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Station made famous by Harry Potter gets makeover

BLOCKED MT @brianbeutler: Budget day? More like bore-ophyll! Relatedly, I've made some poor decisions in my life, including this tweet.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Boy in wheelchair searched by TSA

Janice Doble, in the orange shirt that got her fired (Michael Laughlin/Sun Sentinel)They weren't wearing sagging pants or revealing clothing. But dressing in an orange shirt is apparently enough to get fired at one Florida law firm, where 14 workers were unceremoniously let go last Friday.

In an interview with the Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, several of the fired workers say they wore the matching colors so they would be identified as a group when heading out for a happy hour event after work. They say the executive who fired them initially accused them of wearing the matching color as a form of protest against management.

Orange is widely considered to be one of the most visible colors to the human eye. Orange vests are worn by most hunters as a safety precaution and by school crossing guards. Most prisoners are required to wear orange jump suits.

The color orange is arguably Florida's defining color. The self-described "Sunshine State" is widely known for its orange juice exports.

The law offices of Elizabeth R. Wellborn, P.A. offered "no comment" to Sun-Sentinel reporter Doreen Hemlock, but four ex-employees tell the paper they were simply wearing their orange shirts to celebrate "pay day" and the upcoming Friday group happy hour.

"There is no office policy against wearing orange shirts. We had no warning. We got no severance, no package, no nothing," Lou Erik Ambert told the paper. "I feel so violated."

Ironically, had the employees been wearing orange as a form of protest, it would have been illegal to fire them, ABC News reports.

[Related: Fla. aims to be first state to drug test public workers]

After the 14 employees were fired, an executive said anyone wearing orange for an "innocent reason" should speak up. At least one employee immediately denied any involvement or knowledge of a protest and explained the happy hour color coordination. Nonetheless, they were still fired.

"I'm a single mom with four kids, and I'm out of a job just because I wore orange today," Meloney McLeod told the paper.

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And there's really nothing anyone can do about the terminations since Florida is an at-will state, meaning employers can fire an employee who doesn't have a contract "for a good reason, for a bad reason or even for the wrong reason, as long as it's not an unlawful reason," Eric K. Gabrielle, a labor and employment lawyer at Stearns Weaver, told the Sun-Sentinel. Gabrielle said there was no apparent violation of the law in this case.

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[ [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Watch: Santorum takes a batting practice break

Rick Santorum took a break from campaigning in Louisiana on Sunday for some batting practice.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Massive manhunt in France after shooting

Police officers gather at the site of a shooting in Toulouse, southwestern France, Monday, March 19, 2012. A father and his two sons were among four people who died Monday when a gunman opened fire in front of a Jewish school in a city in southwest France, the Toulouse prosecutor said Monday. (AP Photo/Bruno Martin)A massive manhunt is underway in France after the fatal shootings Monday of three children and their teacher at a Jewish school in Toulouse, in southwest France.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

North Korea invites UN nuke monitors to return

The U.N. nuclear watchdog says it has received an invitation from North Korea to resume monitoring parts of its atomic program.

The overture from Pyongyang was confirmed by Gill Tudor, spokeswoman for the International Atomic Energy Agency.

The move, announced Monday, comes amid increased international tensions generated by North Korea's announcement last week that it planned to test a rocket by launching a satellite.

Tudor said her agency received the invitation on Friday -- the same day the North announced the planned launch. She declined to go into details on what North Korea's terms were.

The North agreed to a nuclear moratorium with Washington last month, but its planned missile launch has tarnished hopes that the deal will be realized.

Article from FOXNEWS

Police: Infant held captive in Georgia standoff

Police are negotiating with a gunman holding a seven-month-old infant captive at a standoff in a metro Atlanta apartment complex.

"The man is not cooperating as we had hoped he would," a police source said. A large contingent of S.W.A.T. was also called to the scene.

Sandy Springs Police Capt. Keith Zgonc said it wasn't clear what the child's relationship is to the suspect. The man, described as a black male in his 30's, does not live in the apartment, but indicated to police that the child does live there.

Police contacted the infant's mother, Lindsay Rogers, 27, at her place of work, but have not been able to find her. She is said to be driving a 2001 maroon Hyundai Elantra.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that the man pulled a gun in the leasing office of an apartment complex in Sandy Springs on Monday afternoon and then locked himself and an infant inside an apartment. The incident began around 9:45 a.m. when the suspect walked into the leasing office to complain something was wrong with his water.

Fox News' John Roberts and The Associated Press contributed reporting.

Article from FOXNEWS

Holder in \'95: Anti-Gun \'Brainwash\'

Local ad agencies in Washington, D.C., should be encouraged to create ads to "really brainwash people" to give up their interest in guns, Eric Holder once told a Democratic women's group, according to a newly dug-up video showing a younger version of the current attorney general.

In the 1995 video, Holder, who at the time was U.S. attorney for the crime-ridden District of Columbia under President Bill Clinton, said persuading kids to reject guns was not going to be easy to do since they were so prevalent in movies, TV and music. 

But, he told the group, really innovative strategies from the "creative community" in Washington, including ad agencies that "make me buy things I don't really need," could change the perception.

"What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that's not cool, that it's not acceptable, it's not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we've changed our attitudes about cigarettes," Holder said, adding that the ad agencies could devote their talent in "a more constructive way."

Holder said he had also approached local newspapers and television stations, asking them to devote prime-time space -- like during "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" and "Martin" -- to air public service announcements.

He said he also asked "people with credibility with young people" like Jesse Jackson and Marion Barry, among other celebrities, to do their best to sway the youth. 

The Jan. 30, 1995, address, which aired on CSPAN2, was directed to the Women's National Democratic Club in Washington, D.C. Video of the speech was published Monday by

Holder said changing "the hearts and minds,"  in particular, of young men "fascinated with violence" will require a consistency that includes pushing the agenda through public schools as well.

"We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way."

At the time of his speech, guns were illegal in the District of Columbia. In his current post, Holder is responsible for overseeing the the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and its Fast and Furious operation, which allowed thousands of guns to slip into the hands of Mexican drug cartels

As a result, scores of Mexicans have died in gun-related violence as well as U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry. 

Article from FOXNEWS

Report: Russia \'Anti-Terror\' Troops Arrive in Syria

Reports of Russian anti-terror troops on the ground in Syria is raising new concerns about whether Russia's policies are indirectly, or even directly, enabling the brutal crackdown on Syrian protesters.

Russia's Defense Ministry acknowledged Monday that the navy's Iman oil tanker arrived at the Syrian port of Tartus 10 days ago on a mission to assist Russian navy ships on anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Aden and “for demonstrating the Russian presence in the turbulent region and possible evacuation of Russian citizens," the Black Sea Fleet told Interfax news agency.

A ministry spokesman would not say how many troops are on board, but Russian news reports suggest a more active military presence in Syria.

Russia is a strong ally to Syrian President Bashar Assad and has angered fellow members of the United Nations Security Council by blocking repeated attempts to put an end to violence in Syria.

A Security Council source told ABC News that the arrival of members of Russia's military in Syria was a “bomb” of a development, sure to have serious repercussions.

Interfax reported the tanker arrived in Tartus on the Mediterranean Sea with an anti-terror squad from the Russian Marines.

ABC News reported that RIA Novosti, a news outlet tied to the Kremlin, announced the arrival only on its Arabic-language website.

Russian embassy officials have declined to comment, but Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov last week told a meeting of the Russian State Duma that there were no plans for sending combat troops to Syria, according to RIA Novosti.

“As for the question whether I consider it necessary to confront the United States in Syria ... to take part in military actions, no. I believe this would be against Russia's national interests,” Lavrov said.

Valentina Matviyenko, speaker of the Russian parliament's upper house, said last week that a government delegation would visit Syria this week for discussions with representatives from Assad's cabinet and opposition groups, according to RIA Novosti.

Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov denied reports that special forces were inside Syria, although he said there are military and technical advisers in the Syria.

The port of Tartus is now the only naval base Russia has outside the former Soviet Union. A Russian navy squadron made a call there in January in what was seen by many as a show of Moscow's support for Assad.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Article from FOXNEWS

Massive manhunt underway in France after fatal shooting

A massive manhunt is underway in France on Monday to find the perpetrator of the fatal shootings of three children and their teacher at a Jewish school in Toulouse, in southwest France.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who flew to Toulouse where the sniper attacks on Ozar Hatorah Jewish day school occurred, called the killings a "national tragedy," the BBC reported. He has raised the state of alert for terrorism attacks in the southwest of the country to the highest level.

The violence--reportedly carried out by a gunmen on a black Yamaha motorcycle-- occurred as parents were dropping off their children at the school Monday morning.

"Witnesses said the gunman pulled up on a black scooter and began shooting at an area which serves as the drop-off point for the school's nursery- and primary-age children," the BBC report said. Killed were Jonathan Sandler, a teacher at the school, his two sons, ages 3 and 6, and an 8-year-old girl, daughter of the head teacher. The sniper also wounded a fifth person, a 17-year-old boy.

French police have said the gun used in the attack Monday is the same one used in shooting attacks that killed three French soldiers of north African descent in two separate incidents in the area last week.

French police are searching for three former French soldiers who were kicked out of the force in 2008 over alleged neo-Nazi ties, France's LePoint reported, believing they might be connected to the attacks, which seemingly have been targeting France's Jewish and North African communities.

"The police remain convinced that [the attacker] is military (still active or not), given his modus operandi, his way of moving and his use of his weapon," a translation of the report said.

Sarkozy and fellow French presidential candidates have temporarily suspended their campaigns in the wake of the shooting, while the investigation is underway.

Sarkozy and right-wing candidate Marine Le Pen have recently been criticized for raising concerns in the campaign about "halal" meat in France. Sarkozy has also drawn rebuke for his recent declaration that "there are too many foreigners" in France. The statements are seen as a ploy by Sarkozy to try to take votes away from Le Pen, but have been widely decried in France by both Jewish and Muslim communities as inflammatory. French presidential elections are scheduled for late April.

The White House expressed deep sadness over the horrific attacks. "We join the Government of France in condemning this unprovoked and outrageous act of violence in the strongest possible terms," NSC spokesman Tommy Vietor said in a statement.
Toulouse, France. (AFP)

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[ [ [['test Zimmerman for alcohol or drugs', 11]], '', '[Related: White House says Trayvon Martin is local issue]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['The public radio show This American Life has', 2]], '', '[Related: Mike Daisey Says Technology Is New Religion]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Apple fanboy Mike Daisey that aired in early January', 6]], ' ', '[Related: The Darker Side of Apple]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['I think that these guys are getting mercilessly picked apart', 3]], '', '[Related: Invisible Children defends Kony 2012 film in new video]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['With U.S.-Afghanistan relations in crisis', 11]], '', '[Related: No ‘Afghanistan' in new Obama campaign video]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Jon Stewart weighed in on the Rush Limbaugh', 2]], '', '[Related: Rush Limbaugh comment controversy proves it has staying power]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Mammadyarov said democratisation', 11]], '', '[Related: Russian grannies win bid to sing at Eurovision]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['With U.S.-Afghanistan relations in crisis', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'Reuters/Naseer Ahmed', ], [ [['Rutgers', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'Reuters', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Mitt Romney likens a massive pancake to his Puerto Rico win

For Mitt Romney, the road to the White House apparently leads through a massive 16-inch pancake. Campaigning at Charlie Parker's Diner in Springfield, Ill., on Monday, Romney marveled at the size of the flapjacks, likening them to his victory in Puerto Rico's GOP primary over the weekend. "These pancakes are something else, I'll tell ya," [...]

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Obama staying away from Trayvon Martin uproar

The White House said Monday that President Barack Obama won't be getting involved in the case of Trayvon Martin, the black 17-year-old Florida high school student shot dead last month by a Hispanic neighborhood watchman in an incident that has sparked a national uproar. "Our thoughts and prayers go out to Trayvon Martin' s family. [...]

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In Reagan\'s hometown, Santorum compares Romney to Ford

Republican presidential Santorum speaks to supporters at a DIXON, Ill.-The day before the Illinois primary, Rick Santorum visited the boyhood home of former President Ronald Reagan to pitch Republican voters. Reagan moved to Dixon when he was 9 years old with his family, and his old house now sits on Reagan Way, just off the Ronald Reagan Memorial Tollway, which is not far [...]

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Romney accuses Obama of blocking ‘economic freedom\'

Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at the University of Chicago, Monday, March 19, 2012, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general election fight against President Barack Obama, Mitt Romney accused the president of hampering the nation's "economic freedom" and slowing the nation's recovery by proposing tax increases and expanding government bureaucracy.

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Mitt Romney likens a massive pancake to his Puerto Rico win

Remake AmericaAfter a health scare leaves him on the brink of disaster, Bill faces the unthinkable when it comes to his home.

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Obama staying away from Trayvon Martin uproar

TOULOUSE, France (AP) - A motorcycle assailant opened fire with two handguns Monday in front of a Jewish school in the French city of Toulouse, killing a rabbi, his two young sons and a schoolgirl. One of the same guns was fired in other deadly motorcyle attacks in the area in recent days, officials said.

Authorities ordered increased security at schools and synagogues around the country after an attack that drew high-level uproar in Israel and revolted France, where school shootings and deadly attacks on Jews are extremely rare.

France, which has seen a low drumroll of anti-Semitic incidents, is particularly sensitive toward the Jewish community because of its World War II past of abetting Nazi occupiers deport Jewish citizens.

News that the gun was used in attacks last week in the Toulouse fueled suspicions that a serial killer on the loose is targeting French minorities, and not only Jews. The dead and injured in the earlier attacks were paratroopers of North African and Caribbean origin.

All three times, the attacker came on a motorcycle, apparently alone, and then sped away.

A police official said the same powerful .45-caliber handgun used in Monday's attack on a school in Toulouse was used in shootings four days ago that killed two paratroopers in nearby Montauban, and in an attack that killed a paratrooper eight days ago in Toulouse.

In Monday's attack, the killer also used a .35-caliber gun, the police official said. At least 15 shots were fired at the school in a residential neighborhood in northeastern Toulouse, the official said. The official, based in Paris, was not authorized to speak publicly and asked that he not be identified by name.

French prosecutors were studying possible terrorist links but the motive for all three attacks was unclear. The emotion over the school attack that cut down young children prompted high-level discussions in Israel, where the rabbi had recently lived.

"This is a day of national tragedy because children were killed in cold blood," President Nicolas Sarkozy said after rushing to Toulouse.

Religious minorities and issues of race have emerged as a prominent issue in France's current presidential campaign.

Sarkozy, speaking in Toulouse, denounced "the savagery" of the attack and vowing to track down the killer or killers.

"We will find him," he said.

Sarkozy ordered increased security at Jewish and Muslim buildings around Toulouse, while his prime minister told officials to "secure" all school and religious buildings in the entire country.

Sarkozy's challengers for the presidential vote in April and May also rushed to the scene.

In each of the three attacks, the same large caliber bullet was used, a police official said. He was not authorized to speak publicly and asked not to be identified.

A 30-year-old rabbi and his 3-year-old and 6-year-old sons were killed Monday just before classes started at the Ozar Hatorah school, a junior high and high school in a quiet residential neighborhood, Toulouse Prosecutor Michel Valet said.

Another child, the 8-year-old daughter of the school principal, was also killed, school officials said. Valet said a 17-year-old boy was also seriously wounded and in the operating ward of a city hospital.

"He shot at everything he had in front of him, children and adults," Valet said. "The children were chased inside the school."

The slain rabbi was Johnathan Sandler, who taught Yiddish at the school, according to another teacher, Uriel Torjmane. Sandler arrived here from Jerusalem last September with his wife and children, according to Zionist activist Charlotte Elbaz.

France has the largest Jewish community in Western Europe, estimated at about 500,000, as well as its largest Muslim population, about 5 million.

Toulouse, a southwestern city north of the Pyrenees, has about 10,000 to 15,000 Jews in its overall population of 440,000, said Jean-Paul Amoyelle, the president of the Ozar Hatorah school network in France. He said the Toulouse Jewish community is well integrated.

The school targeted Monday, behind a high white wall with few external markings, was cordoned off by police, who then escorted other children out as forensics police combed the scene. Six bullet holes circled an aluminum fence that surrounds the school.

One officer held a distraught girl, her face in her hands. A mother and son wearing a yarmulke walked away from the site, their faces visibly pained. A video camera was visible at the school's entrance.

"The drama occurred a bit before 8 a.m. A man arrived in front of the school on a motorcycle or scooter," Valet said, adding that the man got off his scooter outside the school and opened fire.

"Everything leads one to believe that these were racist and anti-Semitic acts," Toulouse Mayor Pierre Cohen said on BFM-TV.

Interior Ministry spokesman Pierre-Henry Brandet told The Associated Press that the suspect made his getaway on a dark-colored scooter - just as the assailant or assailants did in the two shootings last week.

On March 10, a gunman on a motorbike shot and killed a paratrooper in Toulouse. Last Thursday, a gunman on a motorbike opened fire on three uniformed paratroopers at a bank machine in Montauban, about 50 kilometers (30 miles) from Toulouse, killing two and critically wounding the other.

A man who lives near the school said he spoke with the slain rabbi just before he was killed.

"I said "Bonjour" to him like normal," said the 29-year-old, asking to be identified only by his first name, Baroukh. "Then he went out into the school entrance. I heard the shots and I turned around and saw him on the ground. He looked dead. But I didn't have much time to see who did it because I panicked and started running away."

Sarkozy visited the school accompanied by Richard Prasquier, the president of CRIF, the umbrella group representing Jewish organizations.

"Barbarity, savagery, cruelty cannot win. Hate cannot win," Sarkozy said.

Paris police said Monday they are investigating threats against two synagogues in Paris from last week. A police official said there was no apparent link between those threats and Monday's shooting.

In Jerusalem, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said "whether it was a terror attack or a hate crime, the loss of life is unacceptable."

Einat Wilf, an Israeli legislator from the Independence Party, said legislators were being briefed on the shooting.

Special prayers were being offered Monday at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and a minute of silence in all French schools was to be held Tuesday. A carnival in Toulouse was canceled and vigils were planned in Toulouse and Paris to honor the victims.


Elaine Ganley and Thomas Adamson and Sarah DiLorenzo in Paris and Amy Teibel in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

(This version CORRECTS Restores detail, background. Corrects caliber of guns; AP Video.)

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In Reagan\'s hometown, Santorum compares Romney to Ford

The Shutdown Five: Legendary QBs who finished their careers on other teams: For fourteen years, Peyton Manning h...

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Romney accuses Obama of blocking ‘economic freedom\'

The only part of this that sucks. RT @keachhagey: @ItsDavidFord Thanks, I'll be in NYC.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Apple: iPads to Outsell PCs

  • March 7, 2012: Apple's senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller stands in front of an old iPad, left, and new iPad, right, during an Apple event in San Francisco.AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

The market for tablet computers is set to explode, even surpassing the PC market itself, Apple CEO Tim Cook said on Monday.

“The tablet market will eventually surpass the PC market … it's just a question of when,” Cook said in a conference call announcing Apple's plans to issue dividends and initiate a stock buyback with its massive $97 billion cash balance.

The company's vast war chest was built largely off sales of hugely successful gadgets such as the iPad; Cook said Apple has sold 55 million to date, and sales of the new iPad were through the roof in the first weekend.

“We had a record weekend, and we're thrilled with it,” Cook said. But sales today are just the tip of the iceberg.

“Gartner estimates that the tablet market will be 325 million units by 2015,” Cook noted.

It might not even take that long.

According to Ross Rubin, executive director and principal analyst for market research firm NPD Connected Intelligence, that switch over could happen as early as this year.

“If their market size change rates continue on pace, we've seen evidence that tablet sales are on track to surpass notebook sales in the U.S. in the near future, perhaps this year,” he told

Apple isn't alone in anticipating tablet growth: Microsoft has its sights set on those little rectangles of glass and silicon as well. The forthcoming Windows 8 operating system is in many ways optimized for tablets -- arguably to the detriment of the traditional desktop or laptop.

But the victory of the tablet computer isn't so cut and dried.

A second report by Gartner released March 8 notes that worldwide PC shipments are expected to rise 4.4 percent in 2012, to a total of 368 million units, and to reach more than 400 million by 2013. These numbers are weaker than expected, thanks to tablets, but still bigger than projected tablet sales.

“PC shipments will remain weak in 2012, as the PC market plays catch up in bringing a new level of innovation that consumers want to see in devices they purchase,” said Ranjit Atwal, research director at Gartner. “The real question is whether Windows 8 and ultrabooks will create the compelling offering that gets the earlier adopter of devices excited about PCs again.”

A Microsoft representative declined to respond to Cook's comments, pointing instead to a blog post by Frank X. Shaw, a Microsoft vice president. Titled "Where the PC is headed," the post offers the company's perspective on tablets.

And the Windows vision of the future embraces several devices rather than just tablets.

“One should take any reports of the death of the PC with a rather large grain of salt,” Shaw wrote.

“While it's fun for the digerati to pronounce things dead, and declare we're post-PC, we think it's far more accurate to say that the 30-year-old PC isn't even middle aged yet, and about to take up snowboarding.”

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ed with sparking probes into how Apple's high-tech devices are made, is finding himself under fire for distorting the truth. The public radio show “This American Life” retracted a story Friday, March 16, 2012, that it broadcast in January about what Daisey said he saw while visiting a factory in China where iPads and iPhones are made. (AP Photo/The Public Theater, Stan Barouh)" border="0" />Mike Daisey admitted last week that part of his "This American Life" story about Apple's use of Chinese sweatshops was fabricated.

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Article from YAHOO NEWS

Afghan suspect\'s lawyer: We expect the most severe charges

A defense lawyer for Staff Sgt. Robert Bales said Monday he expects his client to be charged in the murder of 16 Afghans on Thursday. Going into his first face-to-face meetings with Bales, Seattle attorney John Henry Browne said he expected military prosecutors to issue the most severe charges against his client, a 38-year-old career Army soldier and married father of two. And he suggested that the defense may try to argue that Bales should never have been sent to Afghanistan with a concussive brain injury in the first place.

"We know what they are going to say -- it's something really bad," Browne told Bloomberg News' David Mildenberg in an interview Monday in Lansing, Kansas, near the Fort Leavenworth base where Bales has been held since Friday. The accused staff sergeant is currently residing in a private cell in the military base's medium-security prison.

Reports that the Bales' family had been suffering financial difficulties and other strains associated with his repeated absences due to three tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan were not relevant, Browne said. He also disputed reported accounts from unnamed military officials that alcohol and marital strains may have been a factor leading up to Bales' alleged March 11 house-to-house shooting rampage, which left nine children dead.

"Everyone has had issues in their lives," Browne told Bloomberg. "Some people do six or seven tours, but the question is whether the last tour was too much for someone with a concussive brain injury."

Daniel Conway, a military lawyer who represented another U.S. soldier charged in 2010 with killing Afghan civilians and also from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, told Yahoo News Monday that a military jury is not likely to be sympathetic to a defense that argues Bales suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and was sent on too many deployments.

"Good luck trying to convince a military jury with a PTSD defense," Conway told Yahoo News in a telephone interview Monday. "A lot of them have multiple family stresses. It will be difficult to convince them that kind of defense" is legitimate.

What Browne is probably trying to do is not argue for a complete acquittal of Bales, Conway said, but instead work to ratchet down the charges. A full acquittal would require that Browne convinces a military jury that his client "was unable to perceive the wrongfulness of his or her acts," Conway explained. "That's a tough hurdle."

More likely, Bales' defense will argue that "his [client's] acts were not premeditated," Conway said. That could possibly expose him to lesser offenses, such as 2nd degree murder or even manslaughter.

Such mental health determinations "are very relevant" in terms of determining whether Bales faces the death penalty for his alleged acts, Conway said.

"Always positive": Neighbors, army colleagues describe Bales

As his legal preparations get underway, military colleagues and neighbors who knew Bales are still reeling from the shock that he is the suspect in the Afghanistan massacre.

Originally from the Cincinnati, Ohio suburb of Norwood, "Bobby" Bales, the youngest of five sons, was described by neighbors as a well-liked, popular and kind extrovert, a high-school football player who looked out for an autistic child up the street, the New York Times' James Dao reported Monday.

"Mr. Bales was a gregarious, chatty, engaged teenager who played football and threw himself into an array of clubs and activities, including theater," Dao wrote, citing Bales' Norwood High School principal David Griffel: "He's one of those kids you remember: a real extrovert."

Army colleagues in Washington state who served with him in Iraq similarly described a sunny Bales to reporters, using words like "solid," and offering up photos of him wearing a broad grin.

Bales was "a really good" soldier and "one of those guys who was always positive," Maj. Brent Clemmer told NPR's Martin Kaste Sunday. Clemmer nominated Bales to receive a medal for valor for his conduct in the battle of Najaf in 2007, but he did not receive it, Kaste reported, noting that Bales did get awards for good conduct.

But there may have been signs that things became harder for Bales after his third Iraq tour, in which he suffered a brain concussion after his vehicle hit an IED. On that tour, he also lost part of a foot in another incident.

"I've talked to people who have done both Iraq and Afghanistan, and they say they'd pick Iraq any day of the week because Afghanistan is just so brutal," Bales' former platoon leader in Iraq, Capt. Chris Alexander, told NPR's Kaste.

Bales' attorney Browne previously said that Bales and his family were unhappy about his most recent deployment to Afghanistan, which he began last December.

The surprise combat tour came after a series of other setbacks and disappointments for Bales and his family related to his Army career over the past year.

In a blog that Bales' wife, Karilyn Bales, kept of family life which the New York Times reported on, she wrote last year about their disappointment that Bales had not received a promotion to sergeant first class, which would have come with a pay increase of about $350 per month. But she tried to see the bright side, saying maybe it would free the family to relocate to a new military base where they could have adventures and more control over their lives (and fewer combat deployments). On her list of preferred destinations, the Times reported: Germany ("best adventure opportunity!"), Italy, Hawaii ("nuff said!), and Kentucky, near her husband's family in southern Ohio.

That was her last entry, in a blog, called the Bales' Family Adventures, that has since been removed.

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Article from FOXNEWS

Church: It\'s Ludicrous for Atheists to \'Unbless\' Road

An associate pastor at a Florida church is questioning the washing away of a blessing placed upon a local highway by a religious group, saying the organization is "desperate for a little attention" for its cause.

Glen Copple, an associate pastor at Northside Christian Church in Lakeland, said Saturday's symbolic cleanup of holy oil by the Humanists of Florida was a "ludicrous" event that solely sought publicity.

"I find it absolutely ludicrous that the atheists who say they don't believe in God have to erase something that they don't believe in," Copple told "They were just desperate for a little attention for their cause. Only two of them showed up, it wasn't a big gathering."

Armed with brooms, mops and "unholy water," atheists with the Humanists of Florida gathered on Saturday to symbolically remove holy oil that Polk Under Prayer put down on Highway 98 near the Pasco-Polk county line last year, Bay News 9 reported.

Richard Geringswald, pastor at Northside Christian Church and director of Polk Under Prayer, could not be reached by for comment.

"We come in peace," Humanists of Florida director Mark Palmer announced before he and members of other atheist organizations launched their cleanup. "Now that's normally what aliens say when they visit a new planet, but we're not aliens, we're atheists!"

Palmer reportedly said Polk Under Prayer's blessing "sends a very bad signal to everyone in Polk County, and [anyone] who travels through Polk County who doesn't happen to be Christian."

The unblessing project, he explained, was "not about atheist rights," but about "welcoming everybody into Polk County."

Copple, meanwhile, said he found Palmer's statements to be "odd," but added he would be welcome to having a dialogue with the group.

"Personally, I don't oppose atheists, I just believe they're misguided," he said. "We look at a lot of the cultural issues and problems of our world today and strongly believe it's because we got away from following Christ."

Copple said Polk Under Prayer, a loose-knit group of Christian parishioners in Florida's Polk County, has no plans to hold an event in response at this time.

"There's not a knee-jerk reaction because we believe God is the solution to this problem," Copple said.

Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League, said the Humanists of Florida "acted in the grand tradition" of atheist groups by going negative.

"Having no positive statement to make, it wants to obliterate speech it disagrees with," Donohue wrote in a statement to "While the atheists are within their legal rights to attack the Christian message, it shows once again their proclivity to intolerance. Bullying is what defines them."

Article from FOXNEWS

‘Kony 2012′ filmmaker expected to be released from hospital

The international swimsuit model accused of being the mastermind of a worldwide drug ring run out of a Hollywood apartment has been arrested in Australia after skipping out on bail over a month ago.

Simone Farrow, who was once the face of the Ed Hardy brand of bikinis, used 19 different aliases to ship methamphetamine around the world by FedEx and even the postal service, according to the Drug Enforcement Agency and Australian police.

The 37-year-old, who was arrested in Queensland on Australia's Gold Coast and extradited to Sydney last week, denied the charges and claims that she was in hiding after running for her life.

"The only reason I've done this is because someone was trying to murder me," Farrow told Australia's Sunday Telegraph. "I've been in ... relationships with numerous underworld figures or whatever you want to call them and I feel that maybe they feel threatened by my situation."

Farrow was first arrested in October 2009 after flying to Australia while the United States DEA was raiding her Sunset Boulevard apartment, allegedly seizing drugs and documents.

After having a friend post her $150,000 bond in February, Farrow skipped bail. Police in Australia finally caught up with Farrow last week, at a cheap Gold Coast hotel.

Under the stage name Simone Starr, Farrow was a bikini model, pin-up girl and a Penthouse magazine "pet," while making FHM magazine's Sexiest Women In The World list three times. Farrow was also promoting herself as a singer/songwriter, and on her website, as a would-be reality show star.

Australian authorities now insist that behind that high-fashion facade, Farrow was leading a double life trafficking high-grade crystal meth, hiding them in shipments of bath salts.

"It's not uncommon in the modeling and entertainment industry," former special agent Brad Garrett told ABC News. "If your skill set doesn't take you any place else, where's it going to take you? A quick buck would be distributing methamphetamine. It tells me that she was not that sophisticated, and she may be desperate for money."

Investigators are saying that Farrow was the brains behind the "ongoing criminal enterprise," which they purport involved at least seven people.

One of the members of the alleged drug syndicate committed suicide in a Hollywood motel after being contacted by US authorities, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

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Article from YAHOO NEWS

Parents sought after boy, 3, found alone in Florida

Police in Florida were searching Monday for the parents of a 3-year-old boy found wandering the streets alone.

The boy, who gave his name as Josaya, was found alone and barefoot in Princeton, Miami-Dade County, at around 8:00 a.m., WSVN-TV reported.

"Once a child is involved, I've got to do something, I can't turn my eye," said Christopher Smith, who said he saw the boy and called police.

Smith tried to take the child home, but Josaya was unable to find his apartment building.

When a reporter asked him where his parents were, he replied, "I don't know, I'm a kid," according to WSVN.

As of 12:00 p.m., Josaya was in the care of the Department of Children and Families and police had not located his parents.

Click for more on this story from

Newscore contributed to this report. 

Article from FOXNEWS

Lawyer describes talk with Afghan killings suspect

FORT LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (AP) - A Seattle lawyer who is defending an Army staff sergeant suspected of killing 16 Afghans, including nine children, met Monday with the soldier for the first time at Fort Leavenworth, a conversation the attorney described as emotional.

Lawyer John Henry Browne said he met for more than three hours with Robert Bales, a 10-year Army veteran who is being held in an isolated cell at the military prison.

"What's going on on the ground in Afghanistan, you read about it, I read about it, but it's totally different when you hear about it from somebody who's been there," Browne told The Associated Press by telephone during a lunch break. "It's just really emotional."

Bales, 38, and Browne are expected to meet again Monday afternoon.

Bales has not been charged yet in the March 11 shootings, which have endangered relations between the U.S. and Afghanistan and threatened to upend American policy over the decade-old war. Formal charges are expected to be filed within a week.

Post spokeswoman Rebecca Steed said earlier that Bales would be able to meet Browne in what is described as a privileged visit. Along with medical visits, such meetings are generally more private than others conducted in the prison.

Bales is "already being integrated into the normal pre-trial confinement routine," Steed said.

That includes recreation, meals and cleaning the area where he is being housed. Steed said once his meetings with his attorney are complete later in the week, Bales will resume the normal integration process.

His day begins at 5 a.m., with a meal at 5:15. Then it's back to his cell and then to any scheduled meetings with medical, dental or mental health professionals. This is the time he also would be meeting with Browne.

People in pre-trial confinement eat separate from the general population for all meals in the same dining hall. Bales is being held in an area with about a dozen other service members who are awaiting the legal process, Steed said.

Among those being held at Fort Leavenworth are Pfc. Bradley Manning, charged in the WikiLeaks case, and Sgt. John Russell, who faces charges in the shooting deaths of five service members at a combat stress clinic in Baghdad.

If the case goes to court, the trial will be held in the United States, said a legal expert with the U.S. military familiar with the investigation who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the case.

That expert said charges were still being decided and that the location for any trial had not yet been determined. If the suspect is brought to trial, it is possible that Afghan witnesses and victims would be flown to the United States to participate, he said.

Military lawyers say once attorneys involved in the initial investigation of an alleged crime involving a service member have what they believe to be a solid understanding of what happened and are satisfied with the evidence collected, they draft charges and present them to a commander. That person then makes a judgment on whether there is probable cause to believe that an offense was committed and that the accused committed it.

That commander then "prefers" the charges to a convening authority, who typically is the commander of the brigade to which the accused is assigned but could be of higher rank.

Bales' defense team said in a statement late Saturday that "it is too early to determine what factors may have played into this incident and the defense team looks forward to reviewing the evidence, examining all of Sergeant Bales' medical and personnel records, and interviewing witnesses."

The lawyers' statement also said Bales' family was "stunned in the face of this tragedy, but they stand behind the man they know as a devoted husband, father and dedicated member of the armed services."

Military officials have said that Bales, after drinking on a southern Afghanistan base, crept away March 11 to two villages overnight, shooting his victims and setting many of them on fire. Nine of the 16 killed were children and 11 belonged to one family.

Court records and interviews in recent days have revealed that Bales had a string of commendations for good conduct after four tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. But he also faced a number of troubles in recent years: a Florida investment job went sour, his Seattle-area home was condemned as he struggled to make payments on another, and he failed to get a recent promotion.

At their meeting Monday, Browne said, Bales clarified one story: It was two days before the Afghan shootings when one of Bales' friends, another soldier, had his leg blown off by a roadside bomb. Browne said Bales didn't witness the explosion but saw the aftermath.

Legal troubles included charges that he assaulted a girlfriend and, in a hit-and run accident, ran bleeding in military clothes into the woods, court records show. He told police he fell asleep at the wheel and paid a fine to get the charges dismissed, the records show.

Browne, 65, has represented clients ranging from serial killer Ted Bundy to Colton Harris-Moore, known as the "Barefoot Bandit." He has said he has handled only three or four military cases. Bales will also have at least one military lawyer.

Tall and stylish, Browne has been a prominent figure in Washington state legal circles since the 1970s, known equally for his zeal in representing his clients and his flair before television cameras.


Also contributing were Associated Press writers Manuel Valdes in Seattle and Deb Riechmann in Kabul, Afghanistan. Johnson reported from Seattle.

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Article from YAHOO NEWS

Six hikers \'swept away by avalanche in Norway\'

[ [ [['The public radio show This American Life has', 2]], '', '[Related: Mike Daisey Says Technology Is New Religion]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Apple fanboy Mike Daisey that aired in early January', 6]], ' ', '[Related: The Darker Side of Apple]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['I think that these guys are getting mercilessly picked apart', 3]], '', '[Related: Invisible Children defends Kony 2012 film in new video]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['With U.S.-Afghanistan relations in crisis', 11]], '', '[Related: No ‘Afghanistan' in new Obama campaign video]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Jon Stewart weighed in on the Rush Limbaugh', 2]], '', '[Related: Rush Limbaugh comment controversy proves it has staying power]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Mammadyarov said democratisation', 11]], '', '[Related: Russian grannies win bid to sing at Eurovision]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['who brands himself as the first openly gay', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'Getty Images', ], [ [['With U.S.-Afghanistan relations in crisis', 1]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'Reuters/Naseer Ahmed', ], [ [['Rutgers', 7]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'Reuters', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

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Article from YAHOO NEWS

Starbucks\' Juice Evolution

  • Starbucks Corp. is opening of the first Evolution Fresh Inc. juice store.AP

Goodbye java, hello juice.

Starbucks Corp. is pushing beyond coffee with the opening of its first Evolution Fresh Inc. juice store, the company said Monday.

In the company's biggest move outside coffee, Starbucks purchased the California-based Evolution Fresh brand last year for $30 million. The grand opening of its first store comes only four months after the purchase, and construction of the place, in the upscale city of Bellevue, Wash.just east of Seattle, has been held tightly under wraps.  

Now the first details are starting to emerge. 

USA Today reports that the first Evolution Fresh store will be like an upscale health food store, with mostly white walls, light woods and marble countertops. Customers can order customized juices that employees mix up. Aside from juices, Evolution Fresh shops will have wraps, soups, salads, and vegetarian and vegan options. All food and drink is natural - no artificial colors, preservatives or additives.

Starbucks is targeting customers who are concerned about their health and well-being, and who have the money to spend on it.  

It's reported that juices will cost about $8 for a 16-ounce juice, about $8 for a salad.

Evolution Fresh was started by the founder of Naked Juice, which is now owned by PepsiCo Inc. Since purchasing the company, Starbucks has expanded distribution of its bottled juices beyond a handful of retailers that included Whole Foods Market Inc to more grocery sellers. Starbucks said Evolution Fresh drinks will make their way into Starbucks' company-owned stores later this year.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Article from FOXNEWS

Indianapolis police search for 16-year-old boy in connection with shooting of 5 teens

Indiana authorities are searching for a 16-year-old boy in connection with the shooting of five teenagers at a downtown canal in Indianapolis Saturday night. 

Police Chief Paul Ciesielski of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department said Monday that investigators have identified the 16-year-old as a person of interest, Fox affiliate WXIN-TV reported.

Ciesielski said the victims and several witnesses have implicated the teenager in the crime, but he said the boy has not been named a suspect, according to the station.

Five teenagers were injured during the shooting at the downtown canal at around 10 p.m. Saturday. Three of the teenagers were treated and released, while two of the victims remain in serious condition -- one with a leg wound and the other with a bullet wound to the chest. 

Police said the shootings occurred following an altercation between two groups of teens, the station reported. 

"The biggest problem, I believe, is unsupervised children. Again, from all ages," said Ciesielski. "We see kids even younger than 14 out in the middle of the night, unsupervised," Ciesielski told WXIN. 

Early Sunday morning, a SWAT team with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department raided an Indianapolis home, searching for evidence. Ciesielski said nothing was found in the home.

Click for more on the Indianapolis shootings from Fox 59 

Article from FOXNEWS

Apple\'s dividend: Who\'s getting how much?

Now that Apple (AAPL) has decided to make a dividend payment for the first time in more than a decade, we wanted to see who stands to benefit the most from the iPhone maker's decision to give back some of its $98 billion in cash.

The company said Monday that it plans to buy back some $10 billion in stock and pay $2.65 on each of its shares every quarter. Assuming it does send those dividends out and it stays at that rate, that would equate to a payout of $10.60 a year on each of its shares. That's quite a sum. Apple has nearly 932.4 million shares outstanding, meaning that roughly $9.9 billion in dividends would be paid annually.

While that's a staggering amount, Apple's not in danger of running out of cash anytime soon. Even if it never generates another dollar, and that isn't a consideration, it has several years worth of money to distribute. If you're worried, don't be, at least for now -- Apple's bringing in billions of dollars a year that it can use to cover the dividend obligation.

Institutional investors, the large professional asset managers and market participants, own 71.7% of Apple's stock outstanding, and that means big players are poised to see the biggest checks. However, it's important to note that large financial companies are highly diversified, and as a result, holdings can be spread out over multiple subsidiaries. Also, the numbers we'll cover don't necessarily mean the firms listed here are going to pocket every penny of the dividends -- for instance, many of the shares are held by mutual funds that are themselves owned by individual investors. So with that said, here's a sample of who will get what. Data are from FactSet.

In total, Fidelity Management & Research Co. has just over 49 million shares. That means the firm is in line to get $519.4 million on its current holdings. (To illustrate the point above regarding ownership, the Fidelity Contrafund has about 14.5 million Apple shares.) BlackRock Fund Advisors is next with 37.83 million shares, which would indicate it's due $400.1 million in dividend payments. Following from there is Vanguard Group Inc., whose 37.19 million shares would set it up for $394.2 million in dividends. Mutual fund manager AllianceBernstein has 6.24 million shares, for $66.1 million in dividends.

Among investment advisers, top holders are Mellon Capital Management Corp., whose 4.58 million shares would tally dividends of $48.5 million, and JPMorgan Asset Management (UK) Ltd., the owner of 4.52 million shares that should see a $47.9 million payout. On the hedge fund side, Citadel Advisors LLC has more than 2.79 million shares, good for $29.6 million in dividends due, and for pension funds, the New York State Common Retirement Fund's 3.27 million shares should qualify it for $34.7 million in dividends.


Turning to individual holders, Ronald B. Johnson, who recently left Apple to become CEO at JC Penney (JCP), has 233,000 shares. That should equate to $2.47 million in dividends. Arthur D. Levinson, Apple's non-executive chairman, has 186,000 shares, enough for $1.97 million in dividend payments.

As for recent ownership changes, the biggest buyers of Apple stock in the past six months are Putnam Investment Management LLC, which has added 4.73 million shares, taking its total to roughly 7.4 million shares, and Capital World Investors, which has has bought 2.50 million shares, giving it a total to 15.66 million shares.

Deustche Bank Investment Management Inc. was a big seller, parting ways with 3.85 million shares and leaving it with 2.99 million shares. Marsico Capital Management LLC sold 1.88 million shares, giving it 3.14 million shares.

Article from YAHOO NEWS

Mike Daisey gets standing ovation at show after retraction

Daisey (Public Theater)

Mike Daisey, the comedian and self-described "Apple fanboy" who admitted last week that part of his "This American Life" story about the company's use of Chinese sweatshops was fabricated, received a standing ovation at the weekend finale of his one-man off-Broadway show in New York.

Despite a firestorm of criticism surrounding Daisey's public radio report, the audience attending the sold-out show, "The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs," cheered him on.

"I came here sort of skeptical after reading about what was going on," Jane Glucksman, who attended Saturday's matinee at the Public Theater, told CNET. "But his show made me want to re-examine everything I've heard about Apple."

Oskar Eustis, the artistic director of the theater, said the controversy led Daisey to cut several sections of the performance and add a prologue to address questions raised by his critics.

But Eustis said that, as a theater, the venue should not be held to the same journalistic standards as, say, "This American Life."

"We do not and cannot fact check our artists," Eustis told the Associated Press. "We're a theater, not a news organization. The vast majority of what occurs on our stages is fiction. If we didn't believe fiction could reveal truth, we would have to give up our profession. With that said, it obviously matters a great deal to me that our audience understands what they are seeing."

Daisey plans to bring his show next to Washington, D.C.

On Friday, "This American Life" retracted an entire storyline told by Daisey that aired in early January after Daisey's translator said he made up significant details of the tale.

In a press release, the show says the episode was the most popular in its history and was downloaded 888,000 times. The episode also sparked a petition for Apple to improve its working conditions that was signed by a quarter of a million people.

Daisey said in the 39-minute episode that he became curious about the conditions of Chinese factories where Apple products are made after he discovered photos of factory workers that were left on his iPhone by mistake. He traveled to the factories in Shenzhen, China, and interviewed workers there, who told him they endured terrible working conditions. Daisey described meeting workers whose hands were shaking after they were poisoned with the neurotoxin hexane and meeting several children right at the gates of the factory who were as young as 12.

The China correspondent for the radio show Marketplace, Rob Schmitz, wrote that he decided to track down Daisey's translator after he found it suspicious for Daisey to ferret out some of the worst labor abuses that reporters have been hunting for years in a six-day trip to the site. Translator Cathy Lee told Schmitz that she never saw the underage or poisoned workers, and that she also never saw armed factory guards, which Daisey describes.

In a press release, the show says Daisey told them he lost her cell phone number. "At that point, we should've killed the story," show host Ira Glass said in the release. "But other things Daisey told us about Apple's operations in China checked out, and we saw no reason to doubt him. We didn't think that he was lying to us and to audiences about the details of his story. That was a mistake."

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