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Student sues university to keep her guinea pig in dorm

A student is reportedly suing a Michigan university for the right to keep her guinea pig in her dorm room, claiming she needs the animal for emotional support.

Kendra Velzen, a 28-year-old student at Grand Valley State University, says the school is violating federal housing rules by denying her request, according to the Detroit Free Press.

Velzen, who reportedly suffers from a heart problem and depression, claims her guinea pig, named "Blanca," helps her cope with her medical conditions.

Velzen presented a letter from her medical provider to the university in August, supporting her need for the animal. She also asked that the school make an exception to its housing policy, calling Blanca a service animal needed to help her with her disabilities.  

But the school denied Velzen's request, and said the guinea pig is not considered a trained service animal. 

Click for more on this story from the Detroit Free Press 

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