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Ask About the Wealth of Chinese Officials

As the prime minister of China, Wen Jiabao has staked out a position as a populist and a reformer, known as “the People's Premier” and “Grandpa Wen” in the state-run media for his common touch. But, as our the Shanghai bureau chief David Barboza reports on Thursday, many of Mr. Wen's close relatives â€" including his wife and son â€" have become extraordinarily wealthy during his tenure, accumulating shares in banks, jewelers, real estate and telecommunications companies over which the prime minister has broad authority. The relatives have controlled assets worth at least $2.7 billion.

In the course of his investigation, Mr. Barboza collected and reviewed corporate and regulatory documents tied to Mr. Wen's relatives, their friends, work colleagues and business partners. “Untangling their financial holdings,” he writes, “provides an unusually detailed look at how politically connected people have profited from being at the intersection of government and business as state influence and private wealth converge in China's fast-growing economy.”

What does this mean for the Chinese economy, and the future of the country's leadership? What is permissible under Chinese law? Here on The Lede, Mr. Barboza will respond to questions from readers about the intersection of government and business in China. Submit your questions in the comment thread below or direct them to @DavidBarboza2 on Twitter, using the hashtag #NYTChina.