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Following Pussy Riot Verdict, Christian Culture Warriors Run Riot in Moscow


Apparently emboldened by the stiff prison sentences members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot received this month for performing a profane anthem inside a Moscow cathedral, a handful of conservative, Russian Orthodox activists staged a series of audacious attacks on liberal Muscovites this week, all of them amply documented online.

As the news site reported the young culture warriors barged into a sex museum in the Russian capital late Tuesday night and left a brick and a threatening message for the staff. Alexander Donskoi, the director of The G-Spot Museum of Erotic Art, said that he had identified the activists “through their accounts on social networks” and by viewing online video of the self-styled defenders of the Russian Orthodox faith harassing supporters of Pussy Riot in recent weeks.

One of the Christians, Dmitry Tsorionov, posted security camera footage of himself and six others, including a camera crew from state television, inside the G-Spot museum on the social network VKontakte, a Russian replica of Facebook, where he blogs as Dimitry Enteo.

Security camera footage of conservative Russian Orthodox activists after they barged into a sex museum in Moscow late Tuesday night, accompanied by a television crew.

In another post on the same social network, a second activist, Andrey Kaplin, drew attention to the report on the incident produced by the crew from state television which had accompanied the protesters. The Russian news agency Interfax reported that the sex museum's director is a former politician who “announced the creation of his Party of Love,” earlier this year “by holding a demonstration in support of Pussy Riot in which party activists swam in a fountain at the GUM shopping center next to Red Square.”

The night before that stunt, Mr. Tsorionov and Mr. Kaplin had stormed into a Moscow theater during the performance of a “documentary” play about the Pussy Riot trial, shouting “Repent!” and “Why do you hate the Russian people?” at the band's lawyers, supporters and family who were gathered on stage. State television journalists, who arrived at the theater with the Orthodox activists, cameras blazing, captured Mr. Tsorionov turning towards the lens at the start of their video report.

A Russian state television report on Christian protesters disrupting the performance of a play about the Pussy Riot trial on Monday at Moscow's Teatr.doc.

The event took place at Moscow's Teatr.doc, which aims to produce “an intersection of art and actual social analysis concerning topical issues,” by crafting performances “based on authentic texts, interviews and the lives of real people.” The theater's artistic director, Mikhail Ugarov, suggested on hi s blog shortly after the protesters burst in that the whole event had been staged by the television crew which arrived with the Christians. “That is,” Mr. Ugarov wrote, “the TV people carry with them the group of extras and shoot the conflict.”

Even without a crew from the state broadcaster, however, Mr. Tsorionov and his fellow activists are quite capable of documenting their own stunts. One video clip posted online this week shows Mr. Tsorionov running up to a man at a Moscow trains station and ripping a Pussy Riot T-shirt off his back.

Video of a Russian Orthodox activist ripping a Pussy Riot T-shirt off a man's back at a Moscow train station.

Mr. Tsorionov also stars in another, longer clip of a confrontation with Pussy Riot supporters which took place this month on the day that three members of the band were jailed for staging a protest inside a Moscow cathedral on the eve of Russia's preside ntial election in February. In that video, the Orthodox vigilantes can be seen demanding that a supporter of the band remove a T-shirt that quoted a lyric of the band's song, “Mother of God, drive Putin out!”

Video of Russian Orthodox activists berating Pussy Riot supporters in a Moscow cafe.

Although the members of Pussy Riot insisted at their trial that the song they performed in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Savior - an obscenity-laced plea for the Virgin Mary to free Russia from Vladimir Putin's grip - was a political stunt, not an attack on believers, they were convicted this month of “hooliganism motivated by religious hatred.” Supporters of the group have accused the Russian government of portraying the protest as an anti-religious stunt both to dilute the content of the anti-Putin message and turn Orthodox Christians against the protest movement.

Responding late last week to widespread condemnation of the verdict against the three women as an assault on free speech, a Russian diplomat in Britain insisted that the cathedral performance was a “provocation against religion,” and even compared the stunt to the destruction of the ancient Bamiyan Buddhas by the Taliban in 2001.

After the Orthodox activists were given so much time to vent their rage on state television this week, Russia's federal investigative committee, which answers directly to Mr. Putin, claimed that a murderer in a Russian province had killed two women and painted the slogan “Free Pussy Riot” on a wall in the victims' blood. While supporters of the band condemned that crime, and cast some doubt on whether the state media report on the incident was reliable, the Russian news agency Interfax asked Mr. Tsorionov, the Orthodox activist, for his response. “The infernal force that drives them hates God, believers and humankind in general,” he said. “These people are capable of c ommitting any crime, and nothing but force and law can stop them.” A spokesman for the Russian Orthodox Church told the news agency: “This blood is on the conscience of the so-called public, which supported the participants in the action in Christ the Savior Cathedral.”

Later on Thursday, the author of the band's @pussy_riot Twitter feed accused the Kremlin of playing with fire by whipping religious activists into a frenzy. Referring to the fact that a senior Kremlin adviser, Vladislav Surkov, was just put in charge of the state's religious affairs office, the Pussy Riot blogger wrote: “Putin ignites the fires of revolution, and Vladislav Surkov starts religious wars.”

Ilya Mouzykantskii contributed r eporting from Moscow.