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URGENT: Strauss-Kahn charged in prostitution ring

A lawyer for Dominique Strauss-Kahn says the former IMF chief has been handed preliminary charges alleging he was involved in a French prostitution ring.

Investigating judges questioned Strauss-Kahn for several hours Monday. Lawyer Richard Malka told reporters after Strauss-Kahn left that he was accused of procuring prostitutes and involvement in an "organized gang."

Malka says Strauss-Kahn denies wrongdoing. The lawyer also says it is wrong to prosecute Strauss-Kahn for "simple libertine activity."

Under French law, preliminary charges mean authorities have reason to believe a crime was committed but allow more time for investigation.

Strauss-Kahn quit the International Monetary Fund after a New York hotel maid said he sexually assaulted her in May. The charges were later dropped.

Article from FOXNEWS