An Australian mom has told of being "stalked" by a rogue kangaroo for two days before it savaged her, leaving her with a 12-inch scar.

Kirrily McWilliams was first confronted by the growling female eastern gray kangaroo in the backyard of her property south of Port Macquarie, in New South Wales -- and the next day it got through her fence and attacked her dog, a 143-pound mastiff.

Despite worried calls to National Parks and Wildlife Services for help, McWilliams was told to ignore the animal and it would go away, The (Sydney) Daily Telegraph reported.

That afternoon she was walking down the driveway to pick her daughter up from the school bus when she saw the mad marsupial heading towards her at high speed. With nowhere to hide she dropped to the ground and curled up in a ball.

"If you stand and confront them they can easily tear you apart because that's what they do to each other," McWilliams said.

It pounded at her a number of times, clawing at her back with its powerful hind legs before bounding away. She sustained a large gash and other scratches on her back.

"It was lucky it was cool weather and I had two layers of clothing, otherwise it could have been worse," she said.

While she was at the hospital, her husband was attacked by the kangaroo in the backyard, but he kept it at bay with a shovel.

A day later, NPWS officials issued a permit to hire a shooter and kill the kangaroo -- but by that time it had moved on and attacked someone else.

There have been a number of cases of kangaroos lashing out.

NPWS said the powerful eastern grays, which can weigh up to 145 pounds and stand almost six feet, were considered dangerous and its policy was to educate people on avoiding conflict.