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Video Reports From Japan, Taiwan and China on Confrontation Off Disputed Islands


As my colleague Hiroko Tabuchi reports from Tokyo, the Japanese Coast Guard fired water cannons on Tuesday at a flotilla of Taiwanese fishing boats off a chain of islands claimed by Japan, Taiwan and China. Japan's state broadcaster, NHK, captured some of the confrontation on video.

A video report from NHK World, the broadcaster's English-language satellite channel, showed a Japanese ship spraying water at one of the Taiwanese boats.

Video of a confrontation between the Japanese Coast Guard and Taiwanese fishing boats in a report from NHK World, the English-language channel of Japan's state broadcaster.

In its report on the face-off, the Taiwan ese broadcaster TTV showed more of the flag-draped fishing vessels off the islands, which Japan calls the Senkaku and China calls the Diaoyu.

Taiwanese television's report on a flotilla of vessels from Taiwan turned back by the Japanese Coast Guard in disputed waters.

The standoff was shown from a third angle in a video report broadcast just after noon local time by the Shanghai-based Chinese satellite channel Dragon TV. That report was later posted on the news section of Youku, a video-sharing site in China, where it was viewed nearly 900,000 times in a few hours.

Watching the confrontation unfold from Hong Kong, an American journalist, Doug Meigs, observed on Twitter that Chinese officials might well view the clash between two allies of the United States in the region with satisfaction.