Flights at London's Gatwick Airport were suspended Monday when a plane with more than 300 passengers and crew bound for Orlando was forced to reverse course for an emergency landing after smoke was found inside the cockpit.

Passengers on the Virgin Atlantic Airways flight VS27 an Airbus A330 were evacuated from the plane via emergency slides, with some suffering from smoke inhalation. There were no injuries reported, a Gatwick spokesman said. There were 13 crew members and 299 passengers on board, Virgin Atlantic said in a statement. 

All departures and arrivals at the airport were halted amid the incident, Gatwick confirmed. Operations were not scheduled to restart before 9:00am ET.

The plane is currently resting on the runway, which is closed to air traffic.

It was not clear whether incoming fights were being diverted to other UK airports.

The incident was treated as a full emergency with fire engines dispatched to the plane, which left Gatwick shortly before 6:30am ET and had been expected in Florida at 3:35pm ET.

The incident comes three days after flights at the airport, which is one of the UK's busiest, were disrupted briefly for "safety reasons" after a hot air balloon strayed into its airspace.

NewsCore contributed to this report.