Three DEA agents are under investigation for hiring prostitutes in Cartagena, Colombia, sources tell Fox News.

The incident occurred during the same time Secret Service agents were in Colombia for President Obama's visit and allegations against the DEA came from a Secret Service agent questioned as part of that investigation, CBS News reports.

"The Drug Enforcement Administration was provided information from the Secret Service unrelated to the Cartagena hotel Secret Service incident, which DEA immediately followed up on, making DEA employees available to be interviewed by the Department of Justice's Office of Inspector General," DEA spokesman Rusty Payne said in a statement.

In April, 12 Secret Service agents were disciplined or lost their jobs following allegations that some brought back prostitutes to their Cartagena hotel rooms.

The scandal resulted in new rules for Secret Service employees, including restrictions on who is allowed in hotel rooms.

However, the DEA investigation is separate from the ongoing Secret Service one and the DEA agents have been removed from the country, sources say.