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Hendricks: Nude Pics Aren\'t Me

Christina Hendricks and Olivia Munn are among the latest round of celebrities forced to deny that topless or nude photos of them are not real after their phones were hacked, according to a report from TMZ.

On Saturday, a rep for “Mad Men” star Christina Hendricks told TMZ that a topless photo of the star was a fake,  but that her phone had indeed been hacked. According to the rep, multiple shots the star snapped of herself were stolen, including several showing her without makeup and in minimal clothing, but denied the existence of any topless shots.

Hendricks' rep told the site that actress did not know who hacked her phone, but that an investigation was underway.

The news came just hours after a full-frontal nude shot purported to be of actress Olivia Munn hit the web. Several images believed to be of the star also included shots of her in a bikini and underwear.

But sources tell the site that the nude shot â€" which does not show the woman's face â€" is a fake. According to TMZ, sources said someone with a body similar to Munn's was taking the shots and trying to pass them off as the real thing.

Munn's rep did not respond to requests for comment.

Hendricks and Munn join the long list of celebrities who have been hacked, including Scarlett Johannson, Blake Lively and Vanessa Hudgens.

Last November, Christopher Chaney of Florida pleaded not guilty to hacking into the email and cell phone of 50 people, including celebrities like Johansson, Christina Aguilera and Mila Kunis.

“It started as curiousity and it turned to just being addictive,” Chaney told Fox30, a Jacksonville affiliate, last year. “Seeing the behind the scenes of what's going on with the people you see on the big screen.”

He also apologized for his actions, but denied selling the photos.

If convicted, Chaney faces up to 121 years in prison.

Article from FOXNEWS