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Newsweek\'s \'Muslim Rage\' Cover Mocked Online


CAIRO - After a week of violent protests over an online video demeaning the Prophet Muhammad, the American news media has conducted a searching psychoanalysis of the Muslim mind to ask why such an offense should trigger such wrath. Essayists have generalized about resentments dating back to the 8th century, an anachronistic discomfort with modernity, or the excesses of Islamist politics, among other familiar themes.

On Monday, some Muslims online began to turn the tables, poking fun at the whole inquiry. Seizing on Newsweek's invitation to discuss its provocative cover story under the Twitter hashtag #MuslimRage, thousands of Muslim users of the social network mocked the premise by listing a few of the real and imagined irritants that make them mad.

Some t raded inside jokes about the incongruities of living in a Westernized world.

Jokes about the hijab, or Muslim headscarf, formed a genre of their own.