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Check coffee shops, bars, and the office the next time you lose your phone

Losing your cellphone can be a devastating experience - phones are expensive to replace, and the idea of a malicious stranger having access to your address book is unsettling. But if there's any consolation, the next time it happens, you'll have an idea of where to look thanks to mobile security company Lookout: Odds are, it's in a coffee shop in Philadelphia.

The company compiled the data for its report from over nine million phones lost or stolen over the course of 2011. Every time a user of one of Lookout's lost phone apps attempted to find their phone, the GPS location of the phone was cross referenced with Foursquare to find the closest listed establishment. And after all the dust cleared, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Oakland all topped the list for cities where phones were most frequently lost.

Top 10 cities for lost cell phones, 2011:
1. Philadelphia
2. Seattle
3. Oakland
4. Long Beach
5. Newark
6. Detroit
7. Cleveland
8. Baltimore
9. New York
10. Boston

And where were these phones lost? Well, according to the data, more lost phones turn up in coffee shops - perhaps not surprising, considering how many of us start our days with a stop at a Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts for a cup of joe. Also making the top 10 list: bars, grocery stores, and gas stations. Apartment buildings and residences also make the top 10, hinting that the next time you lose your phone, you may want to take a second look around your room, just in case.

Top 10 venues for lost cell phones, 2011:
1. Coffee Shop
2. Bar
3. Office
4. Restaurant
5. Apartment & Condo
6. Grocery Store
7. Gas Station
8. Residential
9. Pharmacy/Drug Store
10. Park


This article was written by Fox Van Allen and originally appeared on Tecca

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