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Parading on the Edges

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“I love surreal-ness,” said Nicole Bengiveno, staff photographer of The New York Times, who photographed the St. Patrick’s Day parade in New York on Saturday. “You have men in skirts, you have people with shamrocks on their faces â€" I kept snapping pictures of people with these funny hats and green hair. Because they’re just really in the spirit.” Followed by the freelance videographer Elaisha Stokes, Ms. Bengiveno demonstrates how, for the parade-going photographer, it is helpful to be drawn to strangeness. After all, if you have photographed as many parades as she has, an eye for the uncommon can be a gift. Likewise, a knack for sticking to the sidelines. “I lik to stay around the edges,” Ms. Bengiveno said. “I like the idea of being invisible.”

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