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Rush Limbaugh joins Twitter

Limbaugh (AP/Chris Carlson)

Rush Limbaugh has joined Twitter. The outspoken conservative talker announced on his radio show Thursday that he now has an account on the social messaging service in an effort to combat his critics and mobilize his "army" of supporters.

"Everybody has been asking me what they can do to help in all of this, and I've been saying, 'Nah, just do what you've been doing just, if you listen, keep listening, that's fine," Limbaugh said, according to Politico. "But there's an army out there that wants to be mobilized, and so, I figured, use Twitter for it. I'm just going to put some things on Twitter that you can help us circulate. It's that simple you just retweet them."

His first tweet, from the yet-to-be verified @Limbaugh handle, linked to a story claiming there has been a "secondary boycott" of advertisers on his radio show orchestrated by the liberal organization Media Matters: @mmfa

It did not appear at the time of this publication that anyone has retweeted him, but three Twitter users-two supporters, one not-so-supportive-replied.

Limbaugh's account already has more than 102,700 followers.

"I've had a Twitter account just to lock it up, a genuine Rush Limbaugh Twitter account, not a fake phony one, just to keep it under my domain control," Limbaugh told listeners.

@Iimbaugh, already exists.

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