A Colorado State University student is in critical condition after attempting to jump from the top of a three-story apartment complex Saturday into a swimming pool after onlookers urged him not to attempt the plunge, 9News.com reported.

The channel identified the student as Ian Smith, a sophomore. Smith suffered a laundry list of injuries, including broken heels, broken ankles and multiple broken vertebrae in his lower back, the report said.

Amateur video appears to show Smith climbing onto the roof of the building and without hesitation taking the leap. He fell feet-first and slammed into the concrete surrounding the pool before rolling into the water. One witness told the station that she saw a “pool of blood” after the jump.

"It definitely made me sick," Brittany Polliard, a witness to the jump, told 9News.com. Witnesses told the station that Smith appeared to be drinking before the jump.

"I don't even feel bad for the kid because who thinks to get on a roof and run off into a 6-foot deep pool?" one woman told the channel. "I mean, even if he had made it into the pool, it wouldn't have been good."

Click here for the full report at 9News.com