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Murdoch and Brooks in London on July 10, 2011. (AP)

Rebekah Brooks, the former News of the World editor and News International chief was among six people arrested Tuesday in the U.K.'s ongoing phone-hacking investigation.

Brooks was also arrested in July shortly after news of the phone-hacking scandal broke. She was reportedly taken into custody at her Oxfordshire, England, home along with her husband.

News International did not immediately return a request seeking comment.

The Metropolitan police said they arrested a total of six people on "suspicion of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice," part of the Met's Operation Weeting investigation. According to London's Guardian, all six are currently being interviewed.

In July, Brooks was held for 48 hours before her release. Police questioned her but did not charge her with a crime at the time.

"A number of addresses connected to the arrests are being searched," Scotland Yard said in a statement. "Today's operation follows consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service."

A total of 23 people have been arrested since the phone-hacking investigation began last year.

Last month, James Murdoch-son of News Corp. chairman Rupert Murdoch-stepped down as head of News International, renewing speculation that he, too, could be arrested in the case. But Murdoch, who relocated to New York earlier this year, was not among the five men arrested Tuesday.

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