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Campaigns Turn to Stars to Get Out the Vote

In the final days of a close race, as the candidates made their final pitches at rallies in swing states, both campaigns tried to harness the star power of their most celebrated supporters.

At a late-night rally in New Hampshire on Monday, Mitt Romney's opening act was Kid Rock. Before his final song, “Born Free,” the Michigan-born performer channeled the Romney campaign's one-word slogan, “Believe,” asking the crowd: “I want to know, do you believe? I want to know if you believe that you still live in the greatest country in the world!”

Video of Kid Rock performing at a rally in support of Mitt Romney on Monday night in New Hampshire.

Earlier on Monday, President Obama appeared on stage with Jay-Z and Bruce Springs teen at a rally in Ohio. As The Ohio Capital Blog reported, Mr. Springsteen, channeling Woody Guthrie, played a ditty inspired by the Obama campaign slogan, “Forward.”

Video from The Ohio Capital Blog of Bruce Springsteen performing at an Obama rally on Monday.

The same blog also captured video of Senator Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, dancing during Jay-Z's performance.

Video from the Ohio Capital Blog of Senator Sherrod Brown enjoying a Jay-Z performance on Monday.

Hoping to bolster the enthusiasm of small-town voters in Ohio, the Romney campaign dispatched a local hero, Jack Nicklaus, to rally the troops on Monday at a breakfast meeting in Port Clinton. The golfer, recently described by Mr. Romney as “the greatest athlete of the 20th century,” argued that the former Massachusetts governor would govern in a bipartisan fashion in his address at the Republican party headquarters in the town of 6,000.

Jack Nicklaus, speaking on behalf of Mitt Romney, on Monday in Port Clinton, Ohio.

Over the weekend, the Obama campaign unveiled a YouTube endorsement from the comedian Will Ferrell, who offered “to do anything to get you to vote on Nov. 6.”

An ad for the O bama campaign featuring the comedian Will Ferrell.