LeAnne Rimes wants to go hog wild in the worst way.

The country cutie recently made a porcine plea directed towards her hubby on Twitter. 

"Quote of the day.... 'pigs are not stupid' Trying to convince Eddie to get a mini pig. I want one," Rimes tweeted on May 7. 

Fellow animal lover Tori Spelling chimed in with a very cute picture of her pig, Hank â€" and a pointed warning, “Heres R's but didn't stay mini”

“[A]dorable!!!!!” replied an undeterred Rimes. “How much does he/she weigh [?]”

Spelling never answeredâ€"at least not on Twitter -- but Adria Johnson of Best Friends Animal Society's Piggy Paradise in Kanab, Utah told FoxNews.com that “mini” pigs can grow as large as 200 lbs.

"People go to breeders and are told that the baby pigs will grow up to weigh about 20 lbs.,” explained Johnson. “Well, pigs don't reach their full size until they're close to four years old.”

George Clooney's late pet pig, Max, tipped the scales at 300 lbs. and was “the longest relationship” of the notorious playboy's life. 

"It's strange how animals become a big part of your family,” Clooney told USA Today shortly after Max's death in 2006. “They really become a big issue with you."

Clooney wasn't kidding. 

Tamie Bagley, who recently adopted Daphne, Sprocket and Jack, tells FOXNews.com that her life now revolves around her three not-so-little pigs.

“Sprocket is 100 lbs., Daphne is 150 lbs., and Jack is 175 lbs., so they do get big,” said Bagley. “It gets a little pricey with all of the fruits and vegetables that they eatâ€"and you have to feed them several times a day. They eat apples, dried mangos, broccoli â€" and they'll eat whole bananas, skin and all. I have to get them a case of romaine lettuce every week. The pigs are a lot of work, but they're just adorable. Daphne likes to be brushed and have her belly rubbed.”

Barbara Pierson, who recently adopted a pair of potbellied pigs named Lenny and Squiggy, advised Rimes not to rush into pig parenthood. 

“You should never get an animal on a whim,” declared Pierson. “There are a lot of sanctuaries who have other people's pets because they thought they were cute in red rain boots, too.”

So if Rimes is still determined to swing with some swine, Johnson has some words of advice.

“They're not for everybody,” noted the veteran pig caretaker. “They have a history of rooting up carpet, peeling wallpaper off walls, rooting up an entire yard in one dayâ€"they open cupboards and refrigerators â€" they're just so intelligent that that they get very bored very quickly. A lot of cities and towns consider potbellied pigs to be livestock, so they may not be allowed where LeAnn lives. If you want to become a pig parent, you really have to have the right set up and you have to be aware of what you're getting yourself into.”

And if Rimes and Cibrian want to try a weekend “sleepover” with a potential pet pig, Best Friends Animal Society's Piggy Paradise is happy to help.

“If LeAnne and Eddie would like to come to the sanctuary, they could stay at one of our cottages and could take a pig for a whole weekend,” said Johnson. “We would love for them to come and visit.”