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Vergara: It\'s OK if Guys Stare

‘Modern Family' star Sofia Vergara gives a wide ranging interview in the April issue of Esquire about the differences between men and women, and the differences between Americans and Latinos.

She also models some serious lingerie.

Here's an excerpt from the interview (add her accent to her answers in your head):

Explain this: Latinas love to dress sexy. How is the guy she's with supposed to react when other guys look at her?

That's where it's up to the Latina to be intelligent and choose a guy who can handle that. If a Latina falls in love with someone who is insecure, it can be a nightmare. I've had girlfriends who've been with really jealous guys, and it's like they're never enjoying you. You're at a party and they're just watching your every move. Then they'll come over and say, “Why were you talking so closely to that guy? Put your skirt down!”

Look, if you're sexy, if you like dressing sexy, you're not doing anything more than feeling beautiful. A Latina just wants to walk into a place and feel great. Somebody is going to turn around and look. So a Latina better find a guy who understands that, even appreciates it, because it's a compliment.

So what happens when a sexy woman passes and your man turns and looks at her? Why isn't that okay?

That is a completely different thing.

What do you - ?

He can look, and then turn around. But not like this - Ohhhh! Sometimes the guy is looking in a way that makes you want to say, “Why don't you just follow her?” I don't have a problem with guys looking. It depends on how you look. If a woman in front of you is gorgeous, even the girls will look. But we're not going to stare. And we're not going to wink.

Read the full interview at

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