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Edwards Sought More \'Bunny\' Money After Affair

John Edwards asked philanthropist Rachel "Bunny" Mellon for an additional $3 million several years after the botched cover-up of his extramarital affair, according to testimony in his criminal trial today. 

However, jurors won't hear this testimony -- after a successful objection by the defense, which argued the pricey 2011 request had no bearing on funds obtained from Mellon during the 2008 election cycle. 

Those funds, along with money from another donor, are at the heart of the federal campaign finance case against Edwards. Prosecutors are trying to prove those donations constituted illegal campaign contributions. 

Without the jury present, the librarian at Mellon's farm, Oak Spring Garden, on Monday described a 2011 phone call in which Edwards allegedly made the request of his long-time supporter. 

"The senator had talked to her about some additional money to help get him established and moving on," said Tony Willis. "She said that she couldn't. And then when she came to the library, she said, 'I really need to write a letter.'" 

Willis helped Mellon draft a letter to Edwards. But it was never sent, on advice from her lawyers. The prosecution attempted to enter the unsent letter into evidence because it apparently described giving Edwards money for political purposes. However, the defense objected. 

"This alleged conspiracy was in 2011," said defense lawyer Allen Duncan. "It has no relevance to issues before this jury." 

After 15 minutes of back-and-forth between the defense and prosecution, the judge sustained Duncan's objection. The jury, in turn, will not hear about Edwards' 2011 request for funds. 

Earlier Monday, the defense wrapped up cross-examination of Mellon's estate lawyer, Alex Forger. 

"She in her later years had very few close friends," said Forger, explaining Mellon's relationship with Edwards. "She took a liking to Mr. Edwards. She liked him as an individual, as a person." 

When asked why Mellon gave money to Edwards' causes, Forger replied, "She wasn't interested in being named secretary of state or ambassador. It was the person that interested her."

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CIA Reportedly Thwarts Plot on US-Bound Plane

  The CIA thwarted an ambitious plot by Al Qaeda's affiliate in Yemen to destroy a U.S.-bound airliner using a bomb with a sophisticated new design around the one-year anniversary of the killing of Usama bin Laden, The Associated Press has learned.

  The plot involved an upgrade of the underwear bomb that failed to detonate aboard a jetliner over Detroit on Christmas 2009. This new bomb was also designed to be used in a passenger's underwear, but this time Al Qaeda developed a more refined detonation system, U.S. officials said.

  The FBI is examining the latest bomb to see whether it could have passed through airport security and brought down an airplane, officials said. They said the device did not contain metal, meaning it probably could have passed through an airport metal detector. But it was not clear whether new body scanners used in many airports would have detected it.

  The would-be suicide bomber, based in Yemen, had not yet picked a target or bought his plane tickets when the CIA stepped in and seized the bomb, officials said. It's not immediately clear what happened to the alleged bomber.

  The operation unfolded even as the White House and Department of Homeland Security assured the American public that they knew of no Al Qaeda plots against the U.S. around the anniversary of bin Laden's death. The AP learned about the thwarted plot last week but agreed to White House and CIA requests not to publish it immediately because the sensitive intelligence operation was still under way. Once officials said those concerns were allayed, the AP decided to disclose the plot Monday despite requests from the Obama administration to wait for an official announcement Tuesday.

  U.S. officials, who were briefed on the operation, insisted on anonymity to discuss the case, which the U.S. has never officially acknowledged.

  It's not clear who built the bomb, but, because of its sophistication and its similarity to the Christmas bomb, authorities suspected it was the work of master bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri. Al-Asiri constructed the first underwear bomb and two others that Al Qaeda built into printer cartridges and shipped to the U.S. on cargo planes in 2010.

  Both of those bombs used a powerful industrial explosive. Both were nearly successful.

  The operation is an intelligence victory for the United States and a reminder of Al Qaeda's ambitions, despite the death of bin Laden and other senior leaders. Because of instability in the Yemeni government, the terrorist group's branch there has gained territory and strength. It has set up terrorist camps and, in some areas, even operates as a de facto government.

  But along with the gains there also have been losses. The group has suffered significant setbacks as the CIA and the U.S. military focus more on Yemen. On Sunday, Fahd al-Quso, a senior Al Qaeda leader, was hit by a missile as he stepped out of his vehicle along with another operative in the southern Shabwa province of Yemen.

  Al-Quso, 37, was on the FBI's most wanted list, with a $5 million reward for information leading to his capture. He was indicted in the U.S. for his role in the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in the harbor of Aden, Yemen, in which 17 American sailors were killed and 39 injured.

  Al-Quso was believed to have replaced Anwar al-Awlaki as the group's head of external operations.

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U.S. won\'t negotiate with al-Qaida on aid worker

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Secret pork recipe worth $1.8 million?

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Secret pork recipe worth $1.8 million?

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No end to obesity epidemic, 20-year forecast shows

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Edwards asked \'Bunny\' Mellon for $3M just before indictment


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South Korea seizes capsules made with dead babies


ABC News' Suzan Clarke and Alyssa Newcomb report:

The woman who was mauled by cheetahs at a South African game preserve said she was "quite traumatized" by the  incident.

The woman tried to play dead as the two supposedly tame animals bit and clawed her head, stomach and legs.

"I just remember … something biting my head and dragging me down," Violet D'Mello said in an interview with Caters News Agency.

The Scottish woman and her husband, Archibald, had gone to the Kragga Kamma Game Park, a private game reserve in Port Elizabeth, last weekend as part of her 60th birthday celebration.

The couple had the chance to pet two brother cheetahs, Mark and Monty. They took pictures with the cheetahs and were still in the petting area when one of the cats grabbed an 8-year-old girl by the leg.

Violet D'Mello tried to stop the attack, but when the girl ran to safety, both animals turned on her in a savage attack that lasted for more than three minutes before a guide pushed the animals back with a stick.

"We never for one moment thought they would attack," she said, while her husband added, "They said they were extremely tame and one could stroke them."

(ABC News)Archibald D'Mello kept taking pictures, documenting the horrific scene as the animals bit and scratched his wife's head, legs and stomach. He kept taking pictures until he realized his wife was being bitten, according to a report in the Daily Mail.

One of the animals' claws cut the woman's face dangerously close to her right eye. If it had been any closer, she could have lost the eye, he said.

" We're very angry about what happened because we were told the situation was safe and it obviously wasn't," he added. "The park said they didn't know what had caused the cheetahs to attack but they shouldn't let tourists in unless they're sure it is safe."

His wife took a less forceful position against the facility, saying of the animals, "It was, I think, a playful attack because though they are grown-ups, they think like children."

"I was just sort of quite traumatized and I still am but you have to move on and think positive, you know, but I am on the mend," Violet D'Mello said.

Park manager Mike Cantor told the Port Elizabeth Herald newspaper that the park had never had any problems with the previously beloved cheetahs.

The petting facility was closed to the public while the park investigates the attack.

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John Edwards\' blatant lies and sly evasions over secret affair

John Edwards tried to hide his affair with Rielle Hunter with outright denials but also with sly comments meant to convince his staff that he was not sleeping with the woman while seeking the White House.

Edwards' lawyers, defending him from charges he broke federal campaign finance laws by using donations to hide his mistress, haven't contested the fact that he lied. But so many people have testified that he misled them that the lawyers have indicated they will object if the government calls more political staffers to testify about his lies.

Early in his secret romance with Hunter in 2006, Edwards dispatched scheduler Matthew Nelson to pick up Hunter and bring her to Edwards' home under the pretext that he was going to interview her for a job.

Although Edwards and Hunter had been intimate for a while at this point, the presidential hopeful feigned ignorance of who Hunter was, asking Nelson in a "whispered tone... who the woman is in the neighboring room," Nelson told the court last week.

John Davis was an Edwards aide who was let in on his boss' secret on Feb. 5, 2007 when he spotted Hunter in a hotel after she had been dismissed as Edwards' videographer. A short time later Hunter came to Davis' room to tell him that "she and John Edwards were very much in love."

A couple days after that, Edwards also confided in Davis. He said that Hunter had come to see him because she was going on Inside Edition or Access Hollywood to talk about her work on the campaign.

"He told me she was crazy and to make sure she didn't contact him," Davis testified. Edwards added without being asked that he was not having an affair with Hunter.

Edwards remained adamant in his denials even after the National Enquirer reported that Hunter had become pregnant.

In a conversation with his campaign's national spokesman Mark Kornblau, Edwards tried to shift the blame for Hunter's pregnancy to yet another aide, Andrew Young.

"He told me it was not physically possible that he was the father," Kornblau testified. He added, "I have a vague recollection of him saying, 'Do you think it could be Andrew's child?'"

At times Edwards lies were blatant, denying outright that he was having an affair with Hunter. He was caught in a couple of whoppers when dealing with one of his main benefactors, according to court testimony.

After Edwards' presidential run was clearly over, he talked about starting a foundation to fight poverty and would seek financial help from Rachel "Bunny" Mellon, several former aides testified.

Mellon was 97 at the time and enamored of Edwards. She had already given him $725,000 for his hush fund and $6 million to his political action committee and a non-profit organization. Young asked Mellon for $40 million to $50 million for the foundation and suggested she could mortgage her home to get the money.

When Mellon made it clear that she was hurt by the financial demands, Edwards called her to apologize. According to Mellon's confidante Bryan Huffman, Edwards told the woman he was unaware of any plans for a foundation or Young's request for money.

Huffman also told the court, however, that Edwards had called him and offered Huffman a seat on the foundation's board of directors.

When Mellon's lawyer Alex Forger discovered all the checks that were funnelled to Edwards through Huffman, the lawyer confronted Edwards and asked him if he knew Huffman. Edwards said, no, never heard of him.

Edwards later conceded to Forger the money was meant for his personal use.

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Al Qaeda Releases VideoOf American Hostage

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    FILE - This photo shows Warren Weinstein in England.AP

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    Aug. 15: A boy rides a bike past the house of kidnapped American development expert Warren Weinstein in Lahore, Pakistan. Authorities searched for clues about who kidnapped an American in Pakistan but came up with no leads after questioning the guards at his house when he was abducted, police said Sunday.AP

In a video released Sunday by Al Qaeda, American hostage Warren Weinstein said he will be killed unless President Barack Obama agrees to the militant group's demands.

"My life is in your hands, Mr. President," Weinstein said in the video. "If you accept the demands, I live; if you don't accept the demands, then I die."

Weinstein was abducted last August in Lahore, Pakistan, after gunmen tricked his guards and broke into his home. The 70-year-old from Rockville, Md., is the country director in Pakistan for J.E. Austin Associates, a Virginia-based firm that advises a range of Pakistani business and government sectors.

In a video message posted on militant websites in December, Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri said Weinstein would be released if the United States stopped airstrikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. He also demanded the release of all Al Qaeda and Taliban suspects around the world.

The SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors militant messages, said Al-Sahab, Al Qaeda's media arm, posted the Weinstein video on jihadist forums Sunday.

"It's important you accept the demands and act quickly and don't delay," Weinstein said in the video, addressing Obama. "There'll be no benefit in delaying, it will just make things more difficult for me."

He also appealed to Obama as a father. If the president responds to the militants' demands, Weinstein said, "then I will live and hopefully rejoin my family and also enjoy my children, my two daughters, like you enjoy your two daughters."

After his kidnapping, Weinstein's company said he was in poor health and provided a detailed list of medications, many of them for heart problems, that it implored the kidnappers to give him.

In the video released Sunday, Weinstein said he would like his wife, Elaine, to know "I'm fine, I'm well, I'm getting all my medications, I'm being taken care of."

Article from FOXNEWS

Top al-Qaida leader killed in airstrike in Yemen

The government of Yemen says an airstrike has killed a top al Qaeda leader who was on the FBI's most wanted terrorist list because of his role in the attack on the USS Cole .  The attack on the U.S. Navy destroyer in October, 2000 killed 17 American sailors and injured 39.

The Embassy of Yemen in Washington issued a press release Sunday saying Fahd al Quso, 37,  was killed in an "airstrike" in Rafth, in the southern province of Shabwa.

The release described him as "a leading figure in the terrorist organization: al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)." It also said "Al Quso was one of Yemen's most wanted terrorist(s). He was also indicted for his role in the bombing of the USS Cole in Aden."

A U. S. official described al Quso to ABC News as a "senior terrorist operative" of AQAP who was "deeply involved in ongoing terrorist plotting against Yemeni and U.S. interests at the time of his death."   He also described him as being "involved in numerous attacks over many years that murdered Americans as well as Yemeni men, women, and children."

There was no mention of who conducted the airstrike, but in the past a non-attribution airstrike usually implies that it was conducted by the either the CIA or the U.S. military.   The Associated Press cites U.S. officials as saying the strike was conducted by the CIA.

The CIA and the U.S. military's Joint Special Operations Command both conduct Predator drone strikes in Yemen targeting AQAP operatives.  U.S. officials say the majority of the recent strikes have been conducted by the CIA.

Two weeks ago another top AQAP operative was killed by a CIA drone strike.

The U.S. has been conducting Predator drone operations in Yemen since at least 2009.   The website The Long War Journal, which keeps track of American drone strikes inside Yemen says there have been 24 strikes since May 2011.

Not only was Al-Quso on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist list, but the State Department's Rewards for Justice program offered a "$5 million reward for information leading directly to the apprehension or conviction, in any country, of Fahd Mohammed Ahmed Al-Quso."

Al-Quso had served prison time in Yemen for his role in the attack on the USS Cole, but was released in 2007.

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Clinton says she hopes to see female US president

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    May 6, 2012: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton holds a sari during an Anti-Human Trafficking event in Kolkata, India.AP

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she has no desire to make for another run for the highest office in the land but hopes to see a female U.S. president in her lifetime.

Politely turning aside questions about her political intentions at a town hall event in Kolkata, Clinton said Monday she really wanted to see "that final glass ceiling" broken.

She noted, though, that the American political process is difficult and heavily dependent on fund raising, which makes it hard for any candidate to succeed.

Still, she said she thinks there will be an election that will elect a woman president.

As for herself, she says she is done with the political highwire. She says she just wants to "get back to taking some deep breaths."

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Al-Qaida releases video of American hostage

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US airstrike kills senior al-Qaida leader in Yemen

By BY AHMED AL-HAJ | Associated Press â€" 

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S. Korea cracks down on Chinese human flesh pills

South Korea says it's strengthening customs inspections in a crackdown on the smuggling of Chinese-made capsules filled with powdered human flesh.

The state-run Korea Customs Service said Monday that since last August it has discovered 35 attempts to smuggle from China about 17,450 such capsules disguised as stamina-boosters.

Customs officials say the capsules were made from dead babies and infants in northeastern China, and that ethnic Koreans living there tried to smuggle them into South Korea.

The officials say some people believe the capsules are a panacea for disease, but an investigation shows they contain superbacteria and other harmful ingredients.

Article from FOXNEWS

Both Sides Predict a Long Fight in Gitmo 9/11 Case

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    In this photo of a sketch by courtroom artist Janet Hamlin and reviewed by the Defense Department, accused 9-11 co-conspirator Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, is shown at his military hearing in Guantanamo Bay.AP

The U.S. has finally started the prosecution of five Guantanamo Bay prisoners charged in the Sept. 11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people, but the trial won't be starting anytime soon, and both sides said Sunday that the case could continue for years.

Defense lawyer James Connell said a tentative trial date of May 2013 is a "placeholder" until a true date can be set for the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the self-described mastermind of the attacks, and his co-defendants.

"It's going to take time," said the chief prosecutor, Army Brig. Gen. Mark Martins, who said he expects to battle a barrage of defense motions before the case goes to trial.

"I am getting ready for hundreds of motions because we want them to shoot everything they can shoot at us," he said.

Saturday's arraignment lasted 13 hours, including meal and prayer breaks, as the accused appeared to make a concerted effort to stall the initial hearing, which didn't end until almost 11 p.m.

"Everyone is frustrated by the delay," Martins said on Sunday. He noted that the civilian trial of convicted Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui took four years, and he pleaded guilty in 2006 before being sentenced to life in prison.

On Saturday, Mohammed and his co-defendants refused to respond to the judge or use the court's translation system and one of the men demanded a lengthy reading of the charges. Connell called the tactics "peaceful resistance to an unjust system."

The arraignment, Connell said, "demonstrates that this will be a long, hard-fought but peaceful struggle against secrecy, torture and the misguided institution of the military commissions."

The defendants' actions outraged relatives of the victims.

"They're engaging in jihad in a courtroom," said Debra Burlingame, whose brother, Charles, was the pilot of the plane that flew into the Pentagon. She watched the proceeding from Brooklyn on one of the closed-circuit video feeds around the United States.

A handful of those who lost family members in the attacks were selected by a lottery and flown to watch the proceedings at the U.S. naval base in Cuba, where Mohammed and his co-defendants put off their pleas until a later date.

They face 2,976 counts of murder and terrorism in the 2001 attacks that sent hijacked jetliners into New York's World Trade Center and the Pentagon. The charges carry the death penalty.

The detainees' lawyers spent hours questioning the judge, Army Col. James Pohl, about his qualifications to hear the case and suggested their clients were being mistreated at the hearing, in a strategy that could pave the way for future appeals. Mohammed was subjected to a strip search and "inflammatory and unnecessary" treatment before court, said his attorney, David Nevin.

It was the defendants' first appearance in more than three years after stalled efforts to try them for the terror attacks.

The Obama administration renewed plans to try the men at Guantanamo Bay after a bid to try the men in New York City blocks from the trade center site hit political opposition. Officials adopted new rules with Congress that forbade testimony obtained through torture or cruel treatment, and they now say that defendants could be tried as fairly here as in a civilian court.

Nevin said it would be impossible to present testimony against his client that wasn't corrupted by treatment that he says amounted torture. "It's not possible to untaint the evidence any more than it is to unring a bell."

Eddie Bracken of Staten Island, New York, was one of the victims' relatives allowed to attend the hearing, and said it was important to him to see the people accused of killing his sister, Lucy Fishman, a Brooklyn mother of two who worked in the World Trade Center.

He said he came away impressed by the military justice system, with defense lawyers putting up an aggressive defense.

"If they had done this in another country it would have been a different story," Bracken said Sunday. "But this is America."

Human rights groups and defense lawyers say the secrecy of Guantanamo and the military tribunals will make it impossible for the defense. They argued the U.S. kept the case out of civilian court to prevent disclosure of the treatment of prisoners like Mohammed, who was waterboarded 183 times.

Attorney General Eric Holder announced in 2009 that Mohammed and his co-defendants would be tried blocks from the site of the destroyed trade center in downtown Manhattan, but the plan was shelved after New York officials cited huge costs to secure the neighborhood and family opposition to trying the suspects in the U.S.

Congress then blocked the transfer of any prisoners from Guantanamo to the U.S., forcing the Obama administration to refile the charges under a reformed military commission system.

Mohammed, a Pakistani citizen who grew up in Kuwait and attended college in Greensboro, North Carolina, has admitted to military authorities that he was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks "from A to Z," as well as about 30 other plots, and that he personally killed Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. Mohammed was captured in 2003 in Pakistan.

Ramzi Binalshibh was allegedly chosen to be a hijacker but couldn't get a U.S. visa and ended up providing assistance such as finding flight schools. Walid bin Attash, also from Yemen, allegedly ran an al-Qaida training camp in Afghanistan and researched flight simulators and timetables. Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi is a Saudi accused of helping the hijackers with money, Western clothing, traveler's checks and credit cards. Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, a Pakistani national and nephew of Mohammed, allegedly provided money to the hijackers.

During the failed first effort to prosecute the men at the base in Cuba, Mohammed mocked the tribunal and said he and his co-defendants would plead guilty and welcome execution. The lawyers' statements indicate that plan has changed.

Article from FOXNEWS

\'Mini Madoffs\' caught after 12 years on the run

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    FILE: This combo made from undated photos provided by the U.S. Marshal's service shows Janet Hallahan, left, and her husband, Nelson Grant Hallahan.AP

An Illinois couple who spent a dozen years on the run after fleeing a conviction for running a Ponzi scheme has been captured in a small community west of Phoenix, the U.S. Marshals Service said Sunday.

Nelson Grant Hallahan, 65, and wife Janet Hallahan, 54, were arrested by deputy marshals Saturday afternoon in Tonopah, an unincorporated desert community 50 miles west of Phoenix.

Matt Hershey, a supervisory deputy U.S. Marshal, said the Hallahans were living apart and were arrested at separate rural homes.

The agency said it received a tip about their location after they were featured on "America's Most Wanted" the previous night.

The couple pleaded guilty in Illinois federal court to bank and mail fraud conspiracy charges and money laundering. They didn't show up for their sentencing and have been fugitives ever since.

The Hallahans lived in Peoria, Illinois, and targeted family, friends and elderly victims by promising significant returns on investments. They also defrauded investors by selling interests in a tanning salon they later sold without telling investors. They were actually running a Ponzi scheme, repaying earlier investors with proceeds from new ones.

The couple used the money they stole to live a lavish lifestyle, buying yachts, luxury vehicles, designer clothes and jewelry, according to the Marshals Service.

Teresa Allred, 63, said she and her husband John gave the Hallahans $15,000 to buy more tanning beds for the salon. Allred said the Hallahans promised them a 10 percent interest rate on the investment, but they never saw the money again.

"I'm just glad that they've been found," said Allred, who lives with her husband just outside Peoria in Morton, Illinois. "We may or may not see our money, but at least I feel like there's a little bit of restitution."

The couple owed nearly $1.2 million to investors when they disappeared just days before they were to be sentenced in January 2000.

They were arrested without incident. It's believed they've been in Arizona for about two years.

"The 12-year run from justice of the Hallahans, also known as the `Mini Madoffs,' has come to an end," said U.S. marshal for Arizona David Gonzales in a statement. "Their investment scams involving family, friends, and the elderly, ruined many lives."

According to a profile on the AMW website, Nelson Hallahan was a successful life insurance salesman who began convincing people he could earn outsized returns on investments. Janet Hallahan was his assistant and secretary, and the couple married in 1988.

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Teens Suspected of Killing Dad in Front of His Family

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    The Mira Mar Apartments in Houston where Victor Quevedo was allegedly stabbed and shot to death.KRIV

Police in Texas have launched a manhunt for four teenagers suspected of shooting and stabbing a father to death in front of his family.

Victor Quevedo, 40, of Houston, was returning home late Saturday night from an outing with his wife Alicia Rodriguez, 36, and daughter Jacqueline Castillo when the men approached their vehicle, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Police told MyFoxHouston that the men demanded their cell phones and wallets. After Quevedo struggled with one of the men, he was shot and stabbed. Quevedo was later pronounced dead at the scene.

"My mom started screaming," Jacqueline Castillo, 13, told the Houston Chronicle. "She kept begging them not to do anything to us."

The attackers then fled with Jacqueline Castillo's purse, which contained two phones and no cash.

The suspects, all Hispanic, were traveling in a four-door vehicle with slightly tinted windows, MyFoxHouston reports.

Anyone with information on the incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers at (713) 222-TIPS (7477) or the Harris County Sheriff's Office Homicide Division at (713) 967-5810.

Click here to read more on this story from MyFoxHouston.

Article from FOXNEWS

\'Avengers\' opens to record-shattering $200.3 million

Joss Whedon's The Avengers has set a new bar in opening to a walloping $200.3 million at the domestic box office, the largest debut ever and kicking off summer 2012 in high style.

The 3D tentpole -- marking a major victory for Disney and Marvel Studios -- easily dethroned Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, which opened to $169.2 million last summer, then the largest number in history.

Avengers opened a week ago overseas, earning a whopping $441.5 million through Sunday. The pic's worldwide total of $641.8 million has already surpassed the lifetime totals of Captain America: The First Avenger ($364 million), Thor ($449 million), Iron Man ($585 million) and Iron Man 2 ($624 million).

The pic -- whiich assembles Marvel superhero characters Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Captain America (Chris Evans), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) -- earned a glowing A+ CinemaScore.

PHOTOS: 28 of Summer's Most Anticipated Movies: 'Avengers,' 'Dark Knight,' 'Prometheus' 

Avengers is now positioned to reach $1 billion in global grosses in a much-needed win for Disney, which posted a $200 million loss after John Carter cratered at the box office earlier this year. It's also a validation of Marvel's strategy to build a franchise by turning out single titles -- Iron Man, Thor and Captain America -- and then bring the characters together. Avengers also could reboot The Hulk film franchise.

Among other records, Avengers is the first film in history to cross $200 million in only three days of play at the domestic box office. It also scored the biggest Saturday gross of all time in earning $69.7 million.

"It's been a fantastic weekend on every single front," Disney executive vice president of distribution Dave Hollis said.

Hollis said the slim 13 percent drop from Friday to Saturday reflects great word of mouth, as well as the fact that all segments of the audience are turning out, including families. Roughly 52 percent saw it in 3D.

PHOTOS: Avengers Premiere in Los Angeles

The tentpole played evenly in terms of age, with 50 percent of the audience under the the age of 25 and 50 percent over. Couples made up 55 percent, families 24 percent and teens 21 percent. Males represented 60 percent of the audience.

IMAX theaters reported record business, generating north of $15 million in ticket sales domestically to tie with Deathly Hallows Part 2 for the biggest opening weekend in the circuit's history. IMAX expects to finish the weekend with a worldwide cume of $31.2 million.

Avengers is the first Marvel title marketed and distributed by Disney since buying Marvel. Paramount distributed Marvel's previous films and, in exchange for ending its output deal early with Marvel, will receive a mininum of  $115 million in distribution fees for Avengers and next summer's Iron Man 3.

Avengers was the only wide release of the weekend. At the specialty box office, Fox Searchlight looked to counterprogram with The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which opened in 27 theaters in 12 markets. Marigold grossed $750,301 for a pleasing per location average of $27,789.

PHOTOS: 'The Avengers' Premiere Red Carpet Interviews

Fox Searchlight's Sheila DeLoach said the film -- which has already a stellar $72 million overseas -- succeeded in luring baby boomers, evidenced by sold out matinee and early evening shows. Marigold stars Judi Dench, Bill Nighy and Tom Wilkinson.

For full box office results, see below.

Domestic box office, April May 4-6

Title/Weeks in release/Theater count, Studio/Three-day weekend total/Cume

1. The Avengers, 1/4,349, Disney/Marvel Studios, $200.3 million.

2. Think Like a Man, 3/2,011, Sony, $8 million, $73 million.

3. The Hunger Games, 7/2,794, Lionsgate, $5.7 million, $380.7 million.

4. The Lucky One, 3/3,005, Warner Bros., $5.5 million, $40 million.

5. The Pirates! Band of Misfits, 2/3,358, Sony/Aardman, $5.4 million, $18.6 million.

6. The Five-Year Engagement, Universal, 2/2,941, $5.1 million, $19.3 million.

7. The Raven, 2/2,209, Relativity/Intrepid, $2.5 million, $12 million.

8. Safe, 2/2,271, Lionsgate/IM Global, $2.5 million, $12.9 million

9. Chimpanzee, 3/1,531, Disney, $2.4 million, $23 million.

10. The Three Stooges, 4/2,174, $1.8 million, $39.6 million.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

How to Cure a High Fever

A fever is typically a sign that something out of the ordinary is happening in your body.  But a temperature reading isn't the only sign that a fever is serious.

Leisa Priddy, a Fox News Health viewer, asked this question about her grandson:

“My grandson had a fever of 105.1.  What temperature is too high in a toddler, and at what point should you take them to the doctor?”

When it comes to fevers in small children, it's important to be cautious, because a fast-rising fever could put a child at risk for a febrile seizure.

Parents should call a doctor if a child's temperature is more than 103 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.  The Academy also recommends seeing a doctor if your child experiences symptoms like:

-Loss of appetite


-An ear ache

-Irritability or fatigue



According to Dr. Stephen Turner, chief of pediatrics at SUNY Downstate at Long Island College Hospital, there are two over-the-counter medicines that can be used to reduce fever in children â€" acetaminophen, or Tylenol, which can be used every four hours, and Ibuprofen, which can be used ever six hours.   

Article from FOXNEWS

Colleges That Get A For Food

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    Washington University in St. Louis takes the number one spot on the list. Its kitchens are run by food management giant Bon AppétitWashington University in St. Louis

It's that time of year - anxious high school seniors around the country are hovering by their mailboxes praying for big, thick envelopes from the colleges of their dreams. Deciding which school to attend is one of the most important - if not the most important - decisions a teen will make. It's complicated. It's nerve-racking. And it's about to get a lot easier.

To help with the decision-making process, The Daily Meal re-ranked the nation's top colleges and universities (according to U.S. News & World Report's 2012 list) based solely on their food options. You're welcome.

College food, often compared to prison fare, is now becoming increasingly sophisticated and healthy. Gone are the days of mediocre pizza and limp salad, as universities are stepping up their game when it comes to dining services, even providing vegan meals. Universities today boast nutrition analysis, sustainable food initiatives, and even podcasts of the week's menu. Yes, podcasts.

To even the playing field, we compared 10 elements. Are nutrition facts available online? Score. Is it impossible to keep kosher? Move down a notch. Simple, right? This survey of university food services looked at the following: variety of cuisine; presence of chefs on staff; sustainability efforts; the availability of nutrition facts and ingredients information; options for those requiring kosher, halal, gluten-free, and vegan meals; food-related events; and the ability to order food online.

After careful study, here is a ranked list of the top-notch dining accommodations at the nation's most prestigious institutions. So grab a notebook, sharpen a pencil, and check out America's Top Universities for Food Lovers.

#1 Washington University in St. Louis (Originally #14)

From moonlight breakfast to barbecues to "Dine with a Dietician" classes, this university goes the extra mile to provide students with the best of the best, hosting five to 10 events per week. Want to learn how to roll sushi? Check out Studio 40, an open kitchen where students can take cooking classes, meet with chefs, and watch demonstrations.

Run by food management giant Bon Appétit, WU's dining features dishes like blueberry crepes, vegetarian chorizo and potatoes, and orange pork stir-fry, with vegan, kosher, and halal options available. Two years ago, the university opened the new Bear's Den, a facility with authentic food concepts, including two tandoori ovens tended to by trained chefs from Pakistan and India.

Jill Duncan, director of marketing and communications for Bon Appétit Management at Washington University, thinks the school's sustainability measures set it apart from the pack - specifically regarding its conversion of waste oil to biofuel, the composting of food scraps, and the commitment to local food.

Attention to student feedback is another source of pride. "We have a very open communication environment and our managerial team is extremely visible and interactive with all of the students," explains Duncan.  

#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Originally #5)

What has more than 30 food spots, including dining halls, restaurants, cafés, and food trucks? MIT's campus, that's what. The university uses Bon Appétit, the food management company dedicated to sustainably raised and regionally sourced food. Vegans rejoice! Bon Appétit's commitment to quality means that produce is typically prepared and served within 48 hours. Kosher, halal, vegetarian, and vegan options abound. For those who prefer to cook their own grub, MIT has "Cook-for-Yourself Communities," located in seven residences. The university also has a weekly produce market.

From decorating cupcakes to pigging out at the late-night nacho fest, there is an event for everyone. Offering food-related events every day, MIT helps undergrads celebrate international cuisine with the "Taste of the World" series, which features the food of a selected country on a rotating basis. Every Thursday, the university offers cooking classes for those known to burn water.

On tap: Chocolate chip pancakes, chicken in coconut red curry sauce, and truffled roast beef with buttered leeks.

#3 Northwestern University (Originally #12)

The Evanston, Ill., campus has six dining facilities that serve up eats like Western scrambled eggs; peanut butter, bacon, and apple sandwiches; and Tuscan kale salad.

Passionate about student engagement, the university hosts events like Moroccan Dinner and Reggae Night Dinner. "Last quarter we hosted our Global Chefs, chef Tomo Irsic from Slovenia and chef Joachim Suarez from Columbia for a week. They cooked menus from their cuisines in each of the dining halls," says Steve Mangan, managing director of Sodexo and Northwestern University's food service partnership.

Northwestern is also home to a branch of The Campus Kitchen, an initiative that helps students give back to the community by preparing meals and sharing them with the less fortunate. The university works toward sustainability by recycling its cooking oil and using bio-degradable bags on campus.

Predictions? "I've been telling my team that the next five years will be taking us back to the future, as we see more local, seasonal, fresh, simpler, and tastier menus and products come back into the marketplace," says Mangan. Sounds delicious.

#4 Cornell University (Originally #15)

"We work hard to ensure that dining at Cornell is more than a meal - it's an experience," says Karen Brown, director of Campus Life Marketing and Communications for the university. Want to see the best of campus dining via video? Cornell presents CU in the Kitchen, a series that highlights the food, people, and things that set Big Red's food service apart from the rest. Think of it as Food Network, but hyper-local.

Big on student engagement, the university hosts events like "A Night at Hogwarts," which featured British cuisine, butter beer, and chocolate frogs. On a more typical day, students can dine on pancakes and sausage, Ethiopian vegetable stew, and pork stuffed with apples. The Ithaca- based institution has more than 30 eateries.

Cornell offers promotions to encourage students to jump on the sustainability bandwagon. If you buy a mug on campus, you can get a large coffee, tea, or hot chocolate for the price of a small one. What's next? "Two goals for the coming year are to offer more late-night dining options, and to communicate with our customers better using social media and smartphone technology," hints Brown. Expect a new eatery in partnership with the Cornell Dairy as well.

#5 University of Pennsylvania (Originally #5)

Forget to put National Peach Cobbler Day on your calendar? Penn's got an event for that. And for National Pretzel Day. And for many other days you've probably never heard of.

Run by Bon Appétit, a food management giant that emphasizes fresh, sustainable food, Penn's dining strives to employ the farm-to-fork philosophy. With on-site farmers markets and celebrity chef book signings, this institution takes its food very seriously.

Featuring five residential spots and seven retail locations, the campus has plenty of places for starving undergrads to get their munch on. What's on the menu? Omelettes made to order, fried chicken with garlic mashed potatoes and green beans, and roasted eggplant.

#6 Vanderbilt University (Originally #17)

Every March, the USS Rand, an imaginary cruise ship, travels the world to bring Vanderbilt students the best in food. To do this, the university decks out the dining hall with props, actors, and food stations.

"We allow them to exercise their creativity," explains Camp Howard, director of Vanderbilt Dining, of the campus chefs. Other themed events have centered on Las Vegas and a Willy Wonka-inspired affair.

Keeping with the government's food guidelines, Vanderbilt's "menus and meals are really focused on the plate, rather than the stomach," shares Howard. What's featured? Sausage breakfast burritos, Texas Red chili, and chicken tikka masala. With a focus on community, Vanderbilt invites local farmers to chat with students over family-style meals. In addition, the institution donates food to the Dimas House, a local organization helping people recently released from prison get back on track.

#7 Princeton University (Originally #2)

"When I arrived at Princeton in 1992, we had one chef. Today we have 15 chefs in our campus kitchens," says Stu Orefice, director of dining services.

The home of the Tigers hosts themed dinners and holiday meals throughout the year. According to chef Brad Ortega, "These meals allow us to produce and present our product in a manner that is fun for staff and students. For us, these meals typify the idea of the breaking of bread being an enjoyable social experience."

The focus is always on quality. Princeton offers dishes like chocolate French toast, corn bisque soup, and Brazilian roast chicken.

Menus indicate which foods are vegan, which contain pork, and even label the level of carbon emissions for each item. As of February 2012, the university began providing ice cream, juices, and jams that are free of high-fructose corn syrup.

And the crown jewel? The Visiting Chefs Program, which features a re-creation of a chef's restaurant fare, served buffet-style. Past participants include: Ditka's, Tribeca Grill, and Smith & Wollensky.

#8 Duke University (Originally #10)

Food truck fanatics, this is the university for you. Got a hankering for Korean barbecue, handmade pizza, or burgers? No need to leave campus. Duke features a variety of food trucks and provides a Google calendar with times and locations so students can get their favorite foods with ease.

With more than 30 eateries and delivery right to your dorm door, the home of the Blue Devils is the most accessible campus on this list. Another customer of Bon Apptit food management, Dukes menu items include breakfast all day, rotisserie chicken, and Asian stir-fry. The university also boasts a center for those with special diets, from kosher to Seventh Day Adventist.

Out late partying? Popular chains like McDonalds and Chik-fil-A are on campus for those in need of a greasy hangover remedy.

#9 Stanford University (Originally #5)

Stanford can't be beat when it comes to community outreach. The university donates leftover food to the community's underserved residents, hosts holiday meals for those in need, and employs part of the staff from Abilities United, an organization for people with developmental and physical challenges.

Serving 3 million meals per academic year, Stanford's dining accommodations include 11 dining halls and 22 dining locations. Sample menu items include sweet potato bisque, meat lovers calzones, and dill-roasted carrots and parsnips. Vegetarian and vegan options are available, and the university has instituted a pilot program for kosher dining that offers dinner three times per week.

The university even encourages students to play with their food. Stanford's annual "Cardinal Cook-Off" lets students compete in an Iron Chef-like format using main ingredients like halibut and tofu. Think you have what it takes to compete?

#10 Dartmouth College (Originally #11)

Cod steamed in soy ginger broth, baked eggplant with miso dressing, and steamed Jasmine rice. Sounds like restaurant-quality fare, right? Nope, just dinner at Dartmouth, where vegetarian, vegan, halal, and kosher food is readily available. In fact, the college does all of the catering for the local synagogue.

Featuring guest chefs two or three times per term, and hosting a community picnic at the beginning of the year, Dartmouth knows who its audience is. Dave Newlove, director of dining services, is proud of the service provided. "We work for the student," he says of the 400-person staff that includes students and special needs employees.

Dartmouth has six main dining spots, and recently renovated one - Class of 1953 Commons - for a staggering $28 million. A gift from the class of 1953, the facility was originally built in 1927 and was ready for a makeover, according to Newlove.

Menu options include bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits; lemon-pepper salmon with roasted red potatoes and veggies; and artichoke and roasted pepper pizza. An online menu lists nutritional info, and an allergen filter allows students to customize the meal options to fit their needs.

Click here to see more top universities for food lovers.

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12 Most Bizarre Pizza Toppings

11 Most Bizarre Food Museums

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Article from FOXNEWS

Little Black Bikini Showdown

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If there are two women capable of igniting a bikini trend, it's these two.

LeAnn Rimesand Rihanna both love to strut their stuff in skimpy swimsuits, and this week, they did it in a similar fashion.

The pop singer and country crooner both wore what we're labeling a LBB (little black bikini).  

Rihanna, 24, was vacationing in Hawaii while LeAnn, 29, traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico with her husband Eddie Cibrian, 38, to renew their vows.

No doubt these women know how to rock teeny bikinis, but who rocked the LBB best?

Cast your vote in our poll and stand by your bikini-clad gal in the comments.

If you're still on the fence, click here for Rihanna and LeAnn's best swimsuit looks.

Article from FOXNEWS

Motivation for Work

Consider this situation: Your organization has just laid off 20% of its workforce, and you and your team have to pick up the extra work. To make matters worse, the organization has been losing money throughout the economic downturn, and the leadership team expects increased productivity rates from the staff. To top it off, a pay freeze has been put in place for the next 18 months. 

For many workers, this workplace situation is a reality. Increased workloads, high-stress working environments, and stagnant wages are creating a perfect storm for low morale and motivation in the office. This combination creates a vicious cycle: As motivation and morale fall, so does your ability to produce quality work and stay productive, which can make you more vulnerable to a layoff. 

Salary increase projections for this year are holding steady at 2011 levels, which were 2.0%. However, this is lower than the rate of inflation which, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), currently stands at 2.9%. This means that even if you do get a raise, inflation will consume all of it and then some. Productivity is also suffering as a result of the down economy, with the BLS reporting the productivity rates grew less than 1% in the fourth quarter of 2011. 

The economic climate has made it hard for employers and employees to make ends meet and remain optimistic about the future. But there are steps you cant take to stay motivated and productive in the office.

Finding Deeper Meaning in Your Work

No matter what you do, your job exists for a reason, and experts says finding the human element in what you do is key to staying motivated when raises are nonexistent.

"When cash is short, people need to focus on the meaning of their roles," says James Manktelow, productivity expert and CEO of leadership coaching site "If they can see how their work helps others, they can set stimulating, challenging, useful goals for themselves, and they can take real satisfaction when they achieve these goals." 


When organizations go through a round of layoffs to trim expenses, the remaining employees are often left with an increased workload without additional compensation. This can make anyone feel stretched to the breaking point. Knowing how to prioritize your work is essential for focusing on important, and not just urgent, work.

"Professionals need to focus on high value, high importance tasks," states Manktelow. "They need to delegate, renegotiate, delay, or eliminate low value activities. By prioritizing intelligently, people can actually increase the importance, quality, and value of their work, at the same time that they bring their workload back under control." 

Take Time for Yourself

With the threat of layoffs looming and a to-do list spanning several pages, it's tempting to come in early, skip lunch, and stay late in order to show your worth and get everything accomplished. But spending this much time working without a break can quickly lead to exhaustion and career burnout. 

Experts say it is essential you take time for yourself during the day to give your mind a break and recharge. No one can focus effectively for eight hours straight. Every hour, take five minutes away from your desk. Go for a short walk, drink water, and stretch. Even a little amount of exercise will get your blood flowing, help relieve stress, and help you focus better. And make sure you take the time for a healthy brown bag lunch.

Use Your Skills

Everyone has natural talents and it's important to recognize how to use them to your advantage. "Take a moment to write down the three things you are naturally good at," says Julie Lynch, principal at Uncommon Consulting and an expert in motivation and productivity.

Her advice is to do whatever you can to use your strengths on a regular basis. "These are things that colleagues, friends, and family seek you out for when they need help. These are some of your inherent talents. Now consider how you feel when you're engaged in doing those things. It feels good right? Brain research shows that when you use your natural talents, you get a neuropsychological boost. Actively applying these personal strengths to your work is like having your own personal motivation engine."

 Heather Levin is a contributor for Money Crashers Personal Finance. She has a strong interest in careers, small business, and green living.

Article from FOXNEWS

Texas police launch manhunt for teens suspected of killing father in front of family

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    The Mira Mar Apartments in Houston where Victor Quevedo was allegedly stabbed and shot to death.KRIV

Police in Texas have launched a manhunt for four teenagers suspected of shooting and stabbing a father to death in front of his family.

Victor Quevedo, 40, of Houston, was returning home late Saturday night from an outing with his wife Alicia Rodriguez, 36, and daughter Jacqueline Castillo when the men approached their vehicle, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Police told MyFoxHouston that the men demanded their cell phones and wallets. After Quevedo struggled with one of the men, he was shot and stabbed. Quevedo was later pronounced dead at the scene.

"My mom started screaming," Jacqueline Castillo, 13, told the Houston Chronicle. "She kept begging them not to do anything to us."

The attackers then fled with Jacqueline Castillo's purse, which contained two phones and no cash.

The suspects, all Hispanic, were traveling in a four-door vehicle with slightly tinted windows, MyFoxHouston reports.

Anyone with information on the incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers at (713) 222-TIPS (7477) or the Harris County Sheriff's Office Homicide Division at (713) 967-5810.

Click here to read more on this story from MyFoxHouston.

Article from FOXNEWS