “Goodnight for Justice.”

See the entire gallery and cast of your favorite “90210” stars then and now at

Getty Images / Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

THEN: Tiffani Thiessen as Valerie Malone

The drug-using, boyfriend-abusing Valerie returned to the Walshes' lives in season 5 of “90210.” It was a role that Thiessen was happy to take on post-squeaky-clean, girl-next-door Kelly Kapowski on “Saved by the Bell.” “Being an actor is being an artist, and being an artist, you want to be creative all of the time, but sometimes being on one show for a long time, it can get kind of stale. Different roles help keep your craft sharpened, like a knife,” Thiessen told Snakkle in 2011.

NOW: Thiessen Sharpens Her Knife

After “90210”, Thiessen stayed true to her philosophy of mixing up her work on different shows and in different genres. She worked on sitcoms like “Just Shoot Me” and “Good Morning, Miami,” the action-drama “Fastlane,” and relationship dramas like “What About Brian.” Most recently, Thiessen fans can find her on USA's “White Collar.”

See all 30 photos of your fave “90210” stars then and now at, including Donna Martin, Brenda Walsh, Dylan McKay and more!

Article from FOXNEWS

It\'s the Age of Asparagus

Back in the 1990s, they were the pretty and popular students roaming the halls of West Beverly High. Today, 15 years after “graduating” from teen stars to adult actors, the cast of the original “Beverly Hills, 90210” are being celebrated as part of FOX network's look back at it s first quarter decade.

Our friends at have opened up West Beverly's old yearbook to see the stars of “90210” back then and update you with what they are doing (and look like) today.

Globe Photos Inc. / Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for KCA

THEN: Jennie Garth as Kelly Taylor

Kelly Taylor started out as blond and bubbly, your stereotypical California girl, but as the series went on, we saw more of her serious and sensitive side. She wasn't just the girl who flitted between flirtation with Brandon and Dylan-and Steve and Jake and Matt. She stood up to her drug-addled mother, her own substance abuse issues, a girl who was planning to accuse her good friend of sexual assault, and being in cults. But we'll always remember her most fondly for her worries over being “too pretty.” [eyeroll]

NOW: Garth in Transition

Though Garth has been making the most headlines for her split with longtime hubby Peter Facinelli, she has recently reteamed with her post-”90210″ family (ABC, which aired her sitcom “What I Like About You” for many years) for a new project entitled “Village People,” in which her character takes in a pregnant teenager. She currently also stars in a reality show for CMT that follows her and her three daughters making the move from the big city to a California farm.

See the entire gallery and cast of your favorite “90210” stars then and now at

Everett Collection / Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

THEN: Carol Potter as mom Cindy Walsh

Cindy Walsh was the Carol Brady of Generation X. She always had a sympathetic ear for her kids - or her kids' even more troubled friends - and her willingness to play hostess to no shortage of elaborate occasions never failed to make us envious. But she was a bit passive as parent (perhaps why kids saw her as ideal?), and she gradually faded into the background until she and her on-screen husband moved overseas.

See all 30 photos of the “90210” stars then and now at, including Donna Martin, Brenda Walsh, and more!

NOW: Potter Dispenses Real-Life Advice

Though Potter is best known for her time on “90210”, she followed the run with a stint on then-NBC soap opera “Sunset Beach”, dialing the melodrama up yet another notch. She also had guest appearances on series like “JAG”, “NYPD Blue”, and “Medium”, in addition to appearing on-and winning!-a celebrity edition of game show “The Weakest Link” in 2002. Partially inspired by her time on “90210”, Potter went back to school in the middle of her time on the series to get her therapist's license. Though she has been spotted in a couple of commercials, she also actively owns and operates a therapy practice in Los Angeles.

Aaron Spelling Prod./Courtesy: Everett Collection: Andrew H. Walker/Getty Images

THEN: Jason Priestley as Brandon Walsh

Brandon Walsh was the moral compass of the teen show and one of its heartthrobs, no mean feat. It was hard not to fall for his charming smile and hard working ways, and he set the bar completely out of reach for most “real” high school guys who girls just wanted to be able to go to and unload upon the way so many in West Beverly did to Brandon.

NOW: Priestly Directs

Priestley broke away from the teen pinup role in order to work on more mature projects after his time at “90210” came to an end, utilizing his talents both in front of and behind the camera. Priestley has recently appeared on Syfy's “Haven“ as well as Channel 101's “Call Me Fitz”, which he also produces and directs. Priestley also directed his “90210” costar Luke Perry in the Hallmark original movie “Goodnight for Justice.”

See the entire gallery and cast of your favorite “90210” stars then and now at

Getty Images / Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

THEN: Tiffani Thiessen as Valerie Malone

The drug-using, boyfriend-abusing Valerie returned to the Walshes' lives in season 5 of “90210.” It was a role that Thiessen was happy to take on post-squeaky-clean, girl-next-door Kelly Kapowski on “Saved by the Bell.” “Being an actor is being an artist, and being an artist, you want to be creative all of the time, but sometimes being on one show for a long time, it can get kind of stale. Different roles help keep your craft sharpened, like a knife,” Thiessen told Snakkle in 2011.

NOW: Thiessen Sharpens Her Knife

After “90210”, Thiessen stayed true to her philosophy of mixing up her work on different shows and in different genres. She worked on sitcoms like “Just Shoot Me” and “Good Morning, Miami,” the action-drama “Fastlane,” and relationship dramas like “What About Brian.” Most recently, Thiessen fans can find her on USA's “White Collar.”

See all 30 photos of your fave “90210” stars then and now at, including Donna Martin, Brenda Walsh, Dylan McKay and more!

Article from FOXNEWS

Tiny Crystal,Future of PCs

“Today” anchor Matt Lauer was named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People of 2012. But back in the day, the seven-figure salaried talk show host considered giving it all up after spending some serious time on the unemployment line

At the Time 100 Gala, Lauer told that before he was hired at “Today,” he was at his “wit's end” after being out of work for almost two years. 

But when NBC took a chance on him, it changed his life forever. Now he recalls that time as being one of the most influential points in his career.

“I think most people would agree that [a big break] is one person taking a chance, and one person believing in you where others didn't. I had a person like that in a guy named Bill Bolster, who called me out of the blue one day," Lauer said. "And I had been unemployed for about two years and I was at my wit's end and he said, ‘I saw a tape from a couple of years ago and I like what I saw. Come talk to me'”

“When you have somebody in a position of power show interest in you after you've kind of been down and out, that's a big boost,” he told Fox411. “And he gave me that and then kind of shepherded me through the process and helped me get this job.”

“The View” creator and legendary journalist Barbara Walters shared a similar experience, saying the most influential moment in her career was her transition from ABC to NBC to be the first female co-anchor of a network news program.

“I was an enormous flop,” she told“That was pretty influential.”

Check out other stars' most influential moments at the 100 Most Influential People red carpet.

Article from FOXNEWS

Manhunt for prostitute accused in diamond heist

  • Jan. 19: Pakistani Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani waves at the Supreme Court in Islamabad.AP

The Supreme Court convicted Pakistan's prime minister of contempt on Thursday but spared him a prison term for refusing to reopen a corruption case against his boss, the president -- a verdict that means the premier could limp on in office for months to come, possibly until elections.

But the ruling against Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani will add to pressure on him to resign, including from members of his own party, and trigger continued political uncertainty, effectively crippling an administration that has shown little will to tackle the economic and security challenges facing the country.

Thursday's hearing had been widely anticipated by opponents of Gilani and President Asif Ali Zardari, who were hoping the Supreme Court would sentence the prime minister to prison and order his immediate dismissal from office. That would have triggered a major political crisis, and could have benefited Gilani and Zardari electorally, making them martyrs in the eyes of their supporters.

Gilani is the longest-serving prime minister in the history of Pakistan, where civilian governments have repeatedly been toppled by the country's powerful military, often with the support of the Supreme Court, which critics allege is heavily politicized. Corruption charges have routinely been used to target those in power, or seeking to return.

The verdict effectively prolongs the current crisis, however. Gilani's conviction in a court of law means there are now grounds to initiate dismissal proceedings, a process that could take up to four months and be fiercely contested every step of the way.

His lawyer said Gilani would appeal, further delaying any action against him in a case that has its roots in a Supreme Court decision in 2009. It picked up pace in January this year, when the court ordered contempt proceedings against the prime minister.

Elections are scheduled for later this year or early next, meaning the government could see out its term with Gilani still in charge. That is a feat in itself in a country with a history of repeated coups and judicial machinations against elected governments.

Gilani arrived at the court house flanked by ministers and in a shower of rose petals tossed by supporters.

The ruling said that Gilani was guilty of contempt, but would serve a sentence only "until the rising of the court," or by the time the judges left the chamber. That happened about three minutes after the verdict was handed down.

Outside, government loyalists fumed at the court ruling, foreshadowing more bitter conflict between the government and the judiciary.

"With utmost respect, I have to say this court order is absolutely illegal," said Attorney General Arfan Qadir. "This order is to be ignored," he said.

Political analysts said that the government, which relies on the support of coalition parties to stay in office, may now pressure Gilani to step down since he is a convict in the eyes of he law. If he were to resign, they said Zadari could likely get the support in parliament to elect a new prime minister.

"It's a political decision now," said Cyril Almedia, a political commentator. "Is the damage they sustain having Gilani continue in office less than the benefits of having a martyr at the helm."

The source of the current conflict is a graft case against President Asif Ali Zardari that involves kickbacks he and his late wife, former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, allegedly received from Swiss companies when Bhutto was in power in the 1990s. They were found guilty in absentia in a Swiss court in 2003.

Zardari appealed, but Swiss prosecutors ended up dropping the case in 2008 after the Pakistani government approved an ordinance giving the president and others immunity from old corruption cases that many agreed were politically motivated.

The Pakistani Supreme Court ruled the ordinance unconstitutional in 2009 and ordered the government to write a letter to Swiss authorities requesting they reopen the case against Zardari. Gilani has refused, saying the Pakistani constitution grants the president immunity from criminal prosecution while in office.

It is far from clear whether Swiss authorities would pay any attention to such a letter. A Swiss prosecutor said last year that Zardari had immunity, and there are also statute of limitations issues. The refusal by the government to send the "Swiss letter" is in large part political. It doesn't want to be seen initiating a graft case against Zardari, especially one that involves his ex-wife, Bhutto.

Government loyalists have acccused the chief of the Supreme Court of having a feud against Zardari. Supporters of the judiciary say it is trying to uphold the law in a country where the country's politicians have engaged in massive corruption for years.

Article from FOXNEWS

US jobless claims near 3-month high

  • April 26, 2012: Former Liberian President Charles Taylor takes notes as he waits for the start of a hearing to deliver verdict in the court room of the Special Court for Sierra Leone in Leidschendam, near The Hague, Netherlands.AP 2012

In a historic ruling, an international court convicted former Liberian President Charles Taylor on Thursday of aiding and abetting war crimes and crimes against humanity for supporting notoriously brutal rebels in neighboring Sierra Leone in return for blood diamonds.

Taylor is the first head of state convicted by an international court since the post-World War II Nuremberg military tribunal.

Presiding Judge Richard Lussick said the 64-year-old warlord-turned-president provided arms, ammunition, communications equipment and planning to rebels responsible for countless atrocities in the 1991-2002 Sierra Leone civil war. Lussick called the support "sustained and significant."

"Mr. Taylor, the trial chamber unanimously finds you guilty" of 11 charges including terror, murder, rape and conscripting child soldiers, Lussick told Taylor.

Taylor stood and showed no emotion as Lussick delivered the guilty verdicts at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Lussick scheduled a sentencing hearing for May 16 and said sentence would be passed two weeks later. Taylor will serve his sentence in Britain.

Human rights activists hailed the convictions as a watershed moment in the fight against impunity for national leaders responsible for atrocities.

"Taylor's conviction sends a powerful message that even those in the highest level positions can be held to account for grave crimes," said Elise Keppler of Human Rights Watch. "Not since Nuremberg has an international or hybrid war crimes court issued a judgment against a current or former head of state. This is a victory for Sierra Leonean victims, and all those seeking justice when the worst abuses are committed."

Taylor had pleaded not guilty to all counts, claiming in seven months of testimony in his own defense that he was a statesman and peacemaker in West Africa.

While judges convicted him of aiding and abetting atrocities by rebels, they cleared him of direct command responsibility, saying he had no direct control over the rebels he supported.

Article from FOXNEWS

Rupert Murdoch on phone-hacking: ‘I failed\'

Murdoch, right, his wife Wendi Deng and son Lachlan are driven to the Leveson Inquiry in London, April 26, 2012. …

News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch testified to the U.K. committee investigating phone hacking on Thursday that there was indeed a "cover-up" at News International--led by "one or two very strong characters"--and that he had "failed" to uncover it.

"Someone took charge of a cover-up, which we were victim to and I regret," Murdoch told the Leveson Inquiry in London on his second straight day of testimony. "I also have to say that I failed ... and I am very sorry for it."

Murdoch, though, insisted the cover up was not engineered by the company's top executives. "There was no attempt, by me or several levels below me, to cover it up," Murdoch said. "We set up inquiry after inquiry, we employed legal firm after legal firm. Perhaps we relied too much on the conclusions of the police."

The 81-year-old said he panicked last summer when it was revealed that News of the World hacked into the voicemail of Milly Dowler, a missing 13-year-old who was later found murdered. Murdoch shut the tabloid down a few days later.

"You could feel the blast coming in the window," Murdoch said of the scandal. "I can say it succinctly. I panicked. And I am sorry I did."

But Murdoch also said he should've closed News of the World "years before" the phone-hacking revelations. "This whole business is a serious blot on my reputation," he said.

It also throttled News Corp.'s bid to buy British broadcaster BSkyB. "I don't know whether we can put it down to the Milly Dowler misfortune," Murdoch said, "but the hacking scandal, yes."

He added: "The hacking scandal was not a great national thing until the Milly Dowler disclosure, half of which--look, I'm not making any excuses for it at all--but half of which has been somewhat disowned by the police."

On Wednesday, Murdoch was grilled for more than three hours by the Leveson Inquiry about his frequent private meetings with British politicians like David Cameron over the years (just part of "the game," Murdoch said) and the editorial influence he wields over his newspapers.

Murdoch denounced phone hacking at News International's papers, but not the editorial goal.

"I don't believe in using hacking, in using private detectives or whatever, that's a lazy way of reporters not doing their job," Murdoch said. "But I think it is fair when people have themselves held up as iconic figures or great actors that they be looked at."

He had been hoping to finish his testimony Wednesday; according to the Guardian's Dan Sabbagh, Murdoch told advisers in the courtroom, "Let's get him to get this f---ing thing over with today."

James Murdoch, Rupert's son, testified for a third time in the U.K. phone-hacking investigation on Tuesday, telling the Leveson Inquiry that he did not know the phone hacking at News of the World was widespread while he was in charge of News International.

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[ [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Time-Lapse Video Shows One World Trade Construction

NEW YORK (AP) - A puppy named Byrdie delayed several flights at New York's LaGuardia Airport when she escaped from her crate and frolicked around a busy runway.

The Port Authority says the 30-pound Rhodesian ridgeback scampered around the runway for about 10 minutes on Wednesday while authorities unsuccessfully tried to collar her.

The agency says they had to find the pooch's owner aboard the Memphis-bound Delta Air Lines Airbus to help catch it.

The owner was brought out on to the runway. She called out to the 14-month-old pup and she came running to her.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Feds urge vigilance 1 year after Bin Laden\'s death

  • April 26, 2012: Former Liberian President Charles Taylor takes notes as he waits for the start of a hearing to deliver verdict in the court room of the Special Court for Sierra Leone in Leidschendam, near The Hague, Netherlands.AP 2012

In a historic ruling, an international court convicted former Liberian President Charles Taylor on Thursday of aiding and abetting war crimes and crimes against humanity for supporting notoriously brutal rebels in neighboring Sierra Leone in return for blood diamonds.

Taylor is the first head of state convicted by an international court since the post-World War II Nuremberg military tribunal.

Presiding Judge Richard Lussick said the 64-year-old warlord-turned-president provided arms, ammunition, communications equipment and planning to rebels responsible for countless atrocities in the 1991-2002 Sierra Leone civil war. Lussick called the support "sustained and significant."

"Mr. Taylor, the trial chamber unanimously finds you guilty" of 11 charges including terror, murder, rape and conscripting child soldiers, Lussick told Taylor.

Taylor stood and showed no emotion as Lussick delivered the guilty verdicts at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Lussick scheduled a sentencing hearing for May 16 and said sentence would be passed two weeks later. Taylor will serve his sentence in Britain.

Human rights activists hailed the convictions as a watershed moment in the fight against impunity for national leaders responsible for atrocities.

"Taylor's conviction sends a powerful message that even those in the highest level positions can be held to account for grave crimes," said Elise Keppler of Human Rights Watch. "Not since Nuremberg has an international or hybrid war crimes court issued a judgment against a current or former head of state. This is a victory for Sierra Leonean victims, and all those seeking justice when the worst abuses are committed."

Taylor had pleaded not guilty to all counts, claiming in seven months of testimony in his own defense that he was a statesman and peacemaker in West Africa.

While judges convicted him of aiding and abetting atrocities by rebels, they cleared him of direct command responsibility, saying he had no direct control over the rebels he supported.

Article from FOXNEWS

Will Octomom Lose 14 Kids?

Orange County Family Services reps and a police officer reportedly visited the home of Nadya “Octomom” Suleman on Tuesday following a complaint filed by Suleman's hair stylist claiming her 14 young children are living in neglectful and unsanitary conditions.

Photographs published by TMZ show writing on the walls and children going to the bathroom in portable training toilets in the backyard. According to the website, only one toilet in the house is operational, and while Suleman â€" who receives $2,000 a month in government assistance â€" dismissed a $150 plumber's quote as “too expensive,” she spent almost $600 on having her hair done.

Photographs also showed she may have locked the children in a room with a chair while her tresses were being tended to.

PHOTOS: The images that triggered  the investigation.

California defense attorney David Wohl told FOX411's Pop Tarts column that Child Protective Services will likely engage in a thorough investigation of Suleman's home to further determine whether the children are at a substantial risk of harm.

"I hope that Social Services would be out there now investigating, looking for health hazards"

- Lawyer Debra Opri

“In the worst case scenario, Child Protective Services will file a petition with the Juvenile Court asking the kids to be removed from their home and either be placed in relative care or foster care. Octomom would then be offered reunification services, including parenting classes and counseling, and she'd be given up to18 months to get her kids back in her care,” he explained. “If after that time had expired the kids could not be returned, they could be placed in legal guardianship with someone else â€" or even be adopted out.”

Citing confidentially clauses, Social Services Agency's (SSA) Children and Family Services rep Terry Linn Fisher, would neither confirm nor deny whether the Department had visited Suleman, or if any further investigation was underway. However, she did affirm that, generally speaking, the SSA's goal is not to remove children from their parents, but to strengthen families.

PHOTOS: Octomom poses topless for Closer magazine.

“It is not against the law to have dirty clothes on the floor or writing on the walls, [nor are there] laws that tell us how we have to toilet train children. Social workers look for dangers that pose an immediate safety threat to the children, like drugs on the floor or rotting food to be fed to the kids,” Fisher explained. “The law says ‘good enough parenting,' but it's not against the law to not have a totally pristine home.”

Fisher also noted that if parenting body is somewhat “overwhelmed,” yet the children are not in an unsafe environment, the SSA then offers voluntary services and makes recommendations to support the family unit, which parents have the right to accept or refuse.

But based on the controversial photographs taken by the stylist, California-based family attorney Debra Opri said that Suleman's situation warrants further investigation.

“Pictures are always the best evidence, and they clearly depict something is out of control here. A lot of questions need to be asked. Is she providing her children with adequate nutrition, bathing, and are they sleeping properly? The litmus test is not whether she can afford to raise her children, but rather if their cares are being adequately met,” Opri said. “Personally, I was disgusted. I hope that Social Services would be out there now investigating, looking for health hazards like defecation in the backyard or why she felt the need to lock them in a room like that.”

When questioned by TMZ photographers on Wednesday morning, Suleman declined to comment.

This isn't the first time the allegedly cash-strapped mom of many has raised eyebrows. Last month, Suleman resorted to posing topless for European magazine Closer, reportedly earning $10,000 for the shoot.

Article from FOXNEWS

3 killed after bomb strikes Nigerian newspaper office

A spokesman for the Nigeria Red Cross says three people have been killed in a suicide bombing at the office for a major newspaper in the country's capital.

Nwakpa Nwakpa said the suicide bomber rammed through the front gates of the ThisDay office and drove a car loaded with explosions into the newspaper's reception.

Nwakpa said others were wounded in the attack.

The explosion in Abuja occurred around 11:30 a.m. Thursday at the offices of ThisDay. An Associated Press reporter who heard the explosion said it was very large. Police and paramilitary forces have already surrounded the office.

Witnesses said another explosion struck the newspaper's offices in the city of Kaduna.

Article from FOXNEWS

Thousands defy Norway mass killer Breivik in song

OSLO, Norway (AP) - Facing terror with music, tens of thousands gathered in squares across Norway to sing a children's song that gunman Anders Behring Breivik claimed is being used to brainwash young Norwegians.

The defiant Facebook protest against the right-wing fanatic took place as survivors gave tearful testimony Thursday in his trial for the July 22 bombing-and-shooting rampage that killed 77 people, mostly teenagers.

Some 40,000 people converged at a central square in Oslo in the pouring rain to sing the 1970's song "Children of the Rainbow" - a Norwegian version of American folk music singer Pete Seeger's "Rainbow Race."

Later they were to lay roses on the steps of the courthouse in memory of those killed in the massacre.

In testimony last week, Breivik mentioned the song as an example of how he believes "cultural Marxists" have infiltrated Norwegian schools, triggering a Facebook intiative for Thursday's protests.

Shocked by Breivik's lack of remorse for his massacre, Norwegians by and large have decided the best way to confront him is by demonstrating their commitment to everything he loathes.

In court Thursday, people who survived Breivik's car bomb in Olso's government district gave emotional testimony as he listened expressionless.

Anne Helene Lund, 24, was just 7 meters (23 feet) from the explosion. She was in a coma for a month, and when she woke up she had lost her memory, unable to even remember the names of parents.

Her father, Jan Erik Lund, also took the stand. Fighting tears, he described his mixed emotions at seeing his daughter with severe life-threatening brain injuries in the hospital.

"It was like experiencing the worst and the best in the same moment," he said. "It was fantastic that she was alive, horrible that she was as injured as she was."

Breivik says he was targeting the governing Labor Party, which he claims has betrayed the country by opening its borders to Muslim immigrants. He has shown no remorse for the attacks, which he coldly described last week in gruesome detail.

Since he has admitted to the attacks, Breivik's mental state is the key issue for the trial to resolved.

If found guilty and sane, Breivik would face 21 years in prison, though he can be held longer if deemed a danger to society. If declared insane, he would be committed to compulsory psychiatric care.

Breivik said Wednesday that being declared insane would be the worst thing that could happen to him because it would "delegitimize" his views.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Murdoch blames rogue tabloid for phone-hacking

LONDON (Reuters) - Rupert Murdoch blamed News of the World journalists for conspiring to cover up a culture of phone-hacking at the tabloid, saying they hid their activities from his son James and protégée Rebekah Brooks and that he personally was not paying attention.

In a second day of testimony in Britain's High Court on Thursday, Murdoch painted a picture of a rogue culture at the best-selling Sunday tabloid, in an echo of his company's now abandoned defence that a single "rogue reporter" was to blame.

"I think in newspapers, the reporters do act very much on their own, they do protect their sources, they don't disclose to their colleagues what they are doing," Murdoch told a judicial inquiry into press ethics.

Showing frequent flashes of annoyance as the questioning became more pointed, the media mogul admitted he had not paid enough attention to the News of the World but did not accept that he had allowed a culture of illegality to flourish.

Asked where the culture of cover-up had originated, Murdoch answered: "I think from within the News of the World. There were one or two very strong characters there who I think had been there many, many years and were friends of the journalists."

"The person I'm thinking of was a friend of the journalists and a drinking pal and clever lawyer and forbade them... to report to Mrs Brooks or to James," said Murdoch, in a thinly veiled reference to the News of the World's former top lawyer Tom Crone, who has accused James Murdoch of lying.

"That's not to excuse on our behalf at all. I take it extremely seriously that that situation had arisen."

The appearance at the inquiry of a man who has courted prime ministers and presidents for the last 40 years is a defining moment in a scandal that has laid bare collusion between British politicians, police and Murdoch's News Corp.

On Wednesday, Murdoch had appeared calm and considered, but Thursday's tone was more hostile as the inquiry's top counsel Robert Jay ratcheted up the pressure and described the culture of phone-hacking as a "cancer".

When Jay suggested that the response of News International, the British newspaper arm of News Corp, was a "desire to cover up, not expose", Murdoch snapped back: "Well, to people with minds like yours," before quickly adding "I take that back."

Jay, keeping his cool, assured him: "I'm very thick-skinned Mr Murdoch. Do not worry one moment."

The comment caused consternation among Murdoch's legal team in the courtroom, forcing Judge Brian Leveson to ask one of the party to sit down before resuming proceedings.

Brooks, a former News of the World editor and favourite of Murdoch, resigned as chief executive of News International last July after Murdoch shut down the 168-year-old tabloid.


Prime Minister David Cameron appointed Leveson last year to examine Britain's press standards after News of the World journalists admitted hacking into phones on a massive scale to generate scoops and salacious front page stories.

The admission last year, and the revelation that journalists had hacked into the phones of ordinary people and crime victims, prompted many to question whether the police had declined to properly investigate the scandal because of Murdoch's influence.

Critics argue that staff at the mass selling Sunday tabloid felt they were above the law as their boss and owner regularly dined with the prime minister and senior police officers.

Andy Coulson, a former editor of the tabloid who stood down over phone hacking, went on to become Cameron's personal spokesman. He has since been arrested.

Murdoch, whose newspapers claimed to decide who won British elections, dismissed Cameron in just three words on Wednesday. Asked if, as reported, he had initially found Cameron to be lightweight, Murdoch replied: "No. Not then."

While most British newspapers splashed Murdoch's appearance at the inquiry on their front page, his own Sun newspaper reserved the news for page 10 on Thursday.

The Sun also printed an aggressive editorial about the government under the headline "Dipsticks", a play on the fact that new data had just shown that Britain's economy may have fallen into a double-dip recession.

"The Tory leadership are adrift," the Sun said. "They muddle on, hoping something might turn up."

"And indeed it might. If there were an election tomorrow, who could say Ed Miliband might not win it?"

The rival, left-leaning Daily Mirror tabloid pictured Murdoch with former prime ministers Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair with current leader David Cameron in his pocket, under a headline "Empire of the Sun".

Murdoch was the first newspaper boss to visit Cameron after he took office in 2010 - entering Downing Street via the back door - and politicians from all parties have lived in fear for decades of his press and what it might reveal about their personal lives.

(Additional reporting by Dragan Jorgic, Paul Hoskins, Guy Faulconbridge and Estelle Sherbon; Editing by Andrew Osborn)

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Man accused of using gun to force \'moonwalk\'

Muto (Gawker)

Joe Muto, the former Fox News associate-producer-turned-infamous-"Fox Mole," was served with a search warrant by police early Wednesday. Investigators seized his laptop, Muto said.

"I just got search warranted at 6:30 a.m. by a very polite crew from the DA's office," Muto tweeted. "Took my iPhone, laptop, some old notebooks."

Gawker published several columns by Muto earlier this month while he was still employed by Fox News, and also published unaired video footage taken from a Mitt Romney interview with FNC's Sean Hannity. Fox News quickly fired Muto, and sent letters to both him and Gawker, threatening to pursue criminal and civil charges.

"They're pretty worked up over a clip of Romney talking about his horses," Muto wrote on Twitter. "According to the warrant, Fox News is apparently accusing me of grand larceny, among other things."

Those other things include "petit larceny" and computer tampering, according to the eight-page search warrant.

On Twitter, Muto took a jab at the phone-hacking scandal at the cable channel's News Corp. parent. "I should have done something more innocuous," he wrote, "like hacked a dead girl's phone and interfered with a police investigation."

[H/T: Washington Post]

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Article from YAHOO NEWS

Meteorites found in California along path of fireball

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Article from YAHOO NEWS

Brazil sex worker may sue U.S. embassy over injuries

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate offered a lifeline to the nearly bankrupt U.S. Postal Service on Wednesday, voting to give the struggling agency an $11 billion cash infusion while delaying controversial decisions on closing post offices and ending Saturday delivery.

By a 62-37 vote, senators approved a measure which had divided mostly along rural-urban lines. Over the past several weeks, the bill was modified more than a dozen times, adding new restrictions on closings and cuts to service that rural-state senators said would hurt their communities the most.

The issue now goes to the House, which has yet to consider a separate version of the bill.

"The Postal Service is an iconic American institution that still delivers 500 million pieces of mail a day and sustains 8 million jobs," said Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., a bill co-sponsor. "This legislation will change the USPS so it can stay alive throughout the 21st century."

The mail agency, however, criticized the measure, saying it fell far short in stemming financial losses. Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said if the bill became law, he would have to return to Congress in a few years to get emergency help.

"It is totally inappropriate in these economic times to keep unneeded facilities open. There is simply not enough mail in our system today," the Postal Service's board of governors said in a statement. "It is also inappropriate to delay the implementation of five-day delivery."

The Senate bill would halt the immediate closing of up to 252 mail-processing centers and 3,700 post offices, part of a postal cost-cutting plan to save some $6.5 billion a year. Donahoe previously said he would begin making cuts after May 15 if Congress didn't act, warning that the agency could run out of money this fall.

The measure would save about half the mail processing centers the Postal Service wants to close, from 252 to 125, allowing more areas to maintain overnight first-class mail delivery for at least three more years. It also would bar any shutdowns before the November elections, protect rural post offices for at least a year, give affected communities new avenues to appeal closing decisions and forbid cuts to Saturday delivery for two years.

At the same time, the Postal Service would get an infusion of roughly $11 billion, basically a refund of overpayments made in previous years to a federal retirement fund. That would give it immediate liquidity to pay down debt to forestall bankruptcy and finance buyouts to 100,000 postal employees.

The agency could make smaller annual payments into a future retiree health benefits account, gain flexibility in trimming worker compensation benefits and find additional ways to raise postal revenue under a new chief innovation officer.

Other bill provisions would:

-Place a one-year moratorium on closing rural post offices and then require the mail agency to take rural issues into special consideration. Post offices generally would be protected from closure if the closest mail facility was more than 10 miles away. The exception would be cases in which there was no significant community opposition.

-Shut five of the seven post offices on the Capitol grounds.

-Take into account the impact on small businesses before closing mail facilities.

-Cap postal executive pay through 2015 at $199,000, the same level as a Cabinet secretary, and create a system under which the top people at the Postal Service are paid based on performance.

The Senate bill faces an uncertain future. The House version, approved in committee last year, would create a national commission with the power to scrap no-layoff clauses in employee contracts and make other wide-ranging cuts.

"This of course kicks the can down the road," complained Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who unsuccessfully pushed for a commission in the Senate bill. He said the current proposal failed to address longer-term fixes and delayed major decisions. "We'll be on the floor in two years addressing this issue again, because it is not a solution."

Noting that more people every year are switching to the Internet to send letters and pay bills, Donahoe called the Postal Service's business model "broken." The agency has estimated that the Senate bill would only provide it enough liquidity to continue operating for two years or three years.

At stake are more than 100,000 jobs, The agency, $12 billion in debt, says it could run out of money for day-to-day operations as soon as this fall, forcing it to shut down some of its services. The mail agency forecasts a record $14.1 billion loss by the end of this year; without changes, it says annual losses will exceed $21 billion by 2016.

On Tuesday, the Postal Service circulated a smaller list of mail processing centers that probably would close under the Senate bill; many in more rural or small states would be spared. For instance, centers would survive in Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Missouri and Vermont, whose senators were sponsors of the postal bill or pushed amendments, according to the preliminary list obtained by The Associated Press. A facility in Easton, Md., also would stay open. Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., previously attempted to block the postal bill in protest of that specific closure.

Also surviving were all four mail processing centers in Nevada, home to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, as well as all eight centers in Colorado and all five centers in Utah.

"This bill is a vital first step in pulling the Postal Service back from the edge of a fiscal abyss," said Art Sackler, coordinator of the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, a group representing the private sector mailing industry.

"It's now critical that the House follow suit quickly or we risk a shutdown of the Postal Service and an ensuing economic calamity," he said.

The Postal Service, an independent agency of government, does not receive taxpayer money for its operations but is subject to congressional control.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

URGENT: Ex-Liberian president guilty of war crimes

  • April 26, 2012: Former Liberian President Charles Taylor takes notes as he waits for the start of a hearing to deliver verdict in the court room of the Special Court for Sierra Leone in Leidschendam, near The Hague, Netherlands.AP 2012

In a historic ruling, an international court convicted former Liberian President Charles Taylor on Thursday of aiding and abetting war crimes and crimes against humanity for supporting notoriously brutal rebels in neighboring Sierra Leone in return for blood diamonds.

Taylor is the first head of state convicted by an international court since the post-World War II Nuremberg military tribunal.

Presiding Judge Richard Lussick said the 64-year-old warlord-turned-president provided arms, ammunition, communications equipment and planning to rebels responsible for countless atrocities in the 1991-2002 Sierra Leone civil war. Lussick called the support "sustained and significant."

"Mr. Taylor, the trial chamber unanimously finds you guilty" of 11 charges including terror, murder, rape and conscripting child soldiers, Lussick told Taylor.

Taylor stood and showed no emotion as Lussick delivered the guilty verdicts at the Special Court for Sierra Leone. Lussick scheduled a sentencing hearing for May 16 and said sentence would be passed two weeks later. Taylor will serve his sentence in Britain.

Human rights activists hailed the convictions as a watershed moment in the fight against impunity for national leaders responsible for atrocities.

"Taylor's conviction sends a powerful message that even those in the highest level positions can be held to account for grave crimes," said Elise Keppler of Human Rights Watch. "Not since Nuremberg has an international or hybrid war crimes court issued a judgment against a current or former head of state. This is a victory for Sierra Leonean victims, and all those seeking justice when the worst abuses are committed."

Taylor had pleaded not guilty to all counts, claiming in seven months of testimony in his own defense that he was a statesman and peacemaker in West Africa.

While judges convicted him of aiding and abetting atrocities by rebels, they cleared him of direct command responsibility, saying he had no direct control over the rebels he supported.

Article from FOXNEWS

NBA\'s Bobcats one loss from futility record

SAN DIEGO (AP) - A sergeant will be discharged for criticizing President Barack Obama on Facebook in a case that called into question the Pentagon's policies about social media and its limits on the speech of active duty military personnel, the Marine Corps said Wednesday.

Sgt. Gary Stein will get an other-than-honorable discharge and lose most of his benefits for violating the policies, the Corps said.

The San Diego-area Marine who has served nine years in the Corps said he was disappointed by the decision. He argued that he was exercising his constitutional rights to free speech.

"I love the Marine Corps, I love my job. I wish it wouldn't have gone this way. I'm having a hard time seeing how 15 words on Facebook could have ruined my nine-year career," he told The Associated Press.

Gary Kreep, an attorney for Stein, said he would pursue administrative appeals within the Marine Corps but anticipates the effort will fail. He said he planned to file an amended complaint in federal court.

"As long as he wants to pursue this, we will be supporting him," said Kreep, who is executive director of the United States Justice Foundation, an advocacy group.

The Marines acted after saying Stein stated March 1 on a Facebook page used by Marine meteorologists, "Screw Obama and I will not follow all orders from him." Stein later clarified that statement, saying he would not follow unlawful orders.

Brig. Gen. Daniel Yoo, the commanding general of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, said in a brief statement Wednesday that evidence supported an administrative board's recommendation to discharge Stein.

Tom Umberg, a former Army colonel and military prosecutor, said Stein persisted even after being warned.

"The Marine Corps gave him the opportunity to think about his actions, yet Sgt. Stein continued to undermine the chain of command," said Umberg, who was not involved in Stein's case. "I think his purpose was to leave the Marine Corps in a dramatic fashion in order to begin a career in talk radio or what have you."

Umberg believes the decision to discharge Stein will have limited impact because the vast majority of Marines would never consider such postings.

"I think 99 percent of the soldiers and Marines currently on duty understand the duties of supporting the chain of command and understand their rights of free speech are limited," he said. "To that 1 percent who don't know their rights to free speech are limited once they take the oath, this is a loud and clear message."

During a hearing, a military prosecutor submitted screen grabs of Stein's postings on one Facebook page he created called Armed Forces Tea Party, which the prosecutor said included the image of Obama on a "Jackass" movie poster. Stein also superimposed Obama's image on a poster for "The Incredibles" movie that he changed to "The Horribles," military prosecutor Capt. John Torresala said.

At the hearing this month at Camp Pendleton, Torresala argued that Stein's behavior repeatedly violated Pentagon policy and he should be dismissed after ignoring warnings from his superiors about his postings.

The military has had a policy since the Civil War limiting the free speech of service members, including criticism of the commander in chief.

Pentagon directives say military personnel in uniform cannot sponsor a political club; participate in any TV or radio program or group discussion that advocates for or against a political party, candidate or cause; or speak at any event promoting a political movement.

Commissioned officers also may not use contemptuous words against senior officials.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

First Hispanic justice takes prominent role in Immigration case

Allegations of bribery, corruption, even charges of murder has one of China's most powerful families sitting on the outside of power looking in.

Bo Xilai was once a superstar in the Chinese Communist Party, but no longer. He's been under the microscope for his own abuse of power and lost his job because of it. Additionally, his wife is accused of murdering a influential English business man, and his son can't stay out of the tabloids for his partying ways.

But this is about more than a corrupt family. This scandal has rocked China's Communist Party and has pulled back the curtain on the Chinese political system, giving us a chance to take a unique glimpse into an increasingly fractured government.

Joining us to discuss China's public relations nightmare is Richard McGregor, Washington Bureau Chief for the Financial Times.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Hague court convicts Charles Taylor of crimes in Sierra Leone

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Article from YAHOO NEWS