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Did Democrats hack the 2008 Obama election?

Stratfor, the US-based private intelligence company, says that Senator John McCain's campaign knew that electoral fraud was going on in 2008 but chose to do nothing. What is going on now as President Obama faces changed circumstances?

By Martin Barillas, Spero News

According to emails obtained by WikiLeaks, which is led by the embattled Julian Assange, Republican Senator John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign staff allegedly had evidence that Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in Pennsylvania and Ohio on election night. However, the candidate chose not to pursue voter fraud, according to internal emails obtained from the private intelligence and analysis firm, Stratfor.

Stratfor regularly reports on geopolitics, narcotics, security and terrorism, particularly overseas. The company, which was founded by George Friedman, has high-level subscribers including at least one former U.S. Secretary of State, various foreign governments, and intelligence agencies. The U.S. Marines and the Department of Homeland Security are also customers.  In recent months, Stratfor was in the news because a still unknown party hacked the Stratfor website and obtained subscribers' names.

The internal emails in this case provided insight into Stratfor's interest in U.S. politics. In an email sent on November 7, 2008, entitled " Insight - The Dems & Dirty Tricks ** Internal Use Only - Pls Do Not Forward **," Stratfor vice president of intelligence Fred Burton wrote...

1) The black Dems were caught stuffing the ballot boxes in Philly and Ohio as reported the night of the election and Sen. McCain chose not to fight. The matter is not dead inside the party. It now becomes a matter of sequence now as to how and when to "out"...

Article from FOXNEWS