One of Australia's richest men Monday unveiled plans for a 21st century version of the Titanic -- with its first voyage, from England to New York, four years away.

Self-made mining billionaire Clive Palmer announced he had signed a memorandum of understanding with Chinese state-owned company CSC Jinling Shipyard to build Titanic II.

Construction would begin in China at the end of next year, with the luxurious ship -- which will share the exact dimensions as its legendary predecessor -- ready for her maiden voyage in 2016, The Australian reported.

"Titanic II will sail in the northern hemisphere and her maiden voyage from England to North America is scheduled for late 2016," Palmer said in a statement cited by AFP.

"We have invited the Chinese navy to escort Titanic II on its maiden voyage to New York."

His announcement comes just weeks after the 100th anniversary of the sinking of Titanic, which went down on April 15, 1912 after striking an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York.

Palmer said the new ship would be a tribute to the spirit of the men and women who worked on the original.

"These people produced work that is still marveled at more than 100 years later and we want that spirit to go on for another 100 years," he said.

Titanic was commissioned by White Star Line and was the largest liner in the world at the time. Palmer said he has established his own shipping company, Blue Star Line, with the new ship having the same dimensions as its predecessor, with 840 rooms and nine decks.

Asked if the ship could sink, The Australian reported, Palmer said, "Of course it will sink if you put a hole in it."

He added, "It is going to be designed so it won't sink."

"It will be designed as a modern ship with all the technology to ensure that doesn't happen. But of course if you are superstitious like you are, you never know what could happen."

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