The mother of three young children abandoned in a Portland shed was found by police on Friday, a day after the kids were taken to safety.

Authorities did not immediately identify the mother or say why the boy and two girls were left in a shed next to a vacant house in southeast Portland. Lt. Robert King, a police spokesman, said investigators were questioning the mother and no other information was expected to be released Friday.

He said a tip from the public led police to the woman shortly after noon Friday. She was in Portland.

The whereabouts of the mother had been a mystery since Thursday morning, when a neighbor called authorities to report hearing voices at the vacant house that is popular with homeless people. When officers investigated, the squatters told them there were three small children there, and they had been abandoned by a woman the night before.

Another neighbor, Judy Baxter, 65, said that when police officers and social services workers arrived, they gave stuffed toys to the kids, all of whom appeared to be younger than age 4.

The youngest child, a girl Baxter estimated to be about 9 months old, was carried out of the house by an officer.

"They were sure little cuties," Baxter told The Associated Press.

"It's just so sad for the kids," she said. "I won't tell you what they need to do to her (the mother)."

Baxter is the former owner of the vacant house -- the property on which the shed is located -- and lives across from it. She sold that house in 2006.

Baxter said that Thursday morning, she saw some young people entering the gates at the unkempt house, so she called the current owner. The owner also contacted police.

"I'm just glad that I'm nosy," Baxter said.

The children were in good condition and placed in foster care, said Jodi Sherwood of the Oregon Department of Human Services told the Oregonian.