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Stars ready for White House Correspondents\' Dinner

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Minaj Flaunts Bikini Body

Nicki Minaj let her voluptuous figure fly in her new music video for the hit and upbeat jam “Starships.”

The hip-hop princess teased the video filmed in Hawaii to her fans last month.

In the video, Nicki, 29, rolls around in the sand wearing a hot pink bikini. 

She even added her own unique style half way through, dancing in a monokini that left very little to the imagination.

Nicki tweeted in March while shooting:

“Can't wait 2get on set. Dem male modelz iz poppinton #starshipsvideo.”

What do you think of the “Starships” official music video? 

Check it out below and for some seductive shots of Nicki click the gallery.

Article from FOXNEWS

Scary Retirement Numbers

The average baby boomer will fall far short on their necessary retirement income. 

About 44% short.

That's the grim prediction in a new study by Fidelity Investments which looked at average amounts saved, projected Social Security benefits, home equity and other factors across three demographic groups: baby boomers, Gen-Xers, and Generation Y (aka echo boomers). 

Like the massive RETIRE Project Georgia State University conducted for decades, the Fidelity study assumes that because some expenses decline once you retire, you don't need as much income to maintain your standard of living.

But that's about where the similarity ends.

While the GSU study(1) estimates that an individual earning $50,000 to $90,000 per year needs to replace 80% of that amount the first year of retirement in order to maintain their standard of living, this amount includes the taxes you'll still have to pay on some of your income/ On the other hand, the Fidelity study also assumes you'll need 80% of your pre-retirement income, but on an after-tax basis.(2) As a result, the before-tax income you will need will actually be 25% higher than the monthly amount cited.

Numbers Don't Lie. Humans Do

Another potential flaw in the Fidelity “Retirement Savings Assessment” study is that it relied on self-reported data, which can be less than accurate compared to independent sources for income and account balances. For instance, the “average” Gen-X worker was found to have a median age of 37 and a current income of $72,000 before taxes. The “average” baby boomer- age 55- reported annual earnings of $74,000- just $2,000 a year higher. It seems a bit improbable that a 55 year old would only have a $2,000 income edge over someone 20 years younger. 

Finally, while the survey included roughly 3,000 individuals ages 25 to 85, it was conducted entirely online, which naturally eliminates individuals who do not have access to a computer or wish to take the time to fill out an extensive survey.

The Shocking Shortfall…

Nonetheless, based on the self-reported information, Fidelity estimates the “average” baby boomer will need after-tax income of $4,800a month starting at age 67, (the year after reaching the Social Security “full retirement age” of 66) and will live to be 92. Income from Social Security, pensions and withdrawals from investments is projected to make up $2,700 of this amount. That leaves an "estimated" monthly income gap of $2,100, which translates into a shortfall of 44%. Again, however, because these are after-tax numbers, the shortfall amount is actually larger on a pre-tax basis.

Gen-Xers, who supposedly earn nearly as much as boomers and who have 30 years (as opposed to 10) for their retirement savings to grow, are projected to have an after-tax shortfall of $1,700a month.

Steps to Close the Gap

The most valuable contribution Fidelity's study makes is that it provides concrete actions you can take to reduce your retirement income gap, regardless of its size. Moreover, it calculates the dollar impact of each one. Such as:

1. Adjust Your Asset Allocation. According to Fidelity, even younger investors need to shift more of their investments into stocks, which have the potential for greater return, albeit with added risk.(3) The younger you are, the bigger the impact this will have, since there is more time for your portfolio to benefit from higher potential returns, as well as more time to recover from any market declines.

However, given the fact that most households have less than $100,000 in retirement savings, a study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College concluded that “for the typical household, asset allocation was unimportant.” You gain a lot more by working a few years longer.(4) (See No.3 below.)

2. Save More. Most people aren't taking full advantage of the retirement plan offered through their job, which is potentially a two-fold loss. First, your contributions grow on a tax-deferred basis, and  second, if your employer matches what you put in, you may be leaving money on the table.

Fidelity calculates that the “average” 55-year old “could add $425a month to his retirement income” by increasing his 401(k) contribution 1% a year from 5% to 10% over four years. (This assumes a 3% company match and a hypothetical return of 7.5%)

According to the Brookings Institution, “nearly half of all workers do not have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan.” In that case, create your own by contributing to an IRA.

2a. Do Both #1 & #2.

3. Postpone Your Retirement Date and/or Work Part-time in Retirement. Fidelity calculates that it's “average” Baby Boomer would see a $500 increase in her monthly retirement income if she retired at 68 instead of 66. A major factor is a significant jump in the size of her Social Security check.

The Center for Retirement Research has long advocated working a few years longer than planned to “substantially reduce” the number of households that would fall short of meeting their retirement income replacement rate.

4. Annuitize a Portion of Your Savings. Most of use underestimate how long we're likely to live, which means we could run out of money well before we run out of life. Although you lose access to the money used to buy a fixed annuity, in the long run, Fidelity concludes that its typical Gen-Xer and baby boomer “would be better off… as long as they live beyond their mid-80s.”

Based on the 2010 Census, the Society of Actuaries estimates that in the case of a married couple where both individuals are age 65 today, there is a 31% probability one will live to at least age 95!

5. Downsize Your Home: Unless you live in California, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, or somewhere else that was particularly hard hit by the real estate decline, there's a good chance you've built up equity in your personal residence. Fidelity suggests selling it and using 75% of the proceeds to buy a smaller, less expensive home. Invest the remaining 25%.

Since few--if any--of us fit the profile of the “average” individual this study is based on, I recommend finding an experienced financial advisor who can help you evaluate the steps most appropriate for you to take to accumulate the retirement stash you're going to need. Make sure this individual is also equipped to provide guidance on how to draw down your assets so they last as long as your retirement. Behavioral finance has consistently shown we are our own worst enemies when it comes to managing our money. Emotions invariably get in the way. One of the biggest services a professional advisor can provide is to stop you from making a stupid mistake you're going to regret later.

1. After computing retirement income replacement rates for more than 20 years, the GSU Center for Risk Management last did so in 2008.

2. The Fidelity Retirement Savings Assessment assumes “an aggregate effective tax rate of 20% (encompassing federal, state, and local taxes).”

3. A mix of 83% stocks (foreign and domestic) and 17% bonds is assumed to return 8.35%.

4. “How Important is Asset Allocation to Financial Security in Retirement?,” CRR WP 2012-13. 

Ms. Buckner is a Retirement and Financial Planning Specialist and an instructor in Franklin Templeton Investments' global Academy. The views expressed in this article are only those of Ms. Buckner or the individual commentator identified therein, and are not necessarily the views of Franklin Templeton Investments, which has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the content. 

If you have a question for Gail Buckner and the Your $ Matters column, send them to:, along with your name and phone number.

Article from FOXNEWS

Did Chevy Jump the Gun?

The 2013 Chevrolet Malibu Eco is a very good car, but even better things will come to those who wait.

The new ‘Bu is a handsome mid-size sedan that combines the strong face of Chevy's crossovers with Camaro-inspired taillights and sculpted fenders that give it a much more interesting look than the car it replaces, which comes across as featureless as a week-old bar of soap in comparison.

Inside you'll find the best interior in Chevy's current crop. Its dual-cockpit design finished with high-quality materials, an elegant horse collar-shaped center control stack, more than a smattering of shiny trim and a Karaoke bar's worth of blue accent lighting. The also-Camaro-inspired square gauges looking more impressive than the ones in the actual Camaro.

Chevy's new cloud-connected MyLink infotainment system is standard and offers Pandora and Stitcher Radio apps that work through tethered Apple and Android smartphones, satellite radio, and can be upgraded to include navigation. Neat trick: the screen flips up to reveal a hidden storage bin behind it. Where's the actual stereo? If I told you, someone might try to steal it â€" although it wouldn't do them much good.

The cabin is tighter in the legroom department than the car it replaces, owing to five inches of shrinkage in the wheelbase, but it is wider and taller. The resizing of the Malibu in part to accommodate the more than 100 other countries it will be sold in, but also opening up a bit more daylight between it and the full-size Impala in Chevy's showrooms. A relatively large trunk is some consolation, but what's that big box there in the back?

That would be the car's lithium-ion battery pack. Chevy doesn't go out of its way to promote the Malibu as a “hybrid,” but that's what the Eco model is. It uses GM's eAssist powertrain, which is also found in the Buick LaCrosse and Regal. Comprised of a smallish battery and a low power electric motor that offer assistance to a 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine, but not pure electric drive, it aims to improve fuel efficiency at a lower cost than more robust hybrid systems. Unfortunately, it doesn't.

The Malibu Eco has a base price of $25,995 and a fuel economy rating of 25 mpg city and 37 mpg highway. Good by conventional car standards, but the $26,660 Toyota Camry Hybrid gets 43 mpg city and 39 mpg highway, so game over there. Further complicating Chevy's marketing position is the $21,570 Hyundai Sonata that delivers 24 mpg city, and 35 mpg highway without any sort of hybridization whatsoever.

So, what happened?

As the story goes, the Malibu was originally scheduled to launch later this year with an all-new, very fuel efficient 2.5-liter 4-cylinder engine that would likely deliver the same, if not better numbers than this eAssist model does now for a few thousand dollars less. But faced with a large gap in its product calendar, and not wanting to lose any of the big ‘mo it has been enjoying of late, Chevy decided to stuff the most efficient powertrain it had handy under the hood and put the car on sale before getting swamped by the introductions of the new Ford Fusion and Honda Accord that are also set for the second half of 2012.

The new engine is still on the way, as is a more powerful 2.0-liter turbocharged version that will take the place of a V6 in the Malibu lineup, but for now the Eco is carrying the flag all on its own.

Nevertheless, not everyone will be cross-shopping the Malibu hard against its competitors, and in a bubble it does impress. The power provided by the eAssist system is strong and seamless, while the ride quality hits a happy medium between comfort and handling that fits the character of the car perfectly. At speed it's quiet as a Buick â€" no irony intended there -- and the stop/start function for the engine works without a shudder.

Chevy Cruze owners antsy to move up a notch likely will. That is unless they choose one of the last generation Malibus that will remain on sale until the rest of the new models arrive. It was the 2008 North American Car of The Year, after all.

(They can do better, they just might have to wait a little longer.)


2013 Chevrolet Malibu Eco

Base Price:

As Tested

Type: 4-door, front-wheel-drive 5-passenger sedan

Engine: 2.4-liter 4-cylinder with electric assist

Transmission: 6-speed automatic

MPG: 25 city/37 hwy

Article from FOXNEWS

Country to release inmates to ease packed prisons

  • March 29, 2012: South African President Jacob Zuma addresses the plenary session of BRICS 2012 Summit in New Delhi, India, Thursday.

South African authorities say they are releasing up to 35,000 offenders to ease overcrowding in the nation's prisons.

Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said Saturday some 14,600 prison inmates will be released "conditionally or unconditionally," along with more than 20,000 offenders on probation or parole who qualify to have sentences cut.

President Jacob Zuma announced the pardons, known as special remission of sentences, to mark the anniversary Friday of Nelson Mandela winning the nation's first all-race elections in 1994.

Mthethwa told reporters violent criminals and those jailed for sexual, drug-related and weapons offenses will not be freed. Prison overcrowding was being reduced from 34 percent over capacity to about 20 percent.

Since 1994, prisoners have been amnestied on several symbolic occasions.

Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa said Saturday some 14,600 prison inmates will be released "conditionally or unconditionally," along with more than 20,000 offenders on probation or parole who qualify to have sentences cut.

President Jacob Zuma announced the pardons, known as special remission of sentences, to mark the anniversary Friday of Nelson Mandela winning the nation's first all-race elections in 1994.

Mthethwa told reporters violent criminals and those jailed for sexual, drug-related and weapons offenses will not be freed. Prison overcrowding was being reduced from 34 percent over capacity to about 20 percent.

Since 1994, prisoners have been amnestied on several symbolic occasions.

Article from FOXNEWS

Obama has varying results in Russia, China approach

  • April 13, 2012: President Barack Obama in Tampa, Fla., speaks about trade before heading to the Summit of the Americas.

U.S. President Barack Obama's "pivot" to China's neighborhood and the "reset" in relations with Russia have produced limited results for signature foreign policy initiatives designed to improved America's standing with its former Cold War rivals.

Obama has succeeded in increasing cooperation with Moscow on nuclear arms reduction and shoring up U.S. partnerships in Asia to counter expanding Chinese power. But on other questions crucial to U.S. interests, those countries have proved stubbornly unyielding.

From nuclear-armed North Korea to potentially nuclear-armed Iran, the Obama administration has won only lip-service pronouncements of agreement on the endgames, but little more. U.S. officials say Russia and China supported new penalties on Iran and fresh condemnations, but previous administrations had similar records.

China and Russia have blocked Obama's attempts to get the United Nations to take significant action against Syria's government and ignored U.S. warnings that they will end up on the wrong side of history.

The overtures have left Obama vulnerable to charges that he is being naive or too accommodating to both China and Russia.

Republican critics, including likely presidential nominee Mitt Romney, say the administration has gotten too little in return from Russia for concessions on missile defense and has not pressured China enough on currency and trade disputes that cost American jobs.

Attention turns to China this coming week when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner attend strategic and economic talks in Beijing. Topics will include global economics, the violence in Sudan and maritime claims in Asia's seas.

But threatening to overshadow the discussions is the fate of a blind legal activist who, according to overseas activists, fled house arrest in his Chinese village and is under the protection of American officials. The escape by Chen Guangcheng, who has exposed forced abortions and sterilizations in villages as a result of China's one-child policy, underscores the fundamental differences between the two countries on human rights,
The U.S. and Chinese governments have not confirmed reports that he sought protection at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.

Since Obama took office, China's booming economy has driven global growth while the U.S. has struggled to emerge from its worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Greater Chinese assertiveness has resulted in clashes with the U.S. over naval vessels in the Yellow Sea and American exporters trading with Taiwan; with Japan over fishing rights; and with Southeast Asian nations over claims to the resource-rich South China Sea.

Washington's chief complaint, however, has been Beijing's shielding of North Korea from harsher condemnation and punishment for its nuclear weapons program and provocations that nearly plunged the Korean peninsula into war two years ago.

Previous rounds of the U.S.-China dialogue have been hailed as productive and have included new educational and scientific exchanges. They haven't resolved points of contention over Taiwan, Tibet and human rights. U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, which Beijing regards as a renegade province, still rankle China. U.S. demands for greater respect for human rights and Tibetan culture have fallen on deaf ears.

With the Iraq war over and combat operations in Afghanistan ending over the next couple of years, the recalibrated focus on Asia directs American military might and diplomatic energy to booming markets such as China, India and Indonesia. More than half of the world's population lives in Asia, which is seen as the future center of the world economy.

U.S. policy calls for increased cooperation with Beijing, where possible, and checking Chinese power in cases where it threatens allies and neighbors.

To ease concerns posed by the threat of China-backed North Korea, the U.S. has strengthened military alliances with South Korea and Japan. By speaking out against Beijing's maritime claims, Washington improved ties with Southeast Asian nations fearful of an expansive and potentially belligerent Beijing.

U.S. relations with Vietnam and the Philippines in particular have benefited. Even reclusive Myanmar, long an international pariah protected by China's diplomatic sway, has initiated democratic and human rights reforms to improve its standing with the U.S. and the West. The U.S. has taken the lead on talks about a new regional trade pact that would exclude China.

"We dealt cooperatively, extensively and candidly with China's leaders, making clear our positive view of China's rise and its regional role," said Jeffrey Bader, Obama's top China adviser until June.

Speaking last month, he summed up the administration's China strategy this way: "To achieve limited but real success on global issues while pushing back when there was overreach."

The administration has had some success.

While China appeared to be on the offensive in 2010, it has eased somewhat its rhetoric and tried to repair relations with its neighbors. Having seen the U.S. make inroads in places such as Vietnam and Myanmar, the communist government has been more prudent even if its foreign policy objectives remain the same.

Yet there may be little Obama or any other U.S. president can do to eliminate the long-term strategic distrust between the countries. Washington fears that an anti-democratic regime bent on regional hegemony could one day replace it as the world's pre-eminent power, securing resources and favorable trade deals around the planet. Beijing sees its ascension threatened by U.S. economic and diplomatic alliances, particularly in Asia.

"At first glance, this heightened U.S. attention to the region has provoked consternation in Beijing," said Elizabeth Economy, director of Asia studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. But, she said, "a stronger United States presence in the region, in many respects, is a prerequisite for more effective cooperation with Beijing rather than an obstacle."

Obama also has worked to mend ties with the Kremlin. Relations plummeted during President George W. Bush's administration after Russia's 2008 war with Georgia and disagreements over missile defense and Iran.

A series of deals has helped reduce U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons, allow Moscow to enter the World Trade Organization and secure the Kremlin's cooperation in Afghanistan.

But the relationship has again become strained by renewed disputes over Obama's revised missile defense plans, Iran and Syria -- and Russia's own election fraud, coupled with incoming President Vladimir Putin's claim that internal unrest has been the result of American meddling.

"For a report card, I'd give the reset a solid `B,"' said Andrew Kuchins, Russia director at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "It would have been a lot stronger a year ago. Now there are a lot of questions about the future."

Article from FOXNEWS

Judge says shirtless photo was \'serious error\'

  • "Hot dog, yep that's me," Detroit 3rd Circuit Judge Wade McCree told a reporter.

A Detroit judge who bragged about a shirtless photo sent to women says he's embarrassed by a "serious mistake."

In a statement, Wayne County Judge Wade McCree apologized to the public Friday. Earlier this week, he admitted to TV station WJBK that he had taken a picture of himself with a cellphone and sent it to women.

"Clearly, I made an extremely serious error in judgement," the statement said. "I am embarrassed and truly sorry for my actions, which have hurt and caused great pain to my family."

The picture shows the very fit judge from the waist up taking his own picture in front of a mirror. The judge said, "No shame to my game." The husband of a court employee who received the photo has filed a complaint with the Judicial Tenure Commission.

McCree didn't immediately respond to requests for comment. He says he needs prayers as he works "through this issue on a personal and professional level."

The husband of the court employee who received the photo asked why the judge didn't apologize to his family in the statement,

Please click here for more from

Article from FOXNEWS

Human remains found in murder suspect\'s yard

Police in Indiana found human remains in the backyard of a man recently charged with the murders of two women, Fox41 reports.

The remains were found in William "Clyde" Gibson III's backyard in New Albany, Ind. The 54-year-old is charged with the recent murder of 75-year-old Christine Whitis and the 2002 murder of 45-year-old Karen Hodella.

Floyd County Prosecutor Keith Henderson says the remains found Friday evening in Gibson's backyard are not those of Whitis or Hodella, but rather a third victim.

Authorities plan to identify the remains Saturday. 

Officials say the remains have been in the backyard for a matter of weeks or months.

Henderson says the remains were found in an area close to the home.

Crews plan to continue digging throughout Saturday night.

Henderson says that authorities are going off leads and will follow up on any new information they may get.

Gibson was arrested last week after Whitis' body was discovered inside his home. 

Prosecutor Keith Henderson said on Tuesday that Gibson "implicated himself" in both cases.

Detectives from other jurisdictions are watching the ongoing search as they pursue leads in missing persons cases.

One of the cases involves 35-year-old Stephanie Kirk of Charlestown, who was reported missing after she was last seen March 25 in New Albany.

If convicted of the current charges against him, Gibson could be sentenced to 160 years in prison

Click here for more on this story from Fox41 News.

Article from FOXNEWS

Chinese legal activist in US protection, group says

A Chinese activist who exposed force abortions and other atrocities in his home country has escaped house arrest in his province and is under the protection of U.S. officials, a Christian human rights group said Saturday.

The announcement about blind activist Chen Guangcheng by the Texas- based ChinaAid group comes just days before Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is scheduled to visit Beijing.

The 40-year-old Chen exposed forced the abortions and sterilizations in Chinese villages that are part of the country's one-child policy.

He fled April 22 from his guarded home in Shandong province in eastern China. Activists said local supporters took Chen away by car, then delivered him others who brought him to Beijing.

Chen had been held in him home since his release from prison in September 2010.

Neither the United States nor China has not confirmed the reports of Chen's fleeing or his whereabouts.

However, ChinaAid President Bob Fu told Fox News on Saturday he has confirmed reports that Chen is under diplomatic protection in Beijing and that officials are involved in “high-level negotiations about the next step.”

Fu hopes Chen's departure will be a catalyst for large talks about human rights conditions in China, regardless what happens before Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner visit there Thursday and Friday for talks on global economics and topics including the violence in Sudan.

“Given Mrs. Clinton's repeatedly telling China to release him, I'm optimistic this will help the diplomatic push,” Fu said.

He called the development a “pivotal moment” for U.S. human rights diplomacy.

“The Obama administration must stand firmly with (Chen) or risk losing credibility as a defender of freedom and the rule of law,” Fu added.“ If there is a reason why Chinese dissidents revere the U.S., it is for a moment like this."

He also said the case should be handled like that of professor Fang Lizhi.

In 1989, Lizhi, whose speeches inspired student protesters throughout the 1980s, fled with his wife to the U.S. Embassy after China's military crackdown on the pro-democracy movement. He stayed there for 13 months while the countries discussed his fate.

Chen's case comes as the U.S. is looking for help from China on many worldwide issues, such as trying to restrain North Korea and Iran on their nuclear ambitions, and push Syria to observe a cease-fire in the fighting in that country.

Fu and Chinese-based activists said Chen's his wife and 6-year-old daughter are still at the family's home.

Chen recorded a video as a direct address to Premier Wen Jiabao, condemning the treatment of him and his family and accusing local Communist Party officials by name. Activists sent the video Friday to the overseas Chinese news site, which posted part of it on YouTube.

Activist Hu Jia met with Chen after his escape and said people with Chen later called him.

If Chen is in the U.S. Embassy or with U.S. officials at another location, it is not known how he would be able to leave or where he could go without Chinese permission. There was no extra security outside the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on Saturday.

Hu's wife, Zeng Jinyan, posted a photo Friday on Twitter of Chen and Hu together. Chen is wearing the same clothes he wore in the video. Both men are smiling.

China's media have been silent on the case, and most words related to Chen and his village have been blocked online. Chinese political analysts have declined to comment.

A self-taught lawyer blinded by fever in infancy, Chen served four years in prison for revealing the abortions and sterilizations in his and surrounding villages. Since his release, local officials confined him to his home, beating him up on several occasions.

Chen is widely admired. Even Hollywood actor Christian Bale tried to visit, but was roughed up by locals.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Article from FOXNEWS

2 dead after attack on Afghan governor\'s office

Afghan security forces killed two would-be suicide attackers who entered the provincial governor's compound in the southern city of Kandahar on Saturday, an official said.

Parwiz Najib, the director of the Kandahar governor's media office, said two of the governor's bodyguards were killed and one wounded in an exchange of gunfire with the attackers, who were equipped with explosive-rigged suicide vests, hand grenades and automatic rifles.

Najib said the attackers were attempting to reach the governor's office inside the compound when the governor's bodyguards identified them, sparking the gunbattle.

Najib said the attack was over and the governor was unharmed.

Article from FOXNEWS

California cab driver thrown in trunk after pickup

PITTSBURG, Calif. -- Authorities say a cab driver was robbed at gunpoint and then thrown into the trunk of his cab and driven around by three people he picked up from the Pittsburg-Bay Point Bay Area Rapid Transit Station.

The suspects apparently asked the driver to take them to an apartment complex in Antioch on Thursday night. But authorities say they then robbed him of money, jewelry and a cell phone and forced him into the cab's trunk.

The driver was eventually dropped off in Oakland. He was not injured.

 Police are looking for the yellow cab, a Ford Crown Victoria emblazoned with the words, "Antioch Pittsburg," and the number "36."

Article from FOXNEWS

Anti-bullying speaker bashes Christian teens- College pushes envelope inviting porn star to speak

By Todd Starnes

As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant “pansy assed.”

The speaker was Dan Savage, founder of the “It Gets Better” project, an anti-bullying campaign that has reached more than 40 million viewers with contributors ranging from President Obama to Hollywood stars. Savage also writes a sex advice column called “Savage Love.”

Savage, and his husband, were also guests at the White House for President Obama's 2011 LGBT Pride Month reception. He was also invited to a White House anti-bullying conference.


Savage was supposed to be delivering a speech about anti-bullying at the National High School Journalism Conference sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. But it turned into an episode of Christian-bashing.

Rick Tuttle, the journalism advisor for Sutter Union High School in California, was among several thousand people in the audience. He said they thought the speech was one thing â€" but it turned into something else.

“I thought this would be about anti-bullying,” Tuttle told Fox news. “It turned into a pointed attack on Christian beliefs.”

Tuttle said a number of his students were offended by Savage's remarks â€" and some decided to leave the auditorium.

“It became hostile,” he said. “It felt hostile as we were sitting in the audience â€" especially towards Christians who espouse beliefs that he was literally taking on.”

Tuttle said the speech was laced with vulgarities and “sexual innuendo not appropriate for this age group.” At one point, he said Savage told the teenagers about how good his partner looked in a speedo.

The conservative website CitizenLink was the first to report about the controversy. They interviewed a 17-year-old girl who was one of students who walked out of the auditorium.

“The first thing he told the audience was, ‘I hope you're all using birth control,'” she told CitizenLink. “he said there are people using the Bible as an excuse for gay bullying, because it says in Leviticus and Romans that being gay is wrong. Right after that, he said we can ignore all the (expletive deleted) in the Bible.”

As the teenagers were walking out, Tuttle said that Savage heckled them and called them pansy-assed.

“You can tell the Bible guys in the hall they can come back now because I'm done beating up the Bible,” Savage said as other students hollered and cheered. “It's funny as someone who is on the receiving end of beatings that are justified by the Bible how pansy-assed people react when you push back.”

The executive director of the National Scholastic Press Association provided Fox News with joint statement from the Journalism Education Association that was sent to members â€" after a number of people complained about Savage's remarks.

“We appreciate the level of thoughtfulness and deliberation regarding Dan Savage's keynote address,” the NSPA wrote. “some audience members who felt hurt by his words and tone decided to leave in the middle of his speech, and to this, we want to make our point very clear: While as a journalist it's important to be able to listen to speech that offends you, these students and advisers had simply reached their tolerance level for what they were willing to hear.”

The NSPA said they did not have a prior transcript of Savage's speech and that wish “he had stayed more on target for the audience of teen journalists.” They also said it provided a “teachable moment” for students.

As for Savage's attack on people of faith?

“While some of his earlier comments were so strongly worded that they shook some of our audience members, it is never the intent of JEA or NSPA to let students get hurt during their time at our conventions,” they wrote.

However, not once did the NSPA or the JEA offer any apologies to the students or faculty advisors or anyone else in attendance.

Savage did offer a sarcastic apology “if I hurt anyone's feelings.”

“But I have a right to defend myself and to point out the hypocrisy of people who justify anti-gay bigotry by pointing to the Bible and insisting we must live by the code of Leviticus on this one issue and no other.”

Tuttle said that he “felt duped” by the event. “There were Christian schools who went to the conference. To have this happen was disappointing and shocking.”

The NSPA said they should have done a better job preparing schools for what to expect.

For his part, Tuttle said that he will definitely be more cautious about the speakers at future conventions.Tuttle related how Savage told students that for a number of years he was not allowed in schools. He told the students that because it's gained national acceptance “he's reveling in the fact that it's basically a middle finger to all those teachers and administrators who wouldn't let him have access to those students before.”

But for some of Tuttle's students â€" they felt like the anti-bullying activist was in fact â€" the bully.

Article from FOXNEWS

Police chief\'s wife accidentally runs over, kills child at softball game

The wife of the police chief in a central Florida community accidentally ran over a family friend's 22-month-old son in a parking lot, authorities said.

Pamela Bodenheimer, 51, was backing up from a parking spot Friday night at Titusville High School when she drove over Brady Hutto. She told police she did not see the boy. No charges have been filed.

Bodenheimer's daughter and the boy's sister are teammates on the Auburndale Bloodhounds softball team. The game was postponed after the tragedy.

"We have been in close contact with that family," said Lake Alfred police Chief Art Bodenheimer. "We are a close-knit community that has been impacted greatly. We ask for support and prayers."

A witness tried to perform CPR on the boy before he was taken by ambulance to a hospital, police said. He was pronounced dead soon after arrival.

"It appears to be a tragic accident," said Titusville Police Maj. Todd Hutchinson. "She was absolutely devastated," he said of Pamela Bodenheimer.

Her sport utility vehicle was confiscated for the investigation. There is a potential for a charge of improper backing, Hutchinson said. That will not be determined until the investigation is completed, which could take up to a week.

There was no indication that alcohol was involved, he said.

Most of the crowd had gathered for the softball game when Brady's mother went to get something out of her car in the parking lot. The boy wandered away, and Brady's mother noticed the SUV backing up.

"She witnessed the car backing over her child," Hutchinson said. "She yelled to get the driver's attention, but by then it was too late. The most serious injury was trauma to the chest."

There was an outpouring of support on Twitter from members of the community, including players on the softball team who said they were praying for the boy's family.

Article from FOXNEWS

No sweat! New breed of bees buzzing in New York City

  • Apr. 28, 2012: A new non-stinging bee is buzzing in New York City. The tiny insect, the size of a sesame seed, sips the sweet nectar of the city -- sweat.U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

NEW YORK -- A new bee is buzzing in New York City. The tiny insect, the size of a sesame seed, sips the sweet nectar of the city -- sweat, The Wall Street Journal reports.

"They use humans as a salt lick," according to entomologist John Ascher, who netted the first known specimen of the species in 2010 while strolling in Brooklyn's Prospect Park near his home. "They land on your arm and lap up the sweat."

North America is home to thousands of species of native bees. But they have long been overshadowed by imported honeybees, prized for their honey and beeswax since the time of the Pharaohs and a mainstay of commercial agriculture. Now, native bees are generating serious buzz.

So puzzling was the greenish-blue city bee he netted, though, that it took 41-year-old Ascher -- who oversees a digital catalog of 700,000 bee specimens at the American Museum of Natural History -- months to pinpoint its proper place in the insect kingdom.

In the end, only DNA testing by sweat bee specialist Jason Gibbs at Cornell University could identify its niche. Last November, they announced the discovery of Lasioglossum gotham, in a peer-reviewed journal called Zootaxa. The newbie joined the growing catalog of easily-overlooked wild native bees.

Sweat bees do not have a high profile outside academic circles. Unlike honeybees, which originally were imported from Europe, native bees do not make much honey. To their credit, though, sweat bees rarely sting; their occasional pinprick registers a one on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, the lowest on the four-point scale.

These bees prefer sweaty people -- over most animals -- because the human diet usually is so salty that their perspiration is saturated with the essential nutrient, experts said. Yet most people never notice when the tiny bees alight on a bare arm or leg.

By the latest count, about 250 species of native bees are known to nest in New York City's sidewalk cracks, traffic median strips, parks and high-rise balcony flower pots -- more perhaps than any other major city in the world, several entomologists said.

"For certain species, the city is as good as or better than a natural area," Ascher said.

Click here for more on this story from The Wall Street Journal.  

Article from FOXNEWS

US deploys F-22s to base near Iran- Israeli ex-intel chief slams PM\'s Iran stance

  • A F-22 flies in a display during Farnborough International Airshow, Farnborough, England, Monday, July 19, 2010. (AP Photo/Sang Tan)AP

The U.S. military has deployed several F-22s, the nation's most advanced fighter jets, to an allied base less than 200 miles from Iran.

The Air Force strongly denies this deployment is meant as a show of force against Iran or that it is in some way related to a potential strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. Rather, it says this is all part of a routine deployment and "security cooperation with regional partners."

The Air Force won't say how many jets were sent or exactly where they are stationed, but privately, U.S. officials have told Fox News the jets are in hangars at the United Arab Emirates' Al Dafra Air Base, a fact first reported by Aviation Week.

The F-22 has not yet seen combat. The jets were not used in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya. They are stealth, and they specialize in air-to-air combat, but can also strike air-to-ground if needed. As one Air Force official put it, "this is America's premier fighter jet. It has no rival."

The next round for Iran nuclear negotiations, which many consider to be the country's last diplomatic opportunity, takes place on May 23 in Baghdad.

"The United States Air Force has deployed F-22s to Southwest Asia. Such deployments strengthen military-to-military relationships, promote sovereign and regional security, improve combined tactical air operations, and enhance interoperability of forces, equipment and procedures," Lt.Col. John Dorrian, Air Force public affairs, said in a written statement.  

Article from FOXNEWS

Moderate earthquake felt in Los Angeles

A moderate earthquake rattled Southern California on Saturday morning, shaking homes across the Inland Empire region and causing buildings to sway in downtown Los Angeles.

The magnitude 4.1 quake struck at 8:07 a.m. The U.S. Geological Survey said it was centered along the San Andreas Fault about two miles northwest of Devore, in San Bernardino County. Some buildings swayed in downtown Los Angeles, about 60 miles to the west.

A San Bernardino County Sheriff's dispatcher said the Rancho Cucamonga station shook for a few seconds, but there were no calls about damage or injuries.

A small 2.0 magnitude aftershock hit about a half-mile away about two minutes later, the USGS said.

Paul Harrington was reading in bed at his home in Hesperia, about 20 miles north of the epicenter, when he felt the quake hit.

"It started out as a little tremble, like a plane passing overhead. Then a few seconds later, there was a real jolt," Harrington said. "A few seconds after that there was another smaller jolt."

Harrington said he felt the shaking for about 30 seconds. His home was not damaged.

A clerk at an Albertson's market in Rancho Cucamonga said the store shook for several seconds but nothing fell from shelves.

The epicenter was approximately where the San Andreas Fault crosses the San Gabriel and San Bernardino mountain ranges.

Article from FOXNEWS

NY teen critical after confronting iPhone thief

A New York City teenager was fighting for his life Saturday after he was stabbed during a fight over an iPhone at a Bronx subway station.

The 19-year-old saw that his friend's pocket had been slashed and his smartphone stolen after the two fell asleep on the downtown 4 train, polices sources said.

He spotted a man who he thought looked suspicious and began brawling with him over the missing device, police sources added.

When the train stopped at the Fordham Road station at around 4:00am local time, the scuffle spilled out on to the platform and the man stabbed the teen repeatedly in the chest and face, cops said.

Paramedics rushed the victim to St. Barnabas Hospital, where he was listed in critical condition, authorities said.

No arrests have been made.

Click here to read more from The New York Post. 

Article from FOXNEWS