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Summing Up a Year in Pictures

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In 2012, The New York Times brought its print and online readers comprehensive, immediate and intimate visual coverage of news around the world and in the New York region, including: brutal urban warfare in Syria, Hurricane Sandy's destruction, a hard- fought election victory for President Obama and the mass murder of adults and children at a Connecticut elementary school.

A collection of the best of The Times's photographic coverage - the 2012 Pictures of the Year - will be published in The New York Times on Sunday and an expanded version is viewable in an elegant online display.

The multimedia and print package, edited and produced by Whitney Dangerfield, Rodrigo Honeywell, Jon Huang, Meaghan Looram and Jeffrey Henson Scales, features 91 photographs and text by the writer Colum McCann.

Introducing the Year in Pictures, Mr. McCann writes:

“As 2011 slid back into history - dragging along the false dawn of an Arab Spring, the rolled-up tents of Zuccotti Park, the sky grown nuclear over Fukushima - a lean promise of optimism fell over 2012. An election year. The London Olympics. And there was always the vague hope that we would not become hostage to the catastrophe of weather yet again. The images burned their way into our minds.”

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