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BEAVER, Pa. (AP) - Police say two teenage girls who fell asleep while sunbathing on a rural Pennsylvania road have been struck by a car.

The Beaver County Police Department tells WTAE-TV ( ) that 13-year-olds Samantha Schermanhorn and Kaylie George were hit by the vehicle Sunday afternoon.

Two of Samantha's cousins tell the station that their 19-year-old brother had stopped at a stop sign and made a turn before striking the girls with his car.

Nicole and Nicholas Beck say the girls were conscious and told them that they had fallen asleep while suntanning. The cousins say their brother was questioned by police after the crash.

The girls were airlifted to a hospital. Officials with the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh tell the station that the girls are in fair condition Sunday night.


Information from: WTAE-TV,

@RJJohnsonLA Hi R.J. Which article are you referring to?
@HistorySleuth1 Seriously, someone bring that frog a drink.
@TUBBEE72 We love that photo. Glad it wasn't hurt.

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