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From Nerds to Knockouts


Our friends at are always digging up the most notorious before-the-fame pics of Hollywood's hoi polloi.

This time, they reveal the geek life - before the chic life  - of some of Hollywood's sexiest stars.

Wenn, Jemal Countess/Getty Images for Scholastic

Elisabeth Hasselbeck's (Epic) School Yearbook Photo, and Today

Glasses, braces, AND awkward bangs. Back the, Elisabeth was rocking every cliché that nerd-dom had to offer. Best known now as one of the hosts of “The View,” Elisabeth is also a proud wife, mother, author, and celiac. Her passion for running and her gluten-free diet just may be the secret to her makeover success and are revealed in her book, “Deliciously G-Free.”

See the entire gallery of Nerdy Stars at

Wenn, Stephen Lovekin/Getty Images

Jennifer Garner's School Yearbook Photo, and Today

Jennifer Garner's hit show “Alias” certainly had a lot of nerd appeal. The superstar actress, and the better half of hunky actor Ben Affleck, even calls herself a “happy nerd.” In an interview with UK's “The Mirror,” she elaborates: “I was a real nerd. I wasn't the popular one, I was one of those girls on the edge of the group. I never wore the right clothes and I had a kind of natural geekiness. I was in the school band and I think that has a bit of a stigma at the age of 13. If you'd asked me what I wanted to be, I would have said something like a librarian.”

With “Variety” reporting last year that Garner is also developing a new TV show based on the book “The Geek Shall Inherit the Earth,” seems the star is harnessing her inner geek-dom for success. A true Bill “Super Geek” Gates move.

See the entire gallery of Nerdy Stars at

Seth Poppel/Yearbook Library, Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Rashida Jones, 8th grade in 1989, and Today

Who knew the studious daughter of Quincy Jones and Peggy Lipton would turn into such a bombshell? This Harvard grad told “Playboy” in 2011 that she was a square as square can be: “I came out of the womb reading books and thinking about my next project. I'm a born nerd.”

She continues by shamelessly admitting, “In high school I never drank, I never smoked, I never smoked weed. I was president of the varsity club and was on the math team and then student government.” With a string of hits under her Harvard BA belt now, like “Parks and Recreation,” “The Office,” “Boston Public,” “The Social Network,” and “Our Idiot Brother,” and (a geek-nod to) “The Muppets,” it's clear that talent runs in the family.

She also got daddy's pipes, contributing to several soundtracks, making this nerd a triple threat-writer/actor/singer. Add in beauty and brains as well and you know this star will dominate the red carpet for years to come.

See the entire gallery of Nerdy Stars at

Seth Poppel/Yearbook Library, Mark Davis/Getty Images

Paula Abdul as a High School Senior in 1980, and Today

According to “People” magazine, Paula Abdul played the flute in her school's band (band geek alert!) and she was also class president and on the science and debate teams.

Now, “forever our girl,” Paula sang and choreographed her way into our hearts with hits like “Straight Up,” “Opposites Attract,” and “Rush Rush” before she survived Simon Cowell not once, but twice, proving she has the X factor (no matter what Simon thinks).

See all 20 pics of Nerdy Stars at

Article from FOXNEWS