It could have been a nightmare scene for animal lovers around the world.

But thanks to some sun bathing beachgoers in Brazil - 30 dolphins are alive and well.

A dramatic video showing 30 beached dolphins being rescued by beachgoers in Brazil has become an Internet sensation.


The video shows dolphins appearing out of nowhere and suddenly beaching en masse on the Rio de Janeiro state coastline. They were apparently caught in a strong ocean current. 

Stunned beachgoers in swimming trunks at first look on as the dolphins' high-pitched squeals are heard. But within seconds, people quickly race into the surf to help the dolphins. 

Dozens of people are seen swimming into the ocean and dragging the mammals by their tails in an effort to get them back into deeper waters.

And the effort this past Monday was apparently successful. After all the dolphins were rescued, the crowd of dolphin-savers and onlookers broke into cheers.

Based on reporting by the Associated Press.

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