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1,200 firefighters battle record New Mexico blaze

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    May 29, 2012: In this Tuesday photo provided by the U.S. Forest Service, a firefighter walks along a burn out line as part of an effort to contain the nation's largest wildfire in the Gila National Forest in New Mexico.

The more than 1,200 firefighters who are battling the nation's largest wildfire in rugged mountains and canyons of southwestern New Mexico are racing to build lines to corral the massive blaze.

The fire had charred more than 354 square miles by Saturday morning, and crews were bracing for more dry and windy conditions.

Fire information officer Lee Bentley says the focus is on the western edge of the Whitewater-Baldy fire.

The fire is expected to start backing down the mountains east of the community of Glenwood, and officials say residents should expect to see more smoke and flames as firefighters continue their backburn operations.

Bentley says gusts could reach close to 30 mph Saturday, resulting in active to extreme fire behavior.

The fire is about 15 percent contained.

It has charred 227,000 acres of the Gila National Forest and a dozen cabins and several outbuildings have been destroyed.

Article from FOXNEWS

Search to Begin for Earhart\'s Plane After Find

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Dozens of previously dismissed radio signals were actually credible transmissions from Amelia Earhart, according to a new study of the alleged post-loss signals from Earhart's plane.

The transmissions started riding the air waves just hours after Earhart sent her last inflight message.

The study, presented on Friday at a three day conference by researchers of The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR), sheds new light on what may have happened to the legendary aviator 75 years ago. The researchers plan to start a high-tech underwater search for pieces of her aircraft next July.

"Amelia Earhart did not simply vanish on July 2, 1937. Radio distress calls believed to have been sent from the missing plane dominated the headlines and drove much of the U.S. Coast Guard and Navy search," Ric Gillespie, executive director of TIGHAR, told Discovery News.

PHOTOS: Jars Hint at Amelia Earhart Castaway Presence

"When the search failed, all of the reported post-loss radio signals were categorically dismissed as bogus and have been largely ignored ever since," he added.

Using digitized information management systems, antenna modeling software, and radio wave propagation analysis programs, TIGHAR re-examined all the 120 known reports of radio signals suspected or alleged to have been sent from the Earhart aircraft after local noon on July 2, 1937 through July 18, 1937, when the official search ended.

They concluded that 57 out of the 120 reported signals are credible.

"The results of the study suggest that the aircraft was on land and on its wheels for several days following the disappearance," Gillespie said.

Earhart used radio transmissions on her last flight on July 2, 1937, during her record attempt to fly around the world at the equator.

At 07:42 local time, as she flew toward the target destination, Howland Island in the Pacific, with her navigator Fred Noonan, Earhart called the Coast Guard cutter Itasca, stationed at Howland Island to support her flight.

“We must be on you, but cannot see you -- but gas is running low. Have been unable to reach you by radio. We are flying at 1,000 feet,” she said.

NEWS: Earhart's Anti-Freckle Ointment Jar Possibly Recovered

Earhart's final inflight radio message occurred a hour later, at 08:43.

“We are on the line 157 337. We will repeat this message. We will repeat this on 6210 kilocycles. Wait,” she said.

According to TIGHAR, the numbers 157 and 337 refer to compass headings -- 157 degrees and 337 degrees -- and describe a navigation line that passed not only Howland Island, the target destination, but also Gardner Island, now called Nikumaroro.

This uninhabited atoll in the southwestern Pacific republic of Kiribati is where TIGHAR believes Earhart and Noonan landed safely and ultimately died as castaways.

According to TIGHAR's hypothesis, Earhart would have used the aircraft's radio to make distress calls for several days until the plane was washed over the reef and disappeared before Navy searchers flew over the area.

TIGHAR built a detailed catalog and analysis of all the reported post-loss radio signals, and selected the credible ones based on their frequencies.

PHOTOS: Amelia Earhart

Transmissions from Earhart's Electra (NR16020) were possible on three primary frequencies: 3105 kHz, 6210 kHz and 500 kHz. For the latter, however, there were no reported post loss signals.

On her world flight, Earhart transmitted on 3105 kHz at night, and 6210 kHz during daylight, using her 50-watt WE-13C transmitter.

The Itasca transmitted on 3105 kHz, but did not have voice capability on 6210 kHz.

Under favorable propagation conditions, it was possible for aircraft operating on the U.S. west coast at night to be heard on 3105 kHz in the central Pacific. Indeed, the Itasca reported hearing such signals on one occasion.

There were three 50-watt Morse code radio stations in Nicaragua which could be heard on a receiver tuned to 3105 kHz, but the stations sent only code, not voice.

Moreover, all transport aircraft in the area used assigned route frequencies, instead of 3105 kHz.

"Therefore, other than Itasca, Earhart's Electra was the only plausible central Pacific source of voice signals on 3105 kHz," said Gillespie.

Although several of the analyzed post-loss signal reports were determined to be hoaxes, Gillespie ruled out the hypothesis of an illegal transmitter "given the numerous constraints militating against successfully perpetrating a signal transmission hoax."

"We do not really have hoax transmissions but rather reports from people who, for whatever reason, claimed to have heard something they did not hear," Gillespie said.

To make multiple transmissions, the Electra plane needed to run the right-hand, generator-equipped engine to recharge the batteries.

"The safest procedure is to transmit only when the engine is running, and battery power is required to start the engine," said Gillespie. "To run the engine, the propeller must be clear of obstructions, and water level must never reach the transmitter."

To verify the hypothesis that the plane landed on Nikumaroro's reef, TIGHAR researchers analyzed tidal condition on the island from 2 to 9 July 1937, the week following Earhart disappearance.

It emerged that transmission of credible signals occurred in periods during which the water level on the reef was low enough to permit engine operation.

According to Gillespie, at least four radio signals are of particular interest, as they were simultaneously heard by more than one station.

The first signal, made when the pilot had been officially missing for just 5 hours, was received by the Itasca, and two other ships, the HMS Achilles, and the SS New Zealand Star.

The Itasca logged “We hear her on 3105 now - very weak and unreadable/ fone” and asked Earhart to send Morse code dashes.

The Achilles did not hear “very weak and unreadable” voice, but heard Itasca's request and heard dashes in response. The SS New Zealand only heard the response dashes.

In other cases, credible sources in widely separated locations in the U.S., Canada, and the central Pacific, reported hearing a woman requesting help. She spoke English, and in some cases said she was Amelia Earhart.

In one case, on July 5, the U.S. Navy Radio at Wailupe, Honolulu heard a garbled Moorse code: “281 north Howland - call KHAQQ - beyond north -- won't hold with us much longer -- above water -- shut off.”

At the same time, an amateur radio operator in Melbourne, Australia, reported having heard a "strange” code which included KHAQQ, Amelia's call sign.

According to Gillespie, the re-analysis of the credible post loss signals supports the hypothesis that they were sent by Earhart's Electra from a point on the reef at Nikumaroro, about ¼ mile north of the shipwreck of the British freighter SS Norwich City.

"The results of the study show a body of evidence which might be the forgotten key to the mystery. It is the elephant in the room that has gone unacknowledged for nearly seventy-five years," said Gillespie.

Article from FOXNEWS

Garbage truck driver saves baby in runaway stroller

By Alyssa Newcomb | ABC News Blogs â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Ohio graves may misidentify Union soldiers

An amateur historian says at least six grave markers at an Ohio cemetery designated for Civil War soldiers from the South misidentify Union soldiers as Confederates.

Dennis Ranny, a 59-year-old Civil War enthusiast stumbled across the graves at Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery in Columbus, Ohio, and something just didn't seem right, the Columbus Dispatch reports.

A marker in Row 41 designated to represent a Confederate soldier that reads "John Kennedy; 33 KY VOLS; C.S.A.," caught the eye of Ranney. 

The Civil War buff recognized that the Confederate States of America regiments in Kentucky didn't have numbers that high, he told the Columbus Dispatch.

Skeptical of a possible carving error, Ranney began to pursue Kennedy's story. 

Ranny couldn't find Kennedy in any Confederate records. He decided to look at the Union records, "just for the heck of it," the newspaper reports.

That's where he found an entry for "John Kennedy; 33rd Kentucky Infantry; U.S.A." and thought "Oh my God," he told the Columbus Dispatch.

Kennedy had been wrongly marked as a Confederate soldier since at least 1869.

Ranney firmly believes that six graves are misidentified, and has suspicions of four more but hasn't found proof yet.

Some board members of the society that leads tours at the cemetery and keeps some historical records believe that Ranney's conclusion may be true.

Member Dick Hoffman says it wouldn't be too surprising, because there are other known errors at the cemetery.

Click for more from The Columbus Dispatch.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Article from FOXNEWS

Slow economic recovery upsets Obama\'s re-election plan

By CONNIE CASS | Associated Press â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Iran vows \'proportionate\' response to any strike

AFP â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Clinton urges cooperation in resource-rich Arctic

By BRADLEY KLAPPER | Associated Press â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Clinton in Arctic to see impact of climate change

By Jim Mannion | AFP â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Drugs May Prompt Immune System to Srike at Cancers

Medical science efforts to harness the power of the immune system against cancer are beginning to bear fruit after decades of frustration, opening up a hopeful new front in the long battle against the disease.

In studies being presented Saturday, researchers said two experimental drugs by Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. significantly shrank tumors in some patients with advanced skin, lung and kidney cancers.

Especially promising was that the drugs worked against several types of cancer, researchers said of the early findings. Most of the patients whose tumors responded significantly to the treatment saw long-term results.

The new drugs empower the immune system to recognize cancer cells as an enemy and attack them, although the treatments can have serious side effects.

The immune system's ability to fight off the body's invaders has long been recognized against infectious disease. But cancer has largely escaped its reach and for decades fended off researchers' efforts to find a weakness. It turns out cancer shields itself by essentially putting the brakes on the human immune system.

Recent discoveries have led to advances in how to unleash the immune system, though one challenge has been to jump-start the body's defenses without injury to healthy, normal cells.

Researchers say the latest advances are beginning to trigger this process, and a host of other companies, including Roche Holding SA's Genentech unit, Merck, & Co. and GlaxoSmithKline  PLC, are also pursuing the so-called immunotherapies.

Click for more from The Wall Street Journal. 

Article from FOXNEWS

Panetta: No China threat from U.S. military in Asia

By LOLITA C. BALDOR | Associated Press â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

9 Sneaky Sugar Sources

Article from FOXNEWS

Iran builds new space center to launch satellites

Iran is finishing construction of a new space center that will allow it to soon launch more domestically made satellites into orbit, the country's defense minister said Saturday.

The remarks by Gen. Ahmad Vahidi's were the first confirmation that Iran is building a new space facility amid the standoff with the West over Iran's controversial nuclear program. The West is concerned the program masks efforts to make atomic weapons, a charge Tehran denies, insisting it's only for peaceful purposes.

Iran's ambitious space plans have also raised concerns in the West because of their possible military applications -- the same rocket technology used to send satellites into orbit can also be retooled to make intercontinental warheads.

Vahidi, in comments carried by the official IRNA news agency, said the first satellite to be launched from the new center will be the Tolo. It will be carried into orbit by the Iranian-made Simorgh light booster rocket, he said.

Vahidi didn't say where the new facility, which has been named after the Islamic Republic's founder Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, is located.

Iran already has a major satellite launch complex near Semnan, 125 miles east of Tehran, and another space center -- a satellite monitoring facility -- outside Mahdasht, about 40 miles west of the Iranian capital.

"Some 80 percent of the actual construction of the new space center has been completed," Vahidi said, adding that the new facility will send "satellites from Iran, the regional countries and the world of Islam into orbit in the near future."

Iran's decades-old space program is a key aspect of its efforts to achieve technological prowess similar to that of world powers. In Feb. 2010, Iran announced it had successfully launched a menagerie of animals -- including a mouse, two turtles and worms -- into space on a research rocket.

Iran launched its first commercial satellite in 2005 on a Russian rocket in a joint project with Moscow, which is said to be a partner in transferring space technology to Iran. That same year, the government said it had allocated $500 million for space projects for the next five years.

Iran's lofty space plans also include putting a man in orbit within less than a decade, despite the expense and technological challenges involved.

Iran says it wants to put its own satellites into orbit to monitor natural disasters in the earthquake-prone nation and improve its telecommunications. Iranian officials also point to America's use of satellites to monitor conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq and say they need similar capabilities for their security.

Article from FOXNEWS

Senators criticize Obama\'s handling of Syrian crisis- Russia votes against UN resolution

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Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., told Fox News he thinks the White House is moving closer to getting involved to halt the bloodshed in Syria, but added “the administration is moving too slowly.” 

Lieberman met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at the Shangri-La Dialogue, a prominent defense conference

“The Secretary of Defense made clear to me his department has a series of plans that they can implement whenever the president as Commander in Chief gives various levels of military support to the Syrian opposition,” Lieberman said. “I don't think anybody expects that those plans would include American troops on the ground in Syria nor will they require the U.S. to take on the fight against Assad alone.”

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., also at the conference criticized the Obama administration, saying it was not leading.

“I can't think of a time in the many years that I have served this country in many ways that I have been more embarrassed about my country and their failure to carry out our fundamental principles,” McCain told Fox News. “It is shameful because the countries in the region say that they need American leadership not American unilateral action.... It is patently obvious that this president does not believe that America leads.”

Sen. Lieberman said he explained to Panetta that the Obama administration should not give Russia a veto by saying that any U.S. military involvement would require U.N. authorization.

“If we to continue to say that we won't do anything to help the Syrian people unless there is U.N. Security Council authorization that is essentially saying to the Russians you can block the world from coming to the aid of these people in Syria against your ally Assad and that is exactly the wrong thing to do,” Lieberman said on the sidelines of the dialogue in Singapore.

Article from FOXNEWS

Queen off to the races as jubilee events begin

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    June 2, 2012: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip arrive for the Epsom Derby at Epsom race course, southern England at the start of four-day Diamond Jubilee celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of the Queen's accession to the throne.

Queen Elizabeth II went to the races Saturday, at the start of a four-day celebration of her 60 years on the throne.

Later in the weekend she'll make a trip down the River Thames, then take in a concert -- all accompanied by tens of thousands of her subjects, coming out to fete a monarch whose longevity has given her the status of the nation's favorite grandmother.

Diamond Jubilee festivities officially began Saturday with a 41-gun salute fired by the King's Troop, Royal Horse Artillery at Horse Guards Parade in central London.

The 86-year-old monarch and her husband, Prince Philip, arrived at Epsom racecourse south of the capital for the Derby, one of the year's biggest horse-racing meetings. The queen waved to the 130,000-strong crowd as she was driven down the racecourse in a Bentley bearing the Royal Standard before settling down to watch the races from the royal box.

The monarch is a racing fan and horse breeder who reads the Racing Post each day over breakfast, although unlike many of her subjects she does not gamble.

The queen took the throne in 1952 on the death of her father, King George VI, and most Britons have known no other monarch.

Despite cool, damp weather in much of the country, hundreds of thousands of people are expected to participate in celebrations, including street parties, Sunday's 1,000-boat flotilla down the River Thames and a Monday pop concert in front of Buckingham Palace featuring Elton John and Paul McCartney.

Jubilee events end Tuesday with a religious service at St. Paul's Cathedral, a carriage procession through the streets of London and the queen's appearance with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren on the palace balcony.

Prime Minister David Cameron -- the 12th British leader of the queen's reign -- paid tribute to the monarch's "extraordinary level of physical energy, mental energy, and above all devotion to her people, to the institutions of this country, to the way our democracy works."

Not everyone in Britain will be celebrating. The anti-monarchist group Republic plans a riverbank protest as the flotilla goes by on Sunday, followed by a pub night where royal refuseniks can drown their sorrows.

With pictures of the monarch splashed across newspaper front pages, the left-leaning Guardian provided a button on its website that removed all jubilee stories.

But many Britons embraced the jubilee spirit -- a tribute to a monarch whose popularity cuts across all ages, social classes and political affiliations.

Writers and religious leaders used the occasion to reflect on how Britain has changed over the queen's reign, from a war-scarred imperial power to a middle-sized power with oversized cultural clout.

Bishop of London Richard Chartres said the queen's steadfast presence had helped the country adjust to rapid change.

"The quiet dignity of the queen and the way in which she and her family have reached out to include newly established British communities has provided a focus for continuing but expanding national self-respect and so has assisted the peaceful transformation of our national identity," he wrote in a jubilee pamphlet.

Article from FOXNEWS

Pope defends priest celibacy at world families meet

By David Schwartz | Reuters â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Daring raid frees aid workers in Afghanistan

By Pueng Vongs | The Lookout â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Queen off to the races as jubilee events begin

By JILL LAWLESS | Associated Press â€" 

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Demi Wants Kids, Hubby

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It looks like Demi Lovato wants more than just a successful music career.

In the July issue of Cosmopolitan, the 19-year-old "X Factor" judge revealed that she wants a husband and a family - in 10 years.

Demi has dated the likes of pop star Joe Jonas, 22, and "That 70′s Sho"w actor Wilmer Valderrama, 32, but what are some qualities she looks for in a guy?

HOT SHOTS: Demi Lovato.

The “Give Your Heart a Break” singer revealed:

“I don't have many deal breakers. I've done so much in my life, it doesn't feel right to judge other people. Oh, I know one quality I won't tolerate. I would never be with a guy who is controlling.”

In late 2010, Demi was admitted to a treatment facility to deal with an eating disorder, and other destructive behavior, then was later diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Demi told the mag that she was “relieved”  to learn she had the disorder, elaborating:

“Like I'm not completely crazy; there's a medical reason for all of it. It's a daily thing; you don't get time off from it. And if I feel myself slipping back into old patterns, I have to ask others for help, which is hard for me to learn, because I really like doing everything on my own.”

It looks like Demi will be able to keep plenty busy, as she just joined the star-studded, season two "X Facto"r judging panel with Britney Spears, along with veterans Simon Cowell and record exec L.A. Reid. The quartet will spend their summer touring the country trying to find music's next big star, with episodes of the show airing this fall on FOX.

Article from FOXNEWS

Crazy Good Ice Cream Pie

Peanut butter cups aren't just for snacking! Turn them into a perfect summer treat with this easy-to-make ice cream pie.


  • 1 1/4 Cup Nutter Butter crumbs (about 8 cookies)
  • 4 Tablespoon (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted
  • 2 Quart Your favorite chocolate ice cream or frozen yogurt
  • 24 Large peanut butter cups


Step 1:

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9-inch springform pan with cooking spray, set aside

Step 2:

To make the crust, grind up about 8 Nutter Butters in a food processor until fine; add melted butter and stir to combine. Press mixture into prepared pan. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until crust darkens around the edges and allow crust to cool.

Step 3:

When ready, layer half of chocolate ice cream over crust. Layer peanut butter cups over ice cream and then cover them with remaining ice cream. Freeze until ready to serve.

Article from FOXNEWS

Student Debt Delays Marriage

Growing up is tough enough without the worries of your financial future, so Money101  is here for you. E-mail us your questions and let us take off some of the pressure.

Massive student loan debt cripples more than just grads' finances, it also forces some to delay marriage, and postpone big-ticket purchases that can have a ripple effect on the economy, a new study reveals.

Combined with a weak labor market, student loan debt is making it hard for grads to make ends meet, and money that would typically be set aside for savings is now being gobbled up by everyday expenses.

According to a study by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, of the 37 million borrowers who had outstanding student loan balances as of third quarter 2011, 14% or about 5.4 million borrowers had at least one past due student loan account. Together, these past due balances amount to $85 billion, or about 10% of the total outstanding student loan balance.

The financial implications of student loan debt are long lasting. A recent survey by the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys shows more immense student  loan debt is forcing people to delay making major purchases or start families.

“Many students are moving home, more people are doubling up when they might prefer to live alone, and it's taking people longer to actually save money for a down payment for their home,” says Suzanna de Baca, vice president of wealth strategies at Ameriprise Financial. “Post-college graduate students have a lot less discretionary income in addition to being able to save.”

Lack of Education

Although some schools are working hard to convey what the loan repayment process is like, the majority of students entering college are not financially educated enough to take on the responsibility, says Jim Briggs, co-founder of 

“There's nobody really counseling and advocating-we're asking 18 through 21 year olds, young adults who've had mostly no formal training in finance, to make intelligent borrowing decisions,” he says. “I don't think we give them the tools to do that.”

Types of Loans

Research by the nonprofit group Project on Student Debt shows that more than half of student borrowers fail to max out government loans before taking out riskier private loans, which tend to carry higher interest rates and stricter repayment terms.

Kris Alban, vice president at iGrad, explains that some students are in such a hurry to get the necessary funding for college that they often take the first option they see, or don't even take the time to fill out the forms necessary to receive the federal loans.

“Private lenders do an excellent job at marketing their products to students [and] some private loans may have lower initial rates than federal loans, but the danger is that they are likely variable and can go much higher.”

Along the same lines, many students fail to take full advantage of scholarships and grants, according to de Baca.

“In a few years, the reality of that bill is going to hit you and many of these students are going to be saying, ‘why didn't I look at every option available to me?'”

Adjusting to a Post-College Lifestyle

Adjusting to post-college life is difficult as grads are hit with the responsibilities of rent, full-time jobs, insurance and then, six months later--student loan installments that have to be paid.

“People don't really understand what that repayment schedule is going to be like, they don't understand the impact of the interest payments on top of the principal, and really how long that process is going it take,” says de Baca. “It's hard to expect that an 18 year old is going to understand a lot of what their choices are.”

Advice for Grads

Graduates should work to reduce the amount of interest and principal on their loans by paying off debt off as quickly and aggressively as possible.

“If you decide you want to pay twice as much as you need to every month, that can be a very smart idea as long as you can afford the rest of your life,” says de Baca. “It might be painful now to forgo some of those purchases, vacations, or going out with your friends, but having that off of your balance sheet sooner rather than later will make you feel better and it will also quickly free you up to think about some of those other purchases.”

For future borrowers, Briggs advises that families research and plan student aid before even applying to schools.

“There's nothing worse than getting into a school, spending a year or maybe two years there and then concluding I can't afford this and I need to leave,” he says. “That's an expensive process because in most cases, a lot of the credit hours that you've accumulated aren't transferable.”

To figure out the financial implications before borrowing, students can visit click the American Student Assistance website to calculate how much they will need to make to pay off their loans

Article from FOXNEWS

Secrets of Chevy Corvette

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    1953 Chevrolet CorvetteChevrolet

The Corvette, America's favorite sports car, has been in production since 1953. Which would have given plenty of time, you'd think, to air its secrets, but there are still a few things that aren't common knowledge about this American icon.

  1. GM Almost Killed it: The 1953 model year was really just a dress rehearsal, but when production began in earnest for 1954, there were more cars than buyers, who weren't impressed with the lack of roll-up windows and modest performance. GM was seriously thinking about axing the car when Ford announced the Thunderbird. Not wishing to give Ford the PR win for “killing” the Corvette with the T-Bird, GM pressed on and got serious about making it into a real performance car. 
  2. The Corvette Didn't Originally Have a V-8: Although it would seem unthinkable today, the original Corvette wasn't powered by a V-8. Chevy's modern small block V-8 didn't exist in 1953, so for the first two model years, the Corvette was powered by a somewhat anemic six-cylinder motor. See secret No. 3.
  3. The Savior of the All-American Sports Car Spent his Childhood in Russia: Engineer Zora Arkus-Duntov, the man who transformed the Corvette from a pleasant little roadster into a serious V-8-powered sports car, wasn't born in America, but as George Will stated in his 1996 obituary: “He was born to be an American.” Duntov was born in 1909 in Belgium to Russian parents. He moved back to Leningrad with them as a child, a fact that GM rarely mentioned in the Cold War era of the 1950s. His ashes are interred at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Ky. 
  4. There Was No 1983 Corvette: It must have killed GM because 1983 would have been the car's 30th anniversary, but there was actually no 1983 Corvette. A complete re-design of the car had taken place and there were quality-control and supplier issues. By the time they were all sorted out, there were just four months to go in the 1983 model year. GM just decided to skip 1983 altogether and the first new C4 Corvettes were all early 1984 models. In retrospect, maybe they should have skipped 1984 as well. The 1984 models were known for a punishing ride and numerous faults, not unlike the previous first-year model from 1968.
  5. The Corvette Had a Mini-Me Twin: GM's German subsidiary, Adam Opel, AG (better known simply as Opel), was suffering with a particularly staid image in the 1960s. Bob Lutz sent stylist Clare MacKichan to Opel spark a little creativity. Not coincidentally, MacKichan was a Corvette guy and Opel's little sports car, the 1.9-liter Opel GT, came out looking for all the world like a two-thirds size 1968 Corvette. They're rare today, but the reaction an Opel GT inspires when parked next to a 1968-72 Corvette is priceless.

Click here for more from Hagerty

Article from FOXNEWS

Nebraska crash kills two coaches, injures students

Nebraska authorities say a pickup truck crashed into a van carrying high school basketball players on Friday, killing two of their coaches and another man.

The accident happened along Highway 2 in rural central Nebraska just west of Ansley, a small town about 160 miles west of Lincoln.

The State Patrol said the van's driver, 38-year-old Zane Harvey, and his front-seat passenger, 24-year-old Anthony Blum, were killed. The truck's driver, 70-year-old Albert Sherbeck, also died.

The patrol says Harvey and Blum, both coaches at Broken Bow High School, were driving students home from a basketball clinic in Kearney when an eastbound truck crossed the centerline and hit their westbound van head-on.

Eight boys were taken to hospitals, including two who were treated and released, according to the patrol.

The conditions of the other six boys haven't been released, though a message on the school's website said they were seriously injured. A ninth student who was originally believed to be in the van had ridden home with a relative.

A vigil is scheduled Saturday morning at the school.

Article from FOXNEWS

Zimmerman credibility could be issue in legal case

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    April 20, 2012: In this file photo, George Zimmerman, left, answers a question from attorney Mark O'Mara during a bond hearing in Sanford, Fla.AP/Orlando Sentinel

The credibility of Trayvon Martin's shooter could be an issue at trial after a judge said that George Zimmerman and his wife lied to the court about their finances to obtain a bond, legal experts say.

That's because the case hinges on jurors believing his account of what happened the night the 19-year-old was killed.

The questioning of Zimmerman's truthfulness by the judge on Friday could undermine the defendant's credibility if it is brought up at trial. It also may complicate how his defense presents him as a witness, said Orlando-area attorney Randy McCLean, who is a former prosecutor.

"The other key witness, unfortunately is deceased," McClean said. "Basically, Zimmerman is going to be asking the jury to believe his version of the facts ... As the case stands now, his credibility is absolutely critical to the case."

Zimmerman has pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder for the February shooting. The neighborhood watch volunteer says he shot Martin in self-defense because the unarmed 17-year-old was beating him up after confronting Zimmerman about following him in a gated community outside Orlando.

Witness accounts of the rainy night Martin was shot are spotty. There is no video of the fight, though photos prosecutors have released showed Zimmerman with wounds to his face and the back of his head.

Zimmerman's credibility with the judge would be important if O'Mara tries to get a judge without the jury to dismiss the charges based on the law, said Orlando defense attorney David Hill.

"If he was in on something that was not truthfully revealed to the judge, when there is a `stand your ground' hearing, of course you're going to second-guess him," Hill said.

Both McClean and Hill said O'Mara would be able to challenge the admissibility of the bond revocation at trial by questioning its relevance.

Zimmerman was arrested 44 days after the killing, and during a bond hearing in April, his wife, Shellie, testified that the couple had limited funds available. The hearing also was notable because Zimmerman took the stand and apologized to Martin's parents.

Prosecutors pointed out in their motion that Zimmerman had $135,000 available then. It had been raised from donations through a website he set up and they suggested more has been collected since and deposited in a bank account.

Shellie Zimmerman was asked about the website at the hearing, but she said she didn't know how much money had been raised. Circuit Judge Kenneth Lester set bail at $150,000. The 28-year-old was freed a few days later after posting $15,000 in cash -- which is typical -- and has since been in hiding.

Prosecutor Bernie De la Rionda complained Friday, "This court was led to believe they didn't have a single penny. It was misleading and I don't know what words to use other than it was a blatant lie." The judge agreed and ordered Zimmerman returned to jail by Sunday afternoon.

"Does your client get to sit there like a potted plant and lead the court down the primrose path? That's the issue," Lester said. "He can't sit back and obtain the benefit of a lower bond based upon those material falsehoods."

The defense countered that Zimmerman and his wife never used the money for anything, which indicated "there was no deceit." His attorney, Mark O'Mara, said it wouldn't be a problem to bring Zimmerman back into custody by the deadline.

The judge said he would schedule a hearing after Zimmerman is back in custody so he could explain himself.

Police in Sanford did not immediately arrest Zimmerman, citing Florida's "stand your ground" law that gives wide latitude to use deadly force rather than retreat in a fight if people believe they are in danger of being killed or seriously injured.

Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Trayvon Martin's parents, Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton, said his clients have always said Zimmerman should remain in jail until trial, which O'Mara said he believed wouldn't be until next year.

Crump was asked if he thought that if Zimmerman would be willing to lie about his finances that he would be willing to lie about what happen the night Martin was killed.

"We fully expect that the special prosecutor will make George Zimmerman's credibility be front and center in this entire case," Crump said. "And whatever dishonesty that comes forth by George Zimmerman that they can prove, you can best believe it will become the issue of this case."

The revocation of Zimmerman's bond also puts pressure on O'Mara to not delay the trial, McClean said.

"When your client is out on bond, the pressure is much lighter to rush to trial ... because your client is sitting at home," he said. "When your client is sitting at the Seminole County Jail, your client is going to want this resolved."

Article from FOXNEWS

Teacher Allegedly Cites Movie Before Student Slap

The family of a California high school student has failed to see the funny side of a teacher imitating a scene from the hit comedy "Bridesmaids" and allegedly trying to slap some sense into the girl.

Dionne Evans, a ninth grade student at Malibu High School, alleges that when she forgot to bring her homework to class on May 22 she was called to the front of the room and the unnamed teacher asked, "Did you see 'Bridesmaids'?"

The teacher then allegedly slapped the girl's face up to six times, reported.

It is believed the teacher was referring to a scene in the 2011 movie where one woman literally tries to slap some sense into another.

Evans' family have filed a complaint with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. A spokesperson for the sheriff's Special Victims Unit confirmed to the Santa Monica Daily Press that they are investigating the incident.

The teacher has since written an apology to Evans but her family have hired an attorney and are reportedly considering a civil lawsuit against the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.

"My client has not been back to the class, she's been doing her school work in the library," attorney Donald Karpel told the Daily Press.

"She has been humiliated and devastated. She will be seeking counseling. It has been horrible."

"Bridesmaids," starring Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, centered on a series of misfortunes suffered by Wiig's character after she is asked to serve as maid of honor for her best friend.

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Outrage After Vet Found Buried in Cardboard Box

  • WWIIvetgrave.jpg

    Photo shows the gravestone of Lawrence Davis, a World War II veteran, who was found to have been buried in a cardboard box in Florida.myfoxtampabay

The discovery of a World War II veteran buried in a cardboard box at Florida National Cemetery has triggered outrage in Congress.

Workers made the discovery after they removed a headstone at the cemetery in Bushnell during routine maintenance, reported Saturday.

The veteran named Lawrence Davis Jr. died in 2004 and had no loved ones to make funeral arrangements for him. He was buried in a shallow grave with no casket.

The medical examiner sent Davis' remains in a cardboard box, and they were buried in the same box.

Veterans Affairs manager Maurice Roan said, "We usually bury the container they come in as long as it's sealed. We make every effort to make sure they get a dignified burial."

He added that the department goes out of its way to show dignity and respect.

Florida National Cemetery holds a special service for all veterans who are buried without family present. Their names are read in a service that takes place four times a year. But giving it the power to purchase caskets for deceased veterans would take an Act of Congress.

Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., said, "We're not going to treat the veterans of this country that way. We're going to ensure there is a dignified burial."

Nelson and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., both support a new bill called The Dignified Burial of Veterans Act of 2012. It would require the Department of Veterans Affairs to review its burial standards and would authorize it to purchase caskets or urns for all veterans in our national cemeteries.

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Article from FOXNEWS

Former Egyptian President Mubarak Gets Life in Prison

  • mubaraktrial.jpg

    June 2, 2012: In this video image taken from Egyptian State Television, 84-year-old former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak is seen in the defendant's cage as a judge reads the verdict in on charges of complicity in the killing of protesters during last year's uprising that forced him from power, in Cairo, Egypt.AP/Egyptian State TV

  • Hosni Mubarak

    Former Egyptian President Hosni MubarakAP

Egypt's ex-President Hosni Mubarak was sentenced to life in prison Saturday for his role in the killing of protesters during last year's revolution that forced him from power, a verdict that caps a stunning fall from grace for a man who ruled the country as his personal fiefdom for nearly three decades.

The harsh sentence against the 84-year-old former leader appeared aimed at defusing tensions ahead of a divisive runoff presidential race that pits Mubarak's last prime minister against the Muslim Brotherhood's candidate.

Mubarak, the first Arab leader to be tried in his own country, remained silent inside court cage while his once-powerful sons appeared nervous and had dark circles under their eyes. His elder son Alaa whispered verses from the Quran.

The 84-year-old Mubarak was then ferried in a helicopter away from the police academy that was used by the court in Cairo.

Scuffles between Mubarak supporters and opponents broke out inside and outside the courtroom after the verdict was read, reflecting the deep polarization of the country since Mubarak was overthrown on Feb. 11, 2011.

Thousands of riot police cordoned off the building to prevent protesters and relatives of those slain during the uprising from getting too close. Hundreds stood outside, waving Egyptian flags and chanting slogans demanding "retribution." Some spread Mubarak's picture on the asphalt and walked over it.

Mubarak and his two sons -- Gamal and Alaa -- were acquitted on corruption charges, but the sons still faced a separate trial on charges of insider trading. Ex-interior minister Habib el-Adly also was sentenced to life for the protester killings. Six other security officials were acquitted.

Judge Ahmed Rifaat delivered a strongly worded statement before handing down the sentences. Mubarak, who wore sunglasses and a light brown jacket over his clothes, and his co-defendants were in an iron cage.

Rifaat described Mubarak's era as "30 years of darkness" and "a darkened nightmare" that ended only when Egyptians rose up to demand change.

"They peacefully demanded democracy from rulers who held tight grip on power," the judge said.

Rifaat, who was presiding over his last court session before he retires, said Mubarak and el-Adly did not act to stop the killings during 18-day days of mass protests that were met by a deadly crackdown of security forces on unarmed demonstrators. More than 850 protesters were killed, most shot to death, in Cairo and other major cities.

Mubarak's verdict came just days after presidential elections have been boiled down to a June 16-17 contest between Mubarak's last prime minister, one-time protege Ahmed Shafiq, and Mubarak's top foe, a Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi.

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Egypt\'s Mubarak gets life in prison

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\'Bridesmaids\' slap lands Calif. teacher in trouble

The family of a California high school student has failed to see the funny side of a teacher imitating a scene from the hit comedy "Bridesmaids" and allegedly trying to slap some sense into the girl.

Dionne Evans, a ninth grade student at Malibu High School, alleges that when she forgot to bring her homework to class on May 22 she was called to the front of the room and the unnamed teacher asked, "Did you see 'Bridesmaids'?"

The teacher then allegedly slapped the girl's face up to six times, reported.

It is believed the teacher was referring to a scene in the 2011 movie where one woman literally tries to slap some sense into another.

Evans' family have filed a complaint with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. A spokesperson for the sheriff's Special Victims Unit confirmed to the Santa Monica Daily Press that they are investigating the incident.

The teacher has since written an apology to Evans but her family have hired an attorney and are reportedly considering a civil lawsuit against the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District.

"My client has not been back to the class, she's been doing her school work in the library," attorney Donald Karpel told the Daily Press.

"She has been humiliated and devastated. She will be seeking counseling. It has been horrible."

"Bridesmaids," starring Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, centered on a series of misfortunes suffered by Wiig's character after she is asked to serve as maid of honor for her best friend.

Article from FOXNEWS