Celebrities may have a reputation for being ardent supporters of President Obama, but don't count former “Saturday Night Live” comedian Jon Lovitz among them.

In fact, the comedian thinks he is a “f**king a**hole.”

In a podcast entitled “The ABC's of SNL” hosted by Lovitz and filmmaker Kevin Smith, Lovitz took on the president over taxes.

"This whole thing with Obama saying the rich don't pay their taxes is f**king bullsh**. And I voted for the guy, and I'm a Democrat. What a f**king a**hole. The rich don't pay their taxes? Let me tell you something, right. First they say to you, you're dead broke, 'the United States of America, you can do anything you want, go for it.' So then you go for it and then you make it, and everyone's like 'f**k you.'"

"I voted for the guy, and I'm a Democrat. What a f**king a**hole"

- Jon Lovitz on President Obama

He went on to say, “If I make a dollar and out of every dollar I'm taxed at 50, half, at 50 cents, I have to give, isn't that like enough? It's half. HALF!”

Click here to hear a clip from the podcast. 

Lovitz's co-host joked that the government would come in and shut his “Jon Lovitz Podcast Theatre” down for his comments.

“We heard that [in] the fourth f**kin episode, you won't leave Obama alone. This is an election year! They're gon come in and make an example of you man, the government can come in and take you sh*t away. Even your good memories.”

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The podcast was released last week, despite being recorded in January.

It wasn't the first time the comedian used a social networking site to express his thoughts. 

Earlier this month, Lovitz used Twitter to expose three teenage girls behind an anti-Semitic prank on his friend's daughter.

"Some coward & idiot left this on a friend's doorstep, yesterday. This is an insult to all of us," he tweeted on April 5, attaching a photo of the vandalism, which showed swastikas drawn with maple syrup on the sidewalk of his friend's house, and a pile of feces on his doorstep.

He then Tweeted a photo of the girls, saying “Let them be famous as Jew haters.”

The three girls were then permanently expelled from their school.