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Ron Paul may not have been a major player in tonight's primaries in Michigan and Arizona, but he promised to continue to be noisy in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination.

The congressman, speaking at a boisterous rally in Springfield, Va., addressed the fact that his campaign continues to be winless at 0-11.

"Everyone keeps asking me about winning states," said Paul. "We are winning delegates, and that's what counts."

Afterwards in an interview with CNN, the Texas congressman was more candid, saying that he wished he could have done a lot better tonight, but that he is proud of the strong support he continues to receive - especially from young people.

Paul was introduced by his son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, who joked that he's only there for a short time while the Transportation Safety Administration let him out.

As Ron Paul walked on stage, he wished his wife Carol a happy birthday.

Carol Paul, who celebrates her birthday on Feb. 29, stood next to her husband, embracing a bouquet of flowers, and smiled as the audience sang her "Happy Birthday."

The congressman quickly ran through his stump speech of ending foreign wars, protecting civil liberties, and controlling the Federal Reserve.

Paul, who sits on the House Financial Services Committee, reminded the audience that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke testifies before theƂ  committee Wednesday.

"Guess who might show up?" Paul said. "But don't count on getting any straight answers."

Paul said afterwards that his campaign will continue to focus on caucus states and selected primaries, including Virginia, where only he and Mitt Romney are on the ballot.

Paul said he will reach out to Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum supporters over the next week in an effort to defeat Mitt Romney in the state.

The congressman said the strategy will work because his message appeals to Democrats, independents, and to the Republican base.

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