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Power Players: Hollywood nominates woman VP

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Women support her, she's got name-brand recognition, and she's got a sense of humor -- no wonder Julia Louis-Dreyfus has been tapped for vice-president ... on the small screen anyway.

The Seinfeld alum stars in HBO's new series 'Veep,' where she plays a former senator who accepted the call to be vice president, only to find out the job is not all it's cracked up to be. 'Veep' debuts this Sunday, and Top Line caught up with Louis-Dreyfus at the Washington, D.C. premiere -- a town where everyone is obsessed with who presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney will pick as his 'veep.'

Louis-Dreyfus's advice to Romney?

"He could chose one of his Cadillacs," she quipped.

"I'm not going to help him out. I personally am a Democrat, so I'm not going to give him any ideas," Louis-Dreyfus added. "I think a Cadillac is not a bad idea. It does what you say, you get in it, you drive it, it goes where you tell it to go."

And to be fair, vice presidents rarely get to do the steering. Former Vice President John Nance Garner, who served under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, said the office of vice president "isn't worth a pitcher of warm piss."

"He was a little bit right," said Louis-Dreyfus. "I challenge you to find one politician who aspires to be vice president. I think that very ambitious people become vice president and they are very often thwarted."

Does Louis-Dreyfus and her new show project a cynical view of Washington and the second-highest office in the nation? Check out this week's Top Line to find out.

Article from YAHOO NEWS