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Watch 20 years of newspaper evolution in under 2 minutes

A lot of things can change in 20 years, and in the world of print, two decades can be a lifetime. From 1893 to 1912, the Hawaiian Star newspaper printed 5,930 front pages, and the video above gives us a look at every single one of them. The brief clip shows each of the thousands of front page layouts for just a fraction of a second, bringing the pages to life like an evolving creature.

As the years pass, columns change width, ads appear more frequently, and headlines begin to grow big and bold, hoping to grab the attention of would-be customers. Pictures become more abundant and text is more condensed, packing more and more information into the same size of paper. Around 1907 the paper's logo becomes larger and more dominating, and the headlines continue to grow in size and number.

While two decades worth of front pages is still very cool, we can only imagine how amazing a century's worth of print would look when sped up to the same degree. Regardless, the video is a very interesting glimpse into the history of newspaper printing and the practices in place a century ago that are still prevalent today.


This article originally appeared on Tecca

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