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Disruptions: A Tiny Camera for the Stratosphere

There have been two major milestones in narcissistic photography in the last century. The first was the invention of the self-timer, which Kodak began selling during World War I. The second came a few years ago, as teenagers stood at mirrors taking pictures of themselves with camera phones to share online.

The camera phone is perfect for the social networking era. But even smartphones have a limitation: you need to hold them.

As the smartphone has pushed some camera companies off a cliff, a tiny, ultrahigh-resolution camera that can record that very feat has taken off into the stratosphere, figuratively and literally.

The GoPro, which costs $200 to $400, was mounted on Felix Baumgartner as he sky-dived 24 miles. It has been affixed to jets traveling at Mach 5 and surfboards sent down 100-foot waves.

As other companies have sunk, GoPro has sold three million cameras in three years. The market research firm IDC says that makes the GoPro the most popul ar video camera in the country.

Last week, the company, which began 10 years ago with a disposable camera strapped to surfers' wrists, unveiled the Hero 3. You might think a product announcement from a camera company would feel like a funeral shortly before the person was going to die. But it felt more like a celebration for someone who was going to live forever. Big-wave surfers - those who ride 80-foot waves for fun - showed their GoPro shots to sky divers, who, in turn, had their own stories to show.

How did this happen? Nick Woodman, the founder and inventor of GoPro, says, “Right place, right time.”

It was almost that simple. Mr. Woodman, 37, made the first, crude GoPro when he went to Indonesia on a surfing trip. He wanted to take pictures of a friend in the water. But when he turned the camera around to take pictures of himself, he realized the company's potential.

“The big ‘aha' moment was in 2007, when we realized the bigger opportuni ty wasn't just making wearable cameras for photographers,” Mr. Woodman said. “It was making wearable cameras for people to photograph themselves.” This was happening just as Google was buying YouTube and sites like Twitter and Facebook were going mainstream.

Mr. Woodman began selling inexpensive mounts that could attach the GoPro to anything: surfboards, bicycles, helmets, body harnesses, cats, you name it.

What happened next was astounding: people started to develop a relationship with GoPro.

“One of the magical things that started happening with the company was our customers felt compelled to give us credit in their photos and videos,” Mr. Woodman said. “People would upload videos to YouTube saying, ‘Me and my GoPro going sky diving.' You certainly don't see people uploading videos that say, ‘Check out my Sony Cyber-shot ski vacation.' ”

A search on YouTube for “GoPro” nets more than half a million videos. Millions of photos a nd videos litter social networking sites, all tagged with the camera's name in the same way people highlight their friends.

Now, the appeal is moving beyond extreme sports enthusiasts, whose idea of fear is sitting in a cubicle, to the people who sit in cubicles watching GoPro videos. The big camera companies are trying to displace GoPro, but they may be a decade too late.

“For the last 50 years, companies like Nikon and Canon have been focused on precision, which has its benefits but also has its limits,” said Chase Jarvis, a photographer and director. “GoPro is incredibly disruptive to these legacy camera makers, and I can tell you, their launch parties feel a little bit different. They are from a different culture.”
